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yui3:widget 例子_widget-extend


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<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Extending the Base Widget Class</title>

<style type="text/css">
/*margin and padding on body element
  can introduce errors in determining
  element position and are not recommended;
  we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
  CSS treatments. */
body {

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../../build/cssfonts/fonts-min.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../build/yui/yui-min.js"></script>

<!--begin custom header content for this example-->
<style type="text/css">
    .yui3-js-enabled .yui3-spinner-loading {

    .yui3-spinner-hidden {

    .yui3-spinner {

    .yui3-spinner-content {

    .yui3-spinner-value {
        border:1px solid #000;

    .yui3-spinner-increment, .yui3-spinner-decrement {
        border:1px solid #999;

    .yui3-spinner-increment {
        background:#ddd url(assets/arrows.png) no-repeat 50% 0px;

     .yui3-spinner-decrement {
        background:#ddd url(assets/arrows.png) no-repeat 50% -20px;

    #widget-extend-example {

    #widget-extend-example .hint {

<!--end custom header content for this example-->


<body class="yui3-skin-sam  yui-skin-sam">

<h1>Extending the Base Widget Class</h1>

<div class="exampleIntro">
	This example shows how to extend the base <code>Widget</code> class to create a simple, re-usable spinner control. The <code>Spinner</code> class created in the example is not intended to be a fully featured spinner. It is used here as a concrete example, to convey some of the key concepts to keep in mind when extending the <code>Widget</code> class.

<!--BEGIN SOURCE CODE FOR EXAMPLE =============================== -->
<div id="widget-extend-example">
    A basic spinner widget: <input type="text" id="numberField" class="yui3-spinner-loading" value="20" />

<script type="text/javascript">
YUI({ filter: 'raw' }).use("event-key", "widget", function(Y) {

    var Lang = Y.Lang,
        Widget = Y.Widget,
        Node = Y.Node;

    /* Spinner class constructor Spinner类构造函数 */
    function Spinner(config) {
        Spinner.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

     * Required NAME static field, to identify the Widget class and 
     * used as an event prefix, to generate class names etc. (set to the 
     * class name in camel case). 
    Spinner.NAME = "spinner";

     * The attribute configuration for the Spinner widget. Attributes can be
     * defined with default values, get/set functions and validator functions
     * as with any other class extending Base.
	 * 属性配置,get/set函数,validator函数
    Spinner.ATTRS = {
        // The minimum value for the spinner.
        min : {

        // The maximum value for the spinner.
        max : {

        // The current value of the spinner.
        value : {
            validator: function(val) {
                return this._validateValue(val);

        // Amount to increment/decrement the spinner when the buttons or arrow up/down keys are pressed.
        minorStep : {

        // Amount to increment/decrement the spinner when the page up/down keys are pressed.
        majorStep : {

        // override default ("null"), required for focus()
        tabIndex: {
            value: 0

        // The strings for the spinner UI. This attribute is 
        // defined by the base Widget class but has an empty value. The
        // spinner is simply providing a default value for the attribute.
        strings: {
            value: {
                tooltip: "这里是提示信息:Press the arrow up/down keys for minor increments, page up/down for major increments...",
                increment: "Increment",
                decrement: "Decrement"

    /* Static constant used to identify the classname applied to the spinners value field */
	/* 静态常量被用来标识应用于spinner值域的class */
	// 产生一个类名: "yui3-spinner-button"
	//Spinner.BUTTON_TEMPLATE = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName(Spinner.NAME, "button");
    Spinner.INPUT_CLASS = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName(Spinner.NAME, "value");

    /* Static constants used to define the markup templates used to create Spinner DOM elements */
    Spinner.INPUT_TEMPLATE = '<input type="text" class="' + Spinner.INPUT_CLASS + '">';
    Spinner.BTN_TEMPLATE = '<button type="button"></button>';

