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Save and Load from XML .





 但是这样做会使得programmer 可以从脚本中控制xml文件中的所有的字符,包括xml文件中的语法命令字符,因此会带来不安全隐患;


 A 这一段是我自己写的,将一个xml文件按照字符串读入;

虽然unity3d中的string类型说明中讲到保存的是unicode characters,但是实际上当xml文件比较大的时候,如果保存成unicode,就读不出来,如果保存成UTF-8就不存在这个问题;


using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Xml; 
using System.Xml.Serialization; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Text; 
public class ReadXML: MonoBehaviour {
 //store the read in file 
 WWW statusFile;
 //decide wether the reading of  xml has been finished
    bool isReadIn = false;
 // Use this for initialization
 IEnumerator Start () {//不能用void,否则没有办法使用yield
  isReadIn = false;
  yield return StartCoroutine(ReadIn());
  isReadIn = true;
 IEnumerator ReadIn()
  yield return statusFile = new WWW("file:///D:/unity/rotationAndcolor/Assets/information/testxml.xml");//注意路径的写法
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update () {
   string statusData = statusFile.data;
 //get the parameters in the xml file
 void getPatameters(string _xmlString)
 void postParameters()
public class _GameSaveLoad: MonoBehaviour { 
   // An example where the encoding can be found is at 
   // http://www.eggheadcafe.com/articles/system.xml.xmlserialization.asp 
   // We will just use the KISS method and cheat a little and use 
   // the examples from the web page since they are fully described 
   // This is our local private members 
   Rect _Save, _Load, _SaveMSG, _LoadMSG; 
   bool _ShouldSave, _ShouldLoad,_SwitchSave,_SwitchLoad; 
   string _FileLocation,_FileName; 
   public GameObject _Player; 
   UserData myData; 
   string _PlayerName; 
   string _data; 
   Vector3 VPosition; 
   // When the EGO is instansiated the Start will trigger 
   // so we setup our initial values for our local members 
   void Start () { 
      // We setup our rectangles for our messages 
      _Save=new Rect(10,80,100,20); 
      _Load=new Rect(10,100,100,20); 
      _SaveMSG=new Rect(10,120,400,40); 
      _LoadMSG=new Rect(10,140,400,40); 
      // Where we want to save and load to and from 
      // for now, lets just set the name to Joe Schmoe 
      _PlayerName = "Joe Schmoe"; 
      // we need soemthing to store the information into 
      myData=new UserData(); 
   void Update () {} 
   void OnGUI() 
   // Loading The Player... 
   // **************************************************       
   if (GUI.Button(_Load,"Load")) { 
      GUI.Label(_LoadMSG,"Loading from: "+_FileLocation); 
      // Load our UserData into myData 
      if(_data.ToString() != "") 
        // notice how I use a reference to type (UserData) here, you need this 
        // so that the returned object is converted into the correct type 
        myData = (UserData)DeserializeObject(_data); 
        // set the players position to the data we loaded 
        VPosition=new Vector3(myData._iUser.x,myData._iUser.y,myData._iUser.z);              
        // just a way to show that we loaded in ok 
   // Saving The Player... 
   // **************************************************    
   if (GUI.Button(_Save,"Save")) { 
     GUI.Label(_SaveMSG,"Saving to: "+_FileLocation); 
     // Time to creat our XML! 
     _data = SerializeObject(myData); 
     // This is the final resulting XML from the serialization process 
   /* The following metods came from the referenced URL */ 
   string UTF8ByteArrayToString(byte[] characters) 
      UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); 
      string constructedString = encoding.GetString(characters); 
      return (constructedString); 
   byte[] StringToUTF8ByteArray(string pXmlString) 
      UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); 
      byte[] byteArray = encoding.GetBytes(pXmlString); 
      return byteArray; 
   // Here we serialize our UserData object of myData 
   string SerializeObject(object pObject) 
      string XmlizedString = null; 
      MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); 
      XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UserData)); 
      XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(memoryStream, Encoding.UTF8); 
      xs.Serialize(xmlTextWriter, pObject); 
      memoryStream = (MemoryStream)xmlTextWriter.BaseStream; 
      XmlizedString = UTF8ByteArrayToString(memoryStream.ToArray()); 
      return XmlizedString; 
   // Here we deserialize it back into its original form 
   object DeserializeObject(string pXmlizedString) 
      XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UserData)); 
      MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(StringToUTF8ByteArray(pXmlizedString)); 
      XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(memoryStream, Encoding.UTF8); 
      return xs.Deserialize(memoryStream); 
   // Finally our save and load methods for the file itself 
   void CreateXML() 
      StreamWriter writer; 
      FileInfo t = new FileInfo(_FileLocation+"//"+ _FileName); 
         writer = t.CreateText(); 
         writer = t.CreateText(); 
      Debug.Log("File written."); 
   void LoadXML() 
      StreamReader r = File.OpenText(_FileLocation+"//"+ _FileName); 
      string _info = r.ReadToEnd(); 
      Debug.Log("File Read"); 
// UserData is our custom class that holds our defined objects we want to store in XML format 
 public class UserData 
    // We have to define a default instance of the structure 
   public DemoData _iUser; 
    // Default constructor doesn't really do anything at the moment 
   public UserData() { } 
   // Anything we want to store in the XML file, we define it here 
   public struct DemoData 
      public float x; 
      public float y; 
      public float z; 
      public string name; 



