






在C语言中,在程序开始运行时,系统自动打开3个标准文件:标准输入、 标准输出、标准出错输出。通常这3个文件都与终端相联系。因此,以前我们所用到的从终端输入或输出都不需要打开终端文件。系统自定义了3个文件指针stdin、stdout、stderr,分别指向终端输入、终端输出和标准出错输出(也从终端输出)。






#include <stdio.h>

int main()
        int a = 0;
        char szTmp[100] = {0};
                fprintf(stdout, "please input a:\n");
                fscanf(stdin, "%d", &a);
                fprintf(stdout, "a=%d\n", a);

                fprintf(stdout, "please input szTmp:\n");
                fscanf(stdin, "%s", szTmp);
                fprintf(stdout, "szTmp:%s\n", szTmp);
                fprintf(stderr, "input error!");

        return 0;


g++ -o a a.cpp



please input a:



please input szTmp:







FILE * stdin;

Standard input stream

The standard input stream is the default source of data for applications. It is usually directed to the input device of the standard console (generally, a keyboard).

stdin can be used as an argument for any function that expects an input stream as one of its parameters, like fgets or fscanf.

Although it is generally safe to assume that the source of data for stdin is going to be a keyboard, bear in mind that this may not be the case even in regular console systems, since stdin can be redirected at the operating system level. For example, many systems, among them DOS/Windows and most UNIX shells, support the following command syntax:

myapplication < example.txt

to use the content of the file example.txt as the primary source of data for myapplication instead of the console keyboard.

It is also possible to redirect stdin to some other source of data from within a program using the freopen function.




FILE * stdout;

Standard output stream

The standard output stream is the default destination of regular output for applications. It is usually directed to the output device of the standard console (generally, the screen).

stdout can be used as an argument for any function that expects an output stream as one of its parameters, like fputs or fprintf.

Although it is generally safe to assume that the default destination for stdout is going to be the screen, bear in mind that this may not be the case even in regular console systems, since stdout can be redirected at the operating system level. For example, many systems, among them DOS/Windows and most UNIX shells, support the following command syntax:

myapplication > example.txt

to redirect the output of myapplication to the file example.txt instead of the screen.

It is also possible to redirect stdout to some other source of data from within a program using the freopen function.




FILE * stderr;

Standard error stream

The standard error stream is the default destination for error messages and other diagnostic warnings. Like stdout, it is usually also directed to the output device of the standard console (generally, the screen).

stderr can be used as an argument for any function that expects an output stream as one of its parameters, like fputs or fprintf.

Although generally both stdout and stderr are associated with the same console output, applications may differentiate between what is sent to stdout and what to stderrfor the case that one of them is redirected. For example, it is frequent to redirect the regular output of a console program (stdout) to a file while expecting the error messages to keep appearing in the console screen.

It is also possible to redirect stderr to some other destination from within a program using the freopen function.




void perror ( const char * str );

Print error message

Interprets the value of the global variable errno into a string and prints that string to stderr (standard error output stream, usually the screen), optionaly preceding it with the custom message specified in str.

errno is an integral variable whose value describes the last error produced by a call to a library function. The error strings produced by perror depend on the developing platform and compiler.

If the parameter str is not a null pointer, str is printed followed by a colon (:) and a space. Then, whether str was a null pointer or not, the generated error description is printed followed by a newline character ('\n').

perror should be called right after the error was produced, otherwise it can be overwritten in calls to other functions.



C string containing a custom message to be printed before the error message itself.

If it is a null pointer, no preceding custom message is printed, but the error message is printed anyway.

By convention, the name of the application itself is generally used as parameter.





    [例10.3]把命令行参数中的前一个文件名标识的文件, 复制到后一个文件名标识的文件中, 如命令行中只有一个文件名则把该文件写到标准输出文件(显示器)中。 #include main(int argc,char *argv[]) { FILE *fp1,*fp2; ...


    10.2 标准流 370 10.3 键盘输入 371 10.3.1 格式化键盘输入 371 10.3.2 输入格式控制字符串 372 10.3.3 输入格式字符串中的字符 377 10.3.4 输入浮点数的各种变化 378 10.3.5 读取十六进制和八进制值 379 ...




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    难道在C语言中一个结构不能包含指向自己的指针吗? . . . . 3 1.7 怎样建立和理解非常复杂的声明?例如定义一个包含N 个指向返 回指向字符的指针的函数的指针的数组? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.8 函数只定义...

    C语言FAQ 常见问题列表

    难道在C语言中一个结构不能包含指向自己的指针吗? o 2.7 怎样建立和理解非常复杂的声明?例如定义一个包含 N 个指向返回指向字符的指针的函数的指针的数组? o 2.8 函数只定义了一次, 调用了一次, 但编译器提示...



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    c语言设计Brian W. Kernighan Dennis M. Ritchie

    7.1 标准输入输出 7.2 格式输出—printf函数 7.3 变长变元表 7.4 格式输入—scanf函数 7.5 文件访问 7.6 错误处理—stderr和exit函数 7.7 行输入输出 7.8 其他函数 7.8.1 字符串处理函数 7.8.2 字符类测试...


    6.5在输入输出流中查找 6.6strstreams 6.6.1为用户分配的存储 6.6.2自动存储分配 6.7输出流格式化 6.7.1内部格式化数据 6.7.2例子 6.8格式化操纵算子 6.9建立操纵算子 6.10输入输出流实例 6.10.1代码生成 6.10.2一个...

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    13.第十三章 文件.txt



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