
Introducing AXIOM: The Axis Object Model

2006-08-02 Introducing AXIOM: The Axis Object Model http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2005/05/10/axiom.html Introduction XML has become one of the major technologies used today for business integra ...
bulain 评论(0) 有1134人浏览 2006-08-02 09:48


在hibernate 类ThreadLocalSessionContext中有两段source code public final Session currentSession(); throws HibernateException { Session current = existingSession( factory );; if (current == null); { ...
sctom123 评论(0) 有1298人浏览 2006-07-03 13:59

存储过程(Stored Procedures)编写规范

编写格式(个人的编程习惯)。良好的习惯有助于日后的维护, 欢迎添加, 修改. 文件名命名规则: 文件名: xxx_web_rp_Hotel_info.sql xxx 公司名 web  这存储过程在WEB 中运用, 如MIS 中用, 刚用MIS. rp   为存储过程功能, rp,为选出操作, ip为插入操作, dp为删除操作. Hotel_Info 为具体信息. 例子: 如MIS 要用一个从Ro ...
anthonywang 评论(0) 有2174人浏览 2006-06-22 12:01

Handling Errors Using Exceptions

Everyone tries to avoid them, but it's an unfortunate fact: Errors occur in software programs. However, if you handle errors properly, you'll greatly improve programs' readability, reliability and main ...
crownquartz 评论(0) 有1039人浏览 2006-05-16 21:11


返回到前一页不刷新 <input type="button" value="返回" onClick="history.go(-1)"> 返回到前一页并刷新 <%String ref = request.getHeader("REFERER");response.sendRedi ...
pearson 评论(0) 有1885人浏览 2005-11-15 20:36

sql 树形

参照上述文章: 我设计了一个表:引用if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[TEST]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[TEST] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TEST] ( [TES ...
sctom123 评论(0) 有1656人浏览 2005-08-05 14:23


今天解决了两问题,都是在javaworld.com.tw上得到解答的。 一个是困扰我比较久的关于loggin中FileHandler的问题,怎样才能将产生的所有日志都记录在一个文件中,我过去的方法比较笨,在各个类中传递Handler,今天才知道比较好的方式是利用Logger的阶层的概念 package logger; import java.io.IOException; import ja ...
dodoflying 评论(0) 有1031人浏览 2005-01-18 22:54


开始约会making an appointment ★Dou you mind if I call on you tomorrow?(我明天拜访你,你不建议吧!) Call on=to visit someone访问;拜访(某人) He called on me last Sunday.(他上星期天来看过我) ★Do you think you could come to my home tomor ...
bruce 评论(1) 有2506人浏览 2005-01-03 08:35


canoo是ant 的扩展包,写测试文件和写 build文件一样。 示例: <invoke stepid="get Login Page" url="/"/> <verifytitle stepid="we should see the login title"     text="${ ...
wenic705 评论(0) 有1209人浏览 2004-09-28 16:52


使用的时候像这样: <form action="<%=request.getContextPath();%>/pageAction.do" name ="hello" method="post" > <test:pager formName="hello"/> </form& ...
xmx0632 评论(0) 有1533人浏览 2004-08-09 15:52


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