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flash Tooltip类

package com.flepstudio.text
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.events.*;
    import flash.text.*;
     * ToolTip is a ValueObject for the FlepStudio API.
     * This class produces a tooltip advice on mouse rollover
     * @author Filippo Lughi
     * @version Actionscript 3.0
    public class ToolTip extends MovieClip
        private var _bg_color:uint;
        private var _text_color:uint;
        private var _text_size:int;
        private var _font:String;
        private var _tool_text:String;
        private var _field_txt:TextField;
        private var _alpha_color:Number;
        private var ratio:int=10;
        private var holder_mc:MovieClip;
        private var bg_mc:MovieClip;
        private var father:MovieClip;
         * Construct a new ToolTip instance
         * @param        .bc        uint         -- background color
         * @param        .tc            uint         -- text color
         * @param        .ts            int            -- text size
         * @param        .f            String        -- the font to use
         * @param        .tt            String        -- text of the tooltip
         * @param        .n            Number     -- alpha of background color
        public function ToolTip(bc:uint,tc:uint,ts:int,f:String,tt:String,n:Number)
         * Background color
        public function get bg_color():uint
            return _bg_color;
        public function set bg_color(c:uint):void
         * Text color
        public function get text_color():uint
            return _text_color;
        public function set text_color(c:uint):void
         * Text size
        public function get text_size():int
            return _text_size;
        public function set text_size(n:int):void
         * The font
        public function get font():String
            return _font;
        public function set font(s:String):void
         * The text
        public function get tool_text():String
            return _tool_text;
        public function set tool_text(s:String):void
         * The text
        public function get field_txt():TextField
            return _field_txt;
        public function set field_txt(t:TextField):void
         * The alpha color
        public function get alpha_color():Number
            return _alpha_color;
        public function set alpha_color(n:Number):void
         * Init the class
         * @param        .evt                Event
        private function init(evt:Event):void
            father=parent as MovieClip;
         * Container MovieClip creation
        private function createHolder():void
            holder_mc=new MovieClip();
         * TextField tooltip creation
        private function createTextField():void
            field_txt=new TextField();
            field_txt.htmlText=tool_text+"  ";
         * Get a text format
         * @return                                TextFormat                the textfield's format of tooltip
        private function getFormat():TextFormat
            var format:TextFormat=new TextFormat();
            return format;
         * Background MovieClip creation
        private function createBackground():void
            bg_mc=new MovieClip();
         * Position the tooltip
        private function fixPosition():void
            if(father.mouseX  <  stage.stageWidth/2)
            if(father.mouseY  <  stage.stageHeight/2)
         * Init fade-in section of tooltip
        private function fadeIn():void
         * Fade-in of tooltip
         * @param        .evt                Event
        private function fadeInToolTip(evt:Event):void
            var distance:Number=1-alpha;
            var inertial:Number=distance*.2;
            if(Math.abs(distance)  <= .1)
         * Movement of tooltip
         * @param        .evt                Event
        private function addMovement(evt:Event):void
            if(father.mouseX  <  stage.stageWidth/2)
            if(father.mouseY  <  stage.stageHeight/2)
            if(x  >  stage.stageWidth-width)
            if(x  <  ratio*2)
         * Remove this instance
        public function destroy():void


    flash 的几个tooltip显示

    flash 的几个tooltip显示 大概 7 8 个 效果可以下来看

    Flash Tooltip AS3 气泡提示框的源代码

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    as3 tooltip的例子


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    内容索引:Flash源码,其它应用,flash气泡提示 一个有弹性的Flash悬停提示特效的Fla源文件,当你把鼠标放在按钮上的时候,立即会弹出一个提示框,还有缓冲效果,在允许的范围内,Tooltip会跟随鼠标移动。再此提示,...


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