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To Restrict Resizing of ADF Table's column

  • ADF

To Restrict Resizing of ADF Table's column

<af:column sortable="true"headerText="#{bindings.EmployeesView1.hints.EmployeeId.label}" id="c12" align="center"
minimumWidth="100" partialTriggers="::t1">

<af:outputText value="#{row.EmployeeId}"

<af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"



<af:clientListener method="setColumnWidth"

<af:serverListener type="server"


and your javaScript will be:

<af:resource type="javascript">

function setColumnWidth(event) {

var source = event.getSource()


AdfCustomEvent.queue(source,"server", {}, false);



and your method in backingbean will be :

public void serverL(ClientEvent clientEvent) {




Hint : If you know how to refresh the table from javaScript
you don't need a serverListener



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