
swing 借鉴

首先是要有一定的Java基础, 入门我推荐的是sun网站上的JFC tutorial java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/index.html">http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/index.html 入门之后的书籍呢? 中文的比较经典,比较系统的Swing书籍是 ...
baitian 评论(0) 有1889人浏览 2007-03-18 17:23

Design Consideration

1. Reqirements? Use case diagrams 2. Choosing application tiers: web-centric design, ejb-centric design In a Web-centric design, Web tier components using container services such as the JDBC API can co ...
willpower 评论(0) 有787人浏览 2007-03-13 18:20

Comparing Struts 1 and 2

<script> var show = document.getElementById('show'); var hide = document.getElementById('hide'); var versionComment = document.getElementById('versionComment'); functio ...
willpower 评论(0) 有806人浏览 2007-03-12 13:21

event-driven system

An Architecture for Highly Concurrent Well-Conditioned Internet Services.pdf SEDA 项目的相关论文 Page26 The use of helper processes in Flash and Harvest underscores the occasional need for an event-driven s ...
iunknown 评论(0) 有2715人浏览 2007-03-07 17:46

Rich Domain Model

The discussion started with Martin's post: http://www.martinfowler.com/bliki/AnemicDomainModel.html. The common reasons I've seen why we have anemic model are: Most cases are simple db-to-web, w ...
jellyfish 评论(0) 有1024人浏览 2007-03-04 12:44

Java enums in JDK 1.4

Constantly, we need to define enums. In Java 1.5, there is also a keyword. However, in JDK 1.4, we are out of the luck and have to come up something to simulate enums. The motivation for enums is to a ...
jellyfish 评论(0) 有1757人浏览 2007-03-04 05:59

Singletons and lazy loading(转载onjava)

Probably the first design pattern that every software developer learns is Singleton and lazy loading of Singleton classes. The usual example, goes something like this: public class Singleton { static ...
zhoulf 评论(0) 有1057人浏览 2007-02-26 15:06

各 Ruby VM Performance 比較

Antonio Cangiano 發表了一篇大作 Ruby Implementations Shootout: Ruby vs Yarv vs JRuby vs Gardens Point Ruby .NET vs Rubinius vs Cardinal。裡面比較了 Ruby on Linux,Ruby on Windows,Yarv ...
thegiive 评论(0) 有2402人浏览 2007-02-22 03:47

[链接] Top 10 Ruby on Rails performance tips

http://www.antoniocangiano.com/articles/2007/02/10/top-10-ruby-on-rails-performance-tips 这是一篇关于提高RoR应用性能的文章,提高RoR性能有两个途径,一个是服务器端配置,一个是在Rails这一块的调整,此文侧重于后者。主要的内容包括: 1- 在Ruby代码级别采用更优的方案; 2- 充分利用缓存; 3- ...
sean_gao 评论(7) 有3948人浏览 2007-02-11 12:51

Data abstraction - universal/dynamic data structure

Recently, I read two articles about data holders, search the key word 元数据、开放数据模型及动态系统. The scenario is that constantly we need to change the data fields, e.g., add/delete some fields. This task is tedi ...
jellyfish 评论(0) 有1086人浏览 2007-02-09 04:37


FROM:http://www.cnblogs.com/jeasonzhao/archive/2006/07/12/448638.html  通过这份由 IBM 的 Eclipse 开发人员和爱好者为开发人员编纂的阅读清单了解 Eclipse。 简介 此清单 ...
macrochen 评论(3) 有2245人浏览 2007-02-08 17:06


读R4R,才读完第2章,前两章没什么新内容,算是复习吧 rails的lifecycle: 从浏览器发起一个请求的基本流程: A.server to dispatcher 服务器通过你指定的路径查找dispatcher,比如,你在apache配置: <VirtualHost www.r4rmusic.com>ServerName www.r4rmusic.comServ ...
dennis_zane 评论(0) 有1927人浏览 2007-02-06 13:37


Tom(Thomas Kyte) 说的: Concepts   |   New Features   _________________|_______________   |  |   Developer  DBA   Application  Backup & Recovery Dev Guide(Fundamentals)  Concepts   |  | PL/SQL User Gu ...
mooncui 评论(0) 有1810人浏览 2007-02-01 15:38

T-Sql VS SQL CLR性能分析

Wallace B. McClure日前发表了一篇blog《TSql vs. SQL CLR Performance Analysis》,讨论了在SQL Server2005平台上,就功能实现如何在T-Sql和SQL CLR之间进行取舍。 Wallace B. McClure说,就他个人意见来说,如果能够通过T-SQL实现的功能,还是尽量以T-SQL实现为佳。 但是一个普遍性的问题在于,在SQL S ...
geniusleft 评论(0) 有1837人浏览 2006-12-28 07:34

What's new in coming AIOTrade release

After one and half month developing, the next release of AIOTrade is on the road. Here is the new features and improvements in the coming release: Charting performance was improved a lot. ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1006人浏览 2006-11-09 21:06

What's new in coming AIOTrade release

After one and half month developing, the next release of AIOTrade is on the road. Here is the new features and improvements in the coming release: Charting performance was improved a lot. Added an i ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1037人浏览 2006-11-09 13:06

Way To Going

Recently I got some messages that worried about the way to go for AIOTrade project, as eneratom posted in sf.net forum. Good question, as I am also thinking about it. Although the initial motivation ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有1176人浏览 2006-10-21 20:46

Way To Going

Recently I got some messages that worried about the way to go for AIOTrade project, as eneratom posted in sf.net forum. Good question, as I am also thinking about it. Although the initial motivation ...
dcaoyuan 评论(0) 有903人浏览 2006-10-21 20:46


由boost网络库说起... 文末这篇Email是2006-03-22的,而今天已经2006-8-5日了,我看到asio的soureforge的主页上说. 20 June 2006 - asio version 0.3.7 (development) released. This release includes major interface changes arising out of the ...
zuroc 评论(0) 有5227人浏览 2006-08-05 23:45

TheServerSide.com's 4th annual Java Symposium --Schedule

Schedule At a Glance Wednesday, March 22 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Registration and information desk opens Thursday, March 23 8:00 am - 8:50 am Continental breakfast and vendor networking 8:50 am ...
lgcpeter 评论(0) 有1143人浏览 2005-12-24 02:45


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