     * The HTML_PARSER static constant is used by the Widget base class to populate 
     * the configuration for the spinner instance from markup already on the page.
     * The Spinner class attempts to set the value of the spinner widget if it
     * finds the appropriate input element on the page.
    Spinner.HTML_PARSER = {
        value: function (srcNode) {
            var val = parseInt(srcNode.get("value")); 
            return Y.Lang.isNumber(val) ? val : null;

    /* Spinner extends the base Widget class 继承base Widget类 */
    Y.extend(Spinner, Widget, {

         * initializer is part of the lifecycle introduced by 
         * the Widget class. It is invoked during construction,
         * and can be used to setup instance specific state.
         * The Spinner class does not need to perform anything
         * specific in this method, but it is left in as an example.
        initializer: function() {
            // Not doing anything special during initialization

         * destructor is part of the lifecycle introduced by 
         * the Widget class. It is invoked during destruction,
         * and can be used to cleanup instance specific state.
         * The spinner cleans up any node references it's holding
         * onto. The Widget classes destructor will purge the 
         * widget's bounding box of event listeners, so spinner 
         * only needs to clean up listeners it attaches outside of 
         * the bounding box.
        destructor : function() {

            this.inputNode = null;
            this.incrementNode = null;
            this.decrementNode = null;

         * renderUI is part of the lifecycle introduced by the
         * Widget class. Widget's renderer method invokes:
         *     renderUI()
         *     bindUI()
         *     syncUI()
         * renderUI is intended to be used by the Widget subclass
         * to create or insert new elements into the DOM. 
         * For spinner the method adds the input (if it's not already 
         * present in the markup), and creates the inc/dec buttons
        renderUI : function() {

         * bindUI is intended to be used by the Widget subclass 
         * to bind any event listeners which will drive the Widget UI.
         * It will generally bind event listeners for attribute change
         * events, to update the state of the rendered UI in response 
         * to attribute value changes, and also attach any DOM events,
         * to activate the UI.
         * For spinner, the method:
         * - Sets up the attribute change listener for the "value" attribute
		 * - 设置value属性改变监听器
         * - Binds key listeners for the arrow/page keys
         * - Binds mouseup/down listeners on the boundingBox, document respectively.
         * - Binds a simple change listener on the input box.
		 *这些事件监听器一般监听属性的change 事件,响应属性值的变化,改变UI的状态。
        bindUI : function() {
            this.after("valueChange", this._afterValueChange);

            var boundingBox = this.get("boundingBox");

            // Looking for a key event which will fire continously across browsers while the key is held down. 38, 40 = arrow up/down, 33, 34 = page up/down
            var keyEventSpec = (!Y.UA.opera) ? "down:" : "press:";
            keyEventSpec += "38, 40, 33, 34";

            // 绑定键盘事件
			Y.on("key", Y.bind(this._onDirectionKey, this), boundingBox, keyEventSpec);
			// 绑定鼠标事件
            Y.on("mousedown", Y.bind(this._onMouseDown, this), boundingBox);
			// 设置鼠标按住上下箭头按钮时,加减数值的快慢。
            this._documentMouseUpHandle = Y.on("mouseup", Y.bind(this._onDocMouseUp, this), boundingBox.get("ownerDocument"));
            Y.on("change", Y.bind(this._onInputChange, this), this.inputNode);

         * syncUI is intended to be used by the Widget subclass to
         * update the UI to reflect the current state of the widget.
         * For spinner, the method sets the value of the input field,
         * to match the current state of the value attribute.
        syncUI : function() {

         * Creates the input control for the spinner and adds it to
         * the widget's content box, if not already in the markup.
		 *<input type="text" id="numberField" class="yui3-spinner-loading" value="20" />
		 *所以,spinner widget会以此作为boundingBox。
        _renderInput : function() {
            var contentBox = this.get("contentBox"),
                input = contentBox.one("." + Spinner.INPUT_CLASS),
                strings = this.get("strings");

            if (!input) {
                input = Node.create(Spinner.INPUT_TEMPLATE);

            input.set("title", strings.tooltip);
            this.inputNode = input;

