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MySQL schema命名规则


/*****************by garcon1986************************************************************/


整 个数据库里的名字都尽量使用小写。这样能消除由于大小写( case-sensitivity )带来 的错误。 Mysql 默认区分大小写。 使 用下划线断开名字,名字中不能 使用空格。 名字中尽量不要 使 用数字。 名字中尽量不要 使用" .", 这 样能避免在查询时出错 名字中不能使用保留字。 尽 量使名字简单。


一 般情况下,使用项目名称作为数据库的名字。 数据库名字前加所有者的名字作为前缀。


可 以使用缩略词作为前缀 如:" hr_”, "mkt_”,非别代表了human resource, marketing部门。 不要使用通用的前缀 如:" tbl_”, "db_”,这样 没有实际意义,反而看起来更麻烦。 表名尽量简短,准确。 关 于表名的单复数,根据个人习惯决定,没有对错


主 键一般 是" 表名 _id”。 外 键的列名和另一个表的主键名一致

如: create table manager (manager_id int(11) primary key );

create table employee(

employee_id int(11) primary key,

manager_id int(11),

FOREIGN KEY (manager_id) REFERENCES manager(manager_id) ON DELETE CASCADE)

列 名以 3 个字母的表格缩写为前缀

日 期列以" date_” 为前缀

Boolean 类 型列以" is_” 为前缀


MySQL database identifiers that can be named include databases, tables, and columns. The MySQL documentation contains extensive information about naming conventions. Here are some of the naming conventions that you must use:

· All identifier names must be from 1 to 64 characters long, except for aliases, which can be 255 characters long.

· Database names must be unique. For each user within a database, names of database objects must be unique across all users (for example, if a database contains a department table created by user A, no other user can create a department table in the same database).

Note: MySQL does not support schemas. Consequently, tables are automatically visible to all users who have appropriate privileges. Column names and index names must be unique within a table.

· Database names can use any character that is allowed in a directory name except for periods and backward and forward slashes.

· Table names can use any character that is allowed in a filename except for periods and forward slashes.

· Column and alias names allow all characters.

· A name cannot be a MySQL reserved word unless the name is enclosed in quotation marks. See the MySQL documentation for more information about reserved words.

· Embedded spaces and other special characters are not permitted unless the name is enclosed in quotation marks.

· Embedded quotation marks are not permitted.

· Case sensitivity is set when a server is installed. By default, the names of database objects are case sensitive on UNIX and not case sensitive on Windows. For example, the names CUSTOMER and customer are different on a case-sensitive server.

Note: By default, column and table names are not quoted. If you are using the SAS Table Server LIBNAME engine, you can quote the table and column names by using the LIBNAME or data set options PRESERVE_COL_NAMES= and PRESERVE_TAB_NAMES=.




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