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Objective-C 内存管理之dealloc方法中变量释放处理




Calling Methods on Nil

In Objective-C, the nil object is the functional equivalent to the NULLpointer in many other languages. 

The difference is that you can call methods on nil without crashing or throwing an exception.   




另外在cocoachina (http://www.cocoachina.com/bbs/read.php?tid-70288.html )论坛有人指出

对象被release后 系统会将该块内存标记为可用(可重新分配)  nil就是起到个重置指针的作用 对内存的释放无意义 




















Last week there was a bit of a Twitter in-fight in the iOS community over the "right" way to release your instance variables in dealloc. I think Rob actually started it, to be honest, but I probably shouldn't be bringing that up.

上一周,在Twitter iOS 社区上有一场关于任何正确在dealloc方法中正确释放你的变量的激烈讨论(辩论大战!),我认为是由Rob引发的,但说实话,我其实不应该透露这一点(好笑,作者不想八卦,却仍然给了Rob的连接~).

Basically, several developers were claiming that there's never a reason to set an instance variable to nil in dealloc, while others were arguing that you should always do so.


To me, there didn't seem to be a clear and compelling winner between the two approaches. I've used both in my career. However, since we're in the process of trying to decide which approach to use in the next edition of Beginning iPhone Development, I reached out to Apple's Developer Tools Evangelist, Michael Jurewitz, to see if there was an official or recommended approach to handling instance variables in dealloc.

对我来说,似乎在这两种方式中,没有出现一个清晰地完全的胜利者。在我的开发过程中,这两种方式我都用过。但是,既然我们在尝试将这两个方法取其一而用到下一版本的 Beginning iPhone Development中,我向苹果的开发者 Michael Jurewitz 求助,来探索在dealloc中如何处理实例变量这件事情上,是否存在一个官方的或者推荐的方法。

Other than the fact that you should never, ever use mutators in dealloc (or init, for that matter), Apple does not have an official recommendation on the subject.

除了在dealloc或者init方法中,你最好不要使用设值方法(eg:[self.xxxx message];),苹果没有提供过关于dealloc中释放实例变量的官方推荐方法。

However, Michael and Matt Drance of Bookhouse Software and a former Evangelist himself, had discussed this issue extensively last week. They kindly shared their conclusions with me and said it was okay for me to turn it into a blog post. So, here it is. Hopefully, I've captured everything correctly.

然而,Michael and Matt Drance of Bookhouse Software 和一个前 Evangelist 他自己(Evangelist本意是传播福音的人,我猜是那些宣讲苹果官方技术的人员,就是普及苹果开发技术的一些专家吧)关于此问题在上周进行了一场较广泛的讨论。他们非常有好的与我分享了他们的结论结果并且同意我在博客上登载出来,所以,结果是这样的,希望我已经正确地搜集到每个方面了。

The Two Major Approachs

Just to make sure we're all on the same page, let's look at the two approaches that made up the two different sides of the argument last week. 



Just Release


The more traditional approach is to simply release your instance variables and leave them pointing to the released (and potentially deallocated) object, like so:



  1. - (void)dealloc  
  2. {  
  3.     [Sneezy release];  
  4.     [Sleepy release];  
  5.     [Dopey release];  
  6.     [Doc release];  
  7.     [Happy release];  
  8.     [Bashful release];  
  9.     [Grumpy release];  
  10.     [super dealloc];  
  11. }  


In this approach, each of the pointers will be pointing to a potentialy invalid object for a very short period of time — until the method returns — at which point the instance variable will disappear along with its owning object. In a single-threaded application (the pointer would have to be accessed by something triggered by code in either this object's implementation of dealloc or in the dealloc of one of its superclasses, there's very little chance that the instance variables will be used before they go away , which is probably what has led to the proclamations made by several that there's "no value in setting instance variables to nil" in dealloc


In a multi-threaded environment, however, there is a very real possibility that the pointer will be accessed between the time that it is deallocated and the time that its object is done being deallocated. Generally speaking, this is only going to happen if you've got a bug elsewhere in your code, but let's face it, you may very well. Anyone who codes on the assumption that all of their code is perfect is begging for a smackdown, and Xcode's just biding its time waiting for the opportunity.


Release and nil 

In the last few years, another approach to dealloc has become more common. In this approach, you release your instance variable and then immediately set them to nil before releasing the next instance variable. It's common to actually put the release and the assignment to nil on the same line separated by a comma rather than on consecutive lines separated by semicolons, though that's purely stylistic and has no affect on the way the code is compiled. Here's what our previous dealloc method might look like using this approach:


  1. - (void)dealloc  
  2. {  
  3.     [sneezy release], sneezy = nil;  
  4.     [sleepy release], sleepy = nil;  
  5.     [dopey release], dopey = nil;  
  6.     [doc release], doc = nil;  
  7.     [happy release], happy = nil;  
  8.     [bashful release], bashful = nil;  
  9.     [grumpy release], grumpy = nil;  
  10.     [super dealloc];  
  11. }  
In this case, if some piece of code accesses a pointer between the time that dealloc begins and the object is actually deallocated, it will almost certainly fail gracefully because sending messages to nil is perfectly okay in Objective-C. However, you're doing a tiny bit of extra work by assigning nil to a bunch of pointers that are going to go away momentarily, and you're creating a little bit of extra typing for yourself in every class.




The Showdown 最后一战

So, here's the real truth of the matter: The vast majority of the time, it's not going to make any noticeable difference whatsoever. If you're not accessing instance variables that have been released, there's simply not going to be any difference in the behavior between the two approaches. If you are, however, then the question is: what do you want to happen when your code does that bad thing?



