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Fast Read Map


Fast Read Map








二、Concurrent Map

Concurrent Map的最简单的实现方法是直接用java.util.HashTable类,或者用Collections.synchronizedMap() 修饰某个Map


Doug Lea提供了一个Concurrent工具包,


包括Lock, ReadWriteLock, CurrentHashMap, CurrentReaderHashMap等类。JDK1.5引入了这些类,作为java.util.concurrent Package



// my guess
class CocurrentHashMap
Private Map map = null;
final ReadWriteLock rwLock = new …. ;
final Lock readLock = rwLock.readLock();
final Lock writeLock = rwLock.writeLock();

// decorate the map as concurrent
public CocurrentHashMap(Map m){
map = m;

// all write method, like put, putAll, remove, clear
public void putAll(Map m){

// all read method. like get, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet()
public Object get(Object key){
return map.get(key);

// as we can see, in such places it is convenient to use AOP here. :-)


但看了CurrentHashMap 的代码,发现不是这样。其中的实现比较复杂,把Table分成段进行分别管理。那个内部类 Segment extends ReentrantLock
里面的 readValueUnderLock 方法里面用了lock


* Read value field of an entry under lock. Called if value
* field ever appears to be null. This is possible only if a
* compiler happens to reorder a HashEntry initialization with
* its table assignment, which is legal under memory model
* but is not known to ever occur.

V readValueUnderLock(HashEntry<K,V> e) {
try {
return e.value;
finally {


我们再来看CurrentReaderHashMap “A version of Hashtable that supports mostly-concurrent reading, but exclusive writing.”


但是它的 read ( get, contains, size …) 方法里面用到了synchronized。还是要获得系统锁。


Read Lock也是lock,也有overhead。能不能找到一种方法,保证读的时候,完全不用锁,而写的时候,也能保证数据结构和内容的正确?




* Read Write Map


* Write is expensive.

* Read is fast as pure HashMap.


* Note: extra info is removed for free use


package net.util;

import java.lang.Compiler;

import java.util.Collection;

import java.util.Map;

import java.util.Set;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Collections;

public class ReadWriteMap implements Map {

protected volatile Map mapToRead = getNewMap();

// you can override it as new TreeMap();

protected Map getNewMap(){

return new HashMap();


// copy mapToWrite to mapToRead

protected Map copy(){

Map newMap = getNewMap();


return newMap;


// read methods

public int size() {

return mapToRead.size();


public boolean isEmpty() {

return mapToRead.isEmpty();


public boolean containsKey(Object key) {

return mapToRead.containsKey(key);


public boolean containsValue(Object value) {

return mapToRead.containsValue(value);


public Collection values() {

return mapToRead.values();


public Set entrySet() {

return mapToRead.entrySet();


public Set keySet() {

return mapToRead.keySet();


public Object get(Object key) {

return mapToRead.get(key);


// write methods

public synchronized void clear() {

mapToRead = getNewMap();


public synchronized Object remove(Object key) {

Map map = copy();

Object o = map.remove(key);

mapToRead = map;

return