only human
一升的眼泪主题曲《Only Human》
悲(かな)しみの向(む)こう岸(きし)に 微笑(ほほえみ)があると言(い)うよ
听说在那悲伤的彼岸 有着微笑的存在
たどり着(つ)くその先(さき)には 何(なに)が僕(ぼく)らを待(ま)ってる?
究竟好不容易到达的前方 有什么在等着我
逃(に)げるためじゃなく 夢追(ゆめお)うために
不是为了逃避 而是为了追寻梦想
旅(たび)に出(て)たはずさ 遠(とう)い夏(なつ)のあの日(ひ)
旅行已然开始 在那遥远夏天的那一日
明日(あした)さえ見(み)えたなら ため息(いき)もうないけど
如果连明天都能看见 那么也便不会再叹息
今(いま)は 前(まえ)へ進(すす)め
苦(くる)しみの尽(つ)きた場所(ばしょう)に 幸(しあわ)せが待(ま)つというよ
听说悲伤的尽头 有幸福在等待
僕(ぼく)はまだ探(さが)している 季節(きせつ)はずれの向日葵(ひまわり)
我依然在寻找 那四季尽开的向日葵
こぶし握(にぎ)り締(し)め 朝日(あさひ)を待(ま)ってば
紧紧握住双拳 等待朝阳的升起
赤(あか)い爪(つね)あとに 涙(なみだ) キラリ 落(お)ちる
沿着红色的指痕 泪水闪动而下
孤独(こどく)にも慣(な)れたなら 月明(つきあ)かり頼(たよ)りに
若是已习惯与孤独 就沐浴在月光中吧
もっと 前(あえ)へ進(すす)め
雨雲(あめくも)が切(き)れたなら 濡(ぬ)れた道(みち) 輝(かかや)く
当雨云消散 湿润的道路闪出光辉
強(つよ)い 強い 光(ひかり)
強(つよ)く 前(まえ)へ進(すす)め
In many regions, water scarcity has become a severe threat, affecting not only human health but also economic development and environmental sustainability. To address this issue, we need to adopt a ...
例如:“She may be late, but after all, she is only human.”(她可能会迟到,但她毕竟只是个普通人。) 3. **ahead of**:表示在时间或位置上的提前,可以是“在...之前”或“提前”。例如:“We finished the ...
歌曲如「Only Human」、「Spring」、「Love Song」等也可以帮助提升语言的听力理解和情感表达能力。 最后,平假名「さ(sa)」和「し(shi)」的发音需注意,「さ」的罗马音通常写作'sha'或'shi',而「し」的发音...
It's the only book written for undergraduates that consistently stays at that level. Providing thorough and detailed coverage, the text equips students with a solid understanding of digestion, ...
able actions, children that are only partially visible, have different ages and may show unpredictable behaviour, as well as non-standard camera viewpoints. We investigate how state-of-the-art 3d ...
a human with not only the physical structure, but also the intelligence and even personality. In the early era, people often remotely manipulated material via a so-called teleoperator as well as to do...
Speech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech. A computer system used for this purpose is called a speech synthesizer, and can be implemented in software or hardware. A text-to-speech ...
更先进的模型,如YOLO(You Only Look Once)和SSD(Single Shot MultiBox Detector),能实现快速且准确的目标检测。 3. **特征提取**:在计算机视觉中,特征提取是从原始图像中抽取有意义的信息,如边缘、颜色、...
The eye plays an important role in our life, not only for seeing objects in the surrounding world, but also for reading letters, viewing paintings, photographs, films, etc. The visual acuity of the ...
By adopting a comprehensive approach, companies can better identify individuals who not only excel in exams but also possess the broader range of skills and attributes necessary for long-term success....
Yolov8是YOLO(You Only Look Once)系列目标检测算法的一个版本,优化了前几代的性能,用于快速准确地在图像中识别出目标物体,如人。 描述中提到的"博客地址"提供了一个详细的教程,讲述了如何在C#环境下利用ONNX...
"a landmark book in the field of network and system ... It is the only book I know that covers the 'science' underpinning systems administration." Professor Morris Sloman, Imperial College London, UK
reads only the code, while the human concentrates on the comments. Good style pertains to both parts of a program. Well-designed, well-written code not only makes effective use of the com- puter, it ...
在更深入的技术层面上,"MR.HumanDetect"可能采用了深度学习模型,如YOLO(You Only Look Once)、SSD(Single Shot MultiBox Detector)或 Faster R-CNN等,这些模型在训练后能够高效地在图像数据中检测出人体。...
Human-like passive machines, however have only operated in two dimensions (i.e. within the fore-aft or sagittal plane). 3D passive walking devices, mostly toys, have not had human-like motions but ...
interdisciplinary framework called "android science." This framework combines insights from robotics and cognitive science to create robots that are not only physically human-like but also capable of ...
If a manufacturer engages in only some operations subject to the requirements in this part, and not in others, that manufacturer need only comply with those requirements applicable to the operations ...
These researches not only intended to create humanoid robots, great part of them constituting autonomous systems, but also, in some way, to offer a higher knowledge of the systems that form the human ...
to changes in precipitation and potential evapotranspiration only ranged from 7 to 11%. For the various effects at different durations, human activities were the main reasons runoff decreased ...