




1,对文本操作时,它一般会和sort命令进行组合使用,因为uniq 不会检查重复的行,除非它们是相邻的行。如果您想先对输入排序,使用sort -u。



1.[zhangy@BlackGhost ~]$ uniq --help 
2.用法:uniq [选项]... [文件] 
6. -c, --count //在每行前加上表示相应行目出现次数的前缀编号 
7. -d, --repeated //只输出重复的行 
8. -D, --all-repeated //只输出重复的行,不过有几行输出几行 
9. -f, --skip-fields=N //-f 忽略的段数,-f 1 忽略第一段 
10. -i, --ignore-case //不区分大小写 
11. -s, --skip-chars=N //根-f有点像,不过-s是忽略,后面多少个字符 -s 5就忽略后面5个字符 
12. -u, --unique //去除重复的后,全部显示出来,根mysql的distinct功能上有点像 
13. -z, --zero-terminated end lines with 0 byte, not newline 
14. -w, --check-chars=N //对每行第N 个字符以后的内容不作对照 
15. --help //显示此帮助信息并退出 
16. --version //显示版本信息并退出 


[zhangy@BlackGhost ~]$ uniq --help
用法:uniq [选项]... [文件]


 -c, --count              //在每行前加上表示相应行目出现次数的前缀编号
 -d, --repeated          //只输出重复的行
 -D, --all-repeated      //只输出重复的行,不过有几行输出几行
 -f, --skip-fields=N     //-f 忽略的段数,-f 1 忽略第一段
 -i, --ignore-case       //不区分大小写
 -s, --skip-chars=N      //根-f有点像,不过-s是忽略,后面多少个字符 -s 5就忽略后面5个字符
 -u, --unique            //去除重复的后,全部显示出来,根mysql的distinct功能上有点像
 -z, --zero-terminated   end lines with 0 byte, not newline
 -w, --check-chars=N      //对每行第N 个字符以后的内容不作对照
 --help              //显示此帮助信息并退出
 --version              //显示版本信息并退出


this is a test

this is a test

this is a test

i am tank

i love tank

i love tank

this is a test

whom have a try

WhoM have a try

you have a try

i want to abroad

those are good men

we are good men


1.[zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -c uniqtest 
2. 3 this is a test 
3. 1 i am tank 
4. 2 i love tank 
5. 1 this is a test //和第一行是重复的 
6. 1 whom have a try 
7. 1 WhoM have a try 
8. 1 you have a try 
9. 1 i want to abroad 
10. 1 those are good men 
11. 1 we are good men 


[zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -c uniqtest
 3 this is a test
 1 i am tank
 2 i love tank
 1 this is a test           //和第一行是重复的
 1 whom have a try
 1 WhoM have a try
 1 you  have a try
 1 i want to abroad
 1 those are good men
 1 we are good men


1.[zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ sort uniqtest |uniq -c 
2. 1 WhoM have a try 
3. 1 i am tank 
4. 2 i love tank 
5. 1 i want to abroad 
6. 4 this is a test 
7. 1 those are good men 
8. 1 we are good men 
9. 1 whom have a try 
10. 1 you have a try 
[zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ sort uniqtest |uniq -c   
 1 WhoM have a try   
 1 i am tank   
 2 i love tank   
 1 i want to abroad   
 4 this is a test   
 1 those are good men   
 1 we are good men   
 1 whom have a try   
 1 you  have a try


  1. [zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -d -c uniqtest
  2. 3 this is a test
  3. 2 i love tank
[zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -d -c uniqtest   
 3 this is a test   
 2 i love tank  

uniq -d 只显示重复的行

  1. [zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -D uniqtest
  2. this is a test
  3. this is a test
  4. this is a test
  5. i love tank
  6. i love tank
[zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -D uniqtest   
this is a test   
this is a test   
this is a test   
i love tank   
i love tank  

uniq -D 只显示重复的行,并且把重复几行都显示出来。他不能和-c一起使用


  1. [zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -f 1 -c uniqtest
  2. 3 this is a test
  3. 1 i am tank
  4. 2 i love tank
  5. 1 this is a test
  6. 2 whom have a try
  7. 1 you have a try
  8. 1 i want to abroad
  9. 2 those are good men //只有一行,显示二行
[zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -f 1 -c uniqtest
 3 this is a test
 1 i am tank
 2 i love tank
 1 this is a test
 2 whom have a try
 1 you  have a try
 1 i want to abroad
 2 those are good men   //只有一行,显示二行