js 版本


import System;
import System.Collections;
import System.Xml;
import System.Xml.Serialization;
import System.IO;
import System.Text;
// Anything we want to store in the XML file, we define it here
class DemoData
    var x : float;
    var y : float;
    var z : float;
    var name : String;
// UserData is our custom class that holds our defined objects we want to store in XML format
 class UserData
    // We have to define a default instance of the structure
   public var _iUser : DemoData = new DemoData();
    // Default constructor doesn't really do anything at the moment
   function UserData() { }
//public class GameSaveLoad: MonoBehaviour {
// An example where the encoding can be found is at
// http://www.eggheadcafe.com/articles/system.xml.xmlserialization.asp
// We will just use the KISS method and cheat a little and use
// the examples from the web page since they are fully described
// This is our local private members
private var _Save : Rect;
private var _Load : Rect;
private var _SaveMSG : Rect;
private var _LoadMSG : Rect;
//var _ShouldSave : boolean;
//var _ShouldLoad : boolean;
//var _SwitchSave : boolean;
//var _SwitchLoad : boolean;
private var _FileLocation : String;
private var _FileName : String = "SaveData.xml";
//public GameObject _Player;
var _Player : GameObject;
var _PlayerName : String = "Joe Schmoe";
private var myData : UserData;
private var _data : String;
private var VPosition : Vector3;
// When the EGO is instansiated the Start will trigger
// so we setup our initial values for our local members
//function Start () {
function Awake () { 
      // We setup our rectangles for our messages
      _Save=new Rect(10,80,100,20);
      _Load=new Rect(10,100,100,20);
      _SaveMSG=new Rect(10,120,200,40);
      _LoadMSG=new Rect(10,140,200,40);
      // Where we want to save and load to and from
      // we need soemthing to store the information into
      myData=new UserData();
function Update () {}
function OnGUI()
   // ***************************************************
   // Loading The Player...
   // **************************************************       
   if (GUI.Button(_Load,"Load")) {
      GUI.Label(_LoadMSG,"Loading from: "+_FileLocation);
      // Load our UserData into myData
      if(_data.ToString() != "")
         // notice how I use a reference to type (UserData) here, you need this
         // so that the returned object is converted into the correct type
         //myData = (UserData)DeserializeObject(_data);
         myData = DeserializeObject(_data);
         // set the players position to the data we loaded
         VPosition=new Vector3(myData._iUser.x,myData._iUser.y,myData._iUser.z);             
         // just a way to show that we loaded in ok
   // ***************************************************
   // Saving The Player...
   // **************************************************   
   if (GUI.Button(_Save,"Save")) {
      GUI.Label(_SaveMSG,"Saving to: "+_FileLocation);
      //Debug.Log("SaveLoadXML: sanity check:"+ _Player.transform.position.x);
      myData._iUser.x = _Player.transform.position.x;
      myData._iUser.y = _Player.transform.position.y;
      myData._iUser.z = _Player.transform.position.z;
      myData._iUser.name = _PlayerName;   
      // Time to creat our XML!
      _data = SerializeObject(myData);
      // This is the final resulting XML from the serialization process
/* The following metods came from the referenced URL */
//string UTF8ByteArrayToString(byte[] characters)
function UTF8ByteArrayToString(characters : byte[] )
   var encoding : UTF8Encoding  = new UTF8Encoding();
   var constructedString : String  = encoding.GetString(characters);
   return (constructedString);
//byte[] StringToUTF8ByteArray(string pXmlString)
function StringToUTF8ByteArray(pXmlString : String)
   var encoding : UTF8Encoding  = new UTF8Encoding();
   var byteArray : byte[]  = encoding.GetBytes(pXmlString);
   return byteArray;
   // Here we serialize our UserData object of myData
   //string SerializeObject(object pObject)
function SerializeObject(pObject : Object)
   var XmlizedString : String  = null;
   var memoryStream : MemoryStream  = new MemoryStream();
   var xs : XmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UserData));
   var xmlTextWriter : XmlTextWriter  = new XmlTextWriter(memoryStream, Encoding.UTF8);
   xs.Serialize(xmlTextWriter, pObject);
   memoryStream = xmlTextWriter.BaseStream; // (MemoryStream)
   XmlizedString = UTF8ByteArrayToString(memoryStream.ToArray());
   return XmlizedString;
   // Here we deserialize it back into its original form
   //object DeserializeObject(string pXmlizedString)
function DeserializeObject(pXmlizedString : String)   
   var xs : XmlSerializer  = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UserData));
   var memoryStream : MemoryStream  = new MemoryStream(StringToUTF8ByteArray(pXmlizedString));
   var xmlTextWriter : XmlTextWriter  = new XmlTextWriter(memoryStream, Encoding.UTF8);
   return xs.Deserialize(memoryStream);
   // Finally our save and load methods for the file itself
function CreateXML()
   var writer : StreamWriter;
   //FileInfo t = new FileInfo(_FileLocation+"//"+ _FileName);
   var t : FileInfo = new FileInfo(_FileLocation+"/"+ _FileName);
      writer = t.CreateText();
      writer = t.CreateText();
   Debug.Log("File written.");
function LoadXML()
   //StreamReader r = File.OpenText(_FileLocation+"//"+ _FileName);
   var r : StreamReader = File.OpenText(_FileLocation+"/"+ _FileName);
   var _info : String = r.ReadToEnd();
   Debug.Log("File Read");


方法2:使用unity 3d 的ISerializable类





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