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  • 来自: 成都

Maven variables





  • ${version } 版本
  • ${basedir } 项目根目录(包含pom.xml文件的目录)



  • ${project.build.directory } results in the path to your "target" dir, this is the same as ${pom.project.build.directory }
  • ${project.build. outputD irectory } results in the path to your "target/classes" dir
  • ${project.name } or ${pom.name } refers to the name of the project.
  • ${project.version } or ${pom.version } refers to the version of the project.
  • ${project.build.finalName } refers to the final name of the file created when the built project is packaged
  • ${project.packaging}package type, eg:jar, war


Local user settings

Similarly, values in the user's settings.xml can be referenced using property names with settings. prefix.

  • ${settings.localRepository } refers to the path of the user's local repository

Environment variables

Environment variables can be referenced using the env prefix

  • ${env.M2_HOME } returns the Maven2 installation path.
  • ${java.home } specifies the path to the current JRE_HOME environment use with relative paths to get for example:

Java system properties

All Java System Properties defined by the JVM.


Custom properties in the POM

User defined properties in the pom.xml.

  • ${my.filter.value } will result in hello if you inserted the above XML fragment in your pom.xml

Parent Project variables

How can parent project variables be accessed?

You can use the prefix: ${project.parent }.

A good way to determine possible variables is to have a look directly at the API. I'm currently using Maven 2.2.1, and to access the Parent you can use ${project.parent }. This will return an org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject instance.

To access the parent version: ${parent.version }.

Reflection Properties

The pattern ${someX.someY.someZ } can simply sometimes mean getSomeX().getSomeY().getSomeZ() . Thus, properties such as ${project.build.directory } is translated to getProject().getBuild().getDirectory() .



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