         * Creates the button controls for the spinner and add them to
         * the widget's content box, if not already in the markup.
        _renderButtons : function() {
            var contentBox = this.get("contentBox"),
                strings = this.get("strings");

            var inc = this._createButton(strings.increment, this.getClassName("increment"));
            var dec = this._createButton(strings.decrement, this.getClassName("decrement"));

            this.incrementNode = contentBox.appendChild(inc);
            this.decrementNode = contentBox.appendChild(dec);

         * Utility method, to create a spinner button
        _createButton : function(text, className) {

            var btn = Y.Node.create(Spinner.BTN_TEMPLATE);
            btn.set("innerHTML", text);
            btn.set("title", text);

            return btn;

         * Bounding box mouse down handler. Will determine if the mouse down
         * is on one of the spinner buttons, and increment/decrement the value
         * accordingly.
         * The method also sets up a timer, to support the user holding the mouse
         * down on the spinner buttons. The timer is cleared when a mouse up event
         * is detected.
        _onMouseDown : function(e) {
            var node = e.target,
                handled = false,
                currVal = this.get("value"),
                minorStep = this.get("minorStep");

            if (node.hasClass(this.getClassName("increment"))) {
                this.set("value", currVal + minorStep);
                dir = 1;
                handled = true;
            } else if (node.hasClass(this.getClassName("decrement"))) {
                this.set("value", currVal - minorStep);
                dir = -1;
                handled = true;

            if (handled) {
                this._setMouseDownTimers(dir, minorStep);

         * Override the default content box value, since we don't want the srcNode
         * to be the content box for spinner.
		 * 页面上的一个节点。在创建widget时,如果需要渐进增强地使用页面中的标签代码,开发者需要提供这个节点
        _defaultCB : function() {
            return null;

         * Document mouse up handler. Clears the timers supporting
         * the "mouse held down" behavior.
        _onDocMouseUp : function(e) {

         * Bounding box Arrow up/down, Page up/down key listener.
         * Increments/Decrement the spinner value, based on the key pressed.
        _onDirectionKey : function(e) {


            var currVal = this.get("value"),
                newVal = currVal,
                minorStep = this.get("minorStep"),
                majorStep = this.get("majorStep");

            switch (e.charCode) {
                case 38:
                    newVal += minorStep;
                case 40:
                    newVal -= minorStep;
                case 33:
                    newVal += majorStep;
                    newVal = Math.min(newVal, this.get("max"));
                case 34:
                    newVal -= majorStep;
                    newVal = Math.max(newVal, this.get("min"));

            if (newVal !== currVal) {
                this.set("value", newVal);

         * Simple change handler, to make sure user does not input an invalid value
        _onInputChange : function(e) {
            if (!this._validateValue(this.inputNode.get("value"))) {

         * Initiates mouse down timers, to increment slider, while mouse button
         * is held down
        _setMouseDownTimers : function(dir, step) {
            this._mouseDownTimer = Y.later(500, this, function() {
                this._mousePressTimer = Y.later(100, this, function() {
                    this.set("value", this.get("value") + (dir * step));
                }, null, true)

         * Clears timers used to support the "mouse held down" behavior
        _clearMouseDownTimers : function() {
            if (this._mouseDownTimer) {
                this._mouseDownTimer = null;
            if (this._mousePressTimer) {
                this._mousePressTimer = null;

         * value attribute change listener. Updates the 
         * value in the rendered input box, whenever the 
         * attribute value changes.
        _afterValueChange : function(e) {

         * Updates the value of the input box to reflect 
         * the value passed in
        _uiSetValue : function(val) {
            this.inputNode.set("value", val);

         * value attribute default validator. Verifies that
         * the value being set lies between the min/max value
        _validateValue: function(val) {
            var min = this.get("min"),
                max = this.get("max");

            return (Lang.isNumber(val) && val >= min && val <= max);

    // Create a new Spinner instance, drawing it's 
    // starting value from an input field already on the 
    // page (the #numberField text box)
    var spinner = new Spinner({
        srcNode: "#numberField",

<!--END SOURCE CODE FOR EXAMPLE =============================== -->



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