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为什么要用maven - 1

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cyberblue 写道

1. 有些项目已经积重难返,谁也搞不清楚里面哪些库有用哪些库没用,甚至一些已经没有人再维护的库还在用。
2. 程序员日用品化,员工换了一茬又一茬,留下了大量连架构师都搞不清楚的架构。
3. 大部分项目被IDE绑架,离了eclipse根本没法跑起来,为何Oracle拼命支持Maven?就是要打破eclipse的垄断
4. 某些在Build过程中需要调用脚本的项目,要迁移到Maven上还是离不开ant
5. “现在不是能用么?为什么还要用Maven?”



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gigix 写道
ltian 写道
gigix 写道


Maven has a lot of very poor conventions.

The conventions work if you follow them exactly and if you project is suited to being constrained by those conventions. Every single enterprise web project I have ever worked on has not fit into those conventions.
This means you end up having to 'hack' into the conventions to get the behaviour you want ( add a performance test run as part of the 'functional' tests for example ).

Also the conventions are poorly explained and poorly documented, especially when you start using plugins. The result is a mess that is only comprehensible to a maven 'expert'. The cost of writing the basic build functionality yourself so that you have build system that is traceable without knowledge of obscure maven magic is more than worth it IMHO.

If is for these reasons that we have rippend Maven out of a lot of projects over the years.

Buildr looks like it allows you to drop down Ant or Ruby if you need to which sounds promising - I would still need convincing that it adds enough benefit to be worthwhile. Be wary of tools that make the easy stuff trivial, and the hard stuff harder.

基本上,我对Maven的态度就是这样:如果一个项目已经在用它,fine,我不介意;如果还没有开始用,嗯,there must be something better than it given the fact it has been there for over 8 years.

oh...guru...u'r soooo right...
this is exactly wut is happening to my team... I hate maven poor conventions...
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