在这里those只有一行,显示的却是重复了,这是因为,-f 1 忽略了第一列,检查重复从第二字段开始的。

  1. [zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -i -c uniqtest
  2. 3 this is a test
  3. 1 i am tank
  4. 2 i love tank
  5. 1 this is a test
  6. 2 whom have a try //一个大写,一个小写
  7. 1 you have a try
  8. 1 i want to abroad
  9. 1 those are good men
  10. 1 we are good men
[zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -i -c uniqtest
 3 this is a test
 1 i am tank
 2 i love tank
 1 this is a test
 2 whom have a try  //一个大写,一个小写
 1 you  have a try
 1 i want to abroad
 1 those are good men
 1 we are good men


  1. [zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -s 4 -c uniqtest
  2. 3 this is a test
  3. 1 i am tank
  4. 2 i love tank
  5. 1 this is a test
  6. 3 whom have a try //根上一个例子有什么不同
  7. 1 i want to abroad
  8. 1 those are good men
  9. 1 we are good men
 [zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -s 4 -c uniqtest
 3 this is a test
 1 i am tank
 2 i love tank
 1 this is a test
 3 whom have a try   //根上一个例子有什么不同
 1 i want to abroad
 1 those are good men
 1 we are good men

检查的时候,不考虑前4个字符,这样whom have a try 就和 you have a try 就一样了。

  1. [zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -u uniqtest
  2. i am tank
  3. this is a test
  4. whom have a try
  5. WhoM have a try
  6. you have a try
  7. i want to abroad
  8. those are good men
  9. we are good men
[zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -u uniqtest   
i am tank   
this is a test   
whom have a try   
WhoM have a try   
you  have a try   
i want to abroad   
those are good men   
we are good men


  1. [zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -w 2 -c uniqtest
  2. 3 this is a test
  3. 3 i am tank
  4. 1 this is a test
  5. 1 whom have a try
  6. 1 WhoM have a try
  7. 1 you have a try
  8. 1 i want to abroad
  9. 1 those are good men
  10. 1 we are good men
[zhangy@BlackGhost mytest]$ uniq -w 2 -c uniqtest   
 3 this is a test   
 3 i am tank   
 1 this is a test   
 1 whom have a try   
 1 WhoM have a try   
 1 you  have a try   
 1 i want to abroad   
 1 those are good men   
 1 we are good men  

对每行第2个字符以后的内容不作检查,所以i am tank 根 i love tank就一样了。



    uniq命令 去除文件中的重复行

    我们应当注意的是,它和sort的区别,sort只要有重复行,它就去除,而uniq重复行必须要连续,也可以用它忽略文件中的重复行。 语法格式:uniq [参数] [文件] 常用参数: -c 打印每行在文本中重复出现的次数 -d ...






    LINUX处理文本命令 处理文本和文本文件的命令 一. sort 文件排序, 通常用在管道中当过滤器来使用. 这个命令可以依据指定的关键字或指定的字符位置, 对文件行进行排序. 使用-m选项, 它将会合并预排序的输入文件. 想...

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    Linux命令 sort、uniq、tr工具详解

    主要介绍了Linux命令 sort、uniq、tr工具详解,本文通过实例代码给大家介绍的非常详细,对大家的学习或工作具有一定的参考借鉴价值,需要的朋友可以参考下



    Linux Shell学习:uniq命令使用方法介绍

    uniq命令的作用:显示唯一的行,对于那些连续重复的行只显示一次! 本文将通过实践实例说明


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    * `uniq`:用于删除文本文件中的重复行,例如`uniq file`将删除文件file中的重复行。 系统管理命令 * `hostname`:用于显示当前主机的名称,例如`hostname`将显示当前主机的名称。 * `lpr`:用于打印文本文件,...





    Linux sort,uniq,cut,wc命令详解

     sort 命令对 File 参数指定的文件中的行排序,并将结果写到标准输出。如果 File 参数指定多个文件,那么 sort 命令将这些文件连接起来,并当作一个文件进行排序。  sort语法  [root@www~]# sort [-fbMnrtuk] ...

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    Linux命令大全搜索工具,内容包含Linux命令手册、详解、学习、搜集。   Linux命令分类 这里存放Linux 命令大全并不全,你可以通过linux-command来搜索,它是把 command 目录里面搜集的...


    一、操作系统概述 1、 操作系统 2、 不同应用利于的主流操作系统二、系统安装 1、安装VM虚拟机 1.1 简要介绍 1.2 配置网卡 ...2.8.8 uniq命令 2.8.9 tee命令 2.8.10 tr命令 2.8.11 split命令 2.8.12 awk命令

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