In the first approach, your application will usually crash with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS, though you could also end up with any manner of odd behavior (which we call a "heisenbug") if the released object is deallocated and its memory is then reused for another object owned by your application. In those cases, you may get a selector not recognized exception when the message is sent to the deallocated object, or you may simply get unexpected behavior from the same method being called on the wrong object.

第一种方法下,你的程序通常下会崩溃,警告给你EXC_BAD_ACCESS,虽然你还可能最后得到一些诡异的结果(通常我们都称它为heisenbug,这种bug是诡异的出现,并且通常不好重现,以致难以修补)像是一个released对象被dealloced并且它的内存之后被你的冲虚中另一个对象利用到。在这种情况下,你可能得到一个selector not recognized异常,当消息被发送给一个被delloced完的对象,或者在一个错误的对象执行你调用的方法后,你可能仅仅得到一个异常结果。
In the other approach, your application will quietly send a message to nil and go about its merry way, generally without a crash or any other immediately identifiable problem.
在另一个方法下,你的程序会给一个nil值的对象发送消息并且就这么不了了之了~什么都没有发生,没有程序崩溃(no crash!!),没有其他任何实时可分辨的问题出现。
The former approach is actually good when you're developing, debugging, and doing unit testing, because it makes it easier to find your problematic code. On the other hand, that approach is really, really bad in a shipping application because you really don't want to crash on your users if you can avoid it.


The latter approach, conversely, can hide bugs during development, but handles those bugs more gracefully when they happen, and you're far less likely to have your application go up in a big ball of fire in front of your users.



The Winner? 胜利者?

There really isn't a clear cut winner, which is probably why Apple doesn't have an official recommendation or stance. During their discussion, Matt and Michael came up with a "best of both worlds" solution, but it requires a fair bit of extra code over either of the common approaches. 
其实并没有一个明显的胜利者,或许这就是为什么苹果没有给出一个官方的推荐或者例子的原因。在他们讨论期间,Matt and Michael 得出一个权衡之计,既两种情况都会使程序更好更稳固的解决方案,但是这需要一些额外的代码,在这两种通常的方法基础上。
If you want your application to crash when a released pointer is accessed during development and debugging, the solution is to use the traditional approach in your debug configuration. If you want your application to degrade gracefully for your users, the solution is to use the newer approach in your release and ad hoc configurations. 
One somewhat pedantic implementation of this approach would be this: 
- (void)dealloc #if DEBUG [Sneezy release][Sleepy release][Dopey release][Docrelease][Happy release][Bashful release][Grumpy release][super dealloc];#else [sneezy release], sneezy = nil[sleepy release], sleepy = nil[dopeyrelease], dopey = nil[doc release], doc = nil[happy release], happy = nil;[bashful release], bashful = nil[grumpy release], grumpy = nil[super dealloc];#endif }

That code assumes that your debug configuration has a precompiler definition of DEBUG, which you usually have to add to your Xcode project - most Xcode project templates do not provide it for you. There are several ways you can add it, but I typically just use the Preprocessor Macros setting in the project's Build 


这个代码假设你的调试配置中有一个预编译宏定义,你必须将它添加到你的Xcode 工程中,大多数Xcode工程模板不会提供给你这个。有多种方式添加,但是代表性的,我只使用在工程Build下的预编译宏设值


Although the code above does, indeed, give us the best of both worlds - a crash during development and debugging and graceful degrading for customers - it at least doubles the amount of code we have to write in every class. We can do better than that, though. How about a little macro magic? If we add the following macro to our project's .pch file:


  1. #if DEBUG  
  2. #define MCRelease(x) [x release]  
  3. #else  
  4. #define MCRelease(x) [x release], x = nil  
  5. #endif  


We can then use that macro in dealloc, and our best-of-both-worlds code becomes much shorter and more readable:
- (void)dealloc MCRelease(sneezy); MCRelease(sleepy); MCRelease(dopey);MCRelease(doc); MCRelease(happy); MCRelease(bashful); MCRelease(grumpy); [superdealloc]; }

Once you've got the macro in your project, this option is actually no more work or typing than either of the other dealloc methods.
But, you know what? If you want to keep doing it the way you've always done it, it's really fine, regardless of which way you do it. If you're consistent in your use and are aware of the tradeoffs, there's really no compelling reason to use one over the other outside of personal preference.
So, in other words, it's kind of a silly thing for us all to argue over, especially when there's already politics, religions, and sports to fill that role.




The Garbage Collection Angle  

There's one last point I want to address. I've heard a few times from different people that setting an instance variable to nil indealloc acts as a hint to the garbage collector when you're using the allowed-not-required GC option (when the required option is being used, dealloc isn't even called, finalize is). If this were true, forward compatibility would be another possible argument for preferring the newer approach to dealloc over the traditional approach.
还有最后一点我想要指出。好几次,我从不同的人听到过,在dealloc方法中赋值给实例变量nil值会起到给垃圾回收器一个钩子的作用,当你用allowed-not-required GC 选项(当required-option被使用,dealloc不会被调用,finalize会)。如果这是真的,向前兼容会变成新的争论,针对在dealloc里新的方法与传统的方法之间。
While it is true that in Java and some other languages with garbage collection, nulling out a pointer that you're done with helps the garbage collector know that you're done with that object, so it's not altogether unlikely that Objective-C's garbage collector does the same thing, however any benefit to nil'ing out instance variables once we get garbage collection in iOS would be marginal at best. I haven't been able to find anything authoritative that supports this claim, but even if it's 100% true, it seems likely that when the owning object is deallocated a few instructions later, the garbage collector will realize that the deallocated object is done with anything it was using.


If there is a benefit in this scenario, which seems unlikely, it seems like it would be such a tiny difference that it wouldn't even make sense to factor it into your decision. That being said, I have no firm evidence one way or the other on this issue and would welcome being enlightened. 





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