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HowTo: Create a list of installed packages

HowTo: Create a list of installed packages

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I found out how to do this recently and thought it might be helpful to some people. To output this information to a file in your home directory you would use,

dpkg --get-selections > installed-software
And if you wanted to use the list to reinstall this software on a fresh ubuntu setup,

dpkg --set-selections < installed-software
followed by



    Installed Packages.zip

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    Laravel开发-installedpackages 已安装lasallecms包。

    R Packages

    to use Rmarkdown and knitr to create vignettes with a minimum of fuss. Chapter 7, Testing To ensure your package works as designed (and continues to work as you make changes), it’s essential to write...


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    Sublime text 是通过package control来对插件进行安装和卸载 ...3、将 Package Control.sublime-package 文件复制到 Packages 目录中(注:在其他版本是Installed Packages目录) 4、重启 Sublime Text


    In the process, you’ll work with devtools, roxygen, and testthat, a set of R packages that automate common development tasks. Devtools encapsulates best practices that Hadley has learned from years ...

    Python库 | installed_packages_diff-3.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl

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    You can also run the search command without arguments to see the full list of packages. Installing is then as simple as using the install command. PS D:\src\vcpkg&gt; .\vcpkg install sqlite3 -- ...

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    Package Control.sublime-package

    1.点击Preferences&gt;BrowsePackages菜单 2.进入打开的目录的上层目录,然后再进入Installed Packages/目录 3.下载Package Control.sublime-package并复制到Installed Packages/目录 4.重启SublimeText。

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    The examples illustrate many packages from the standard library and show how to create new ones of your own. Later chapters explain the package mechanism in more detail, and how to build, test, and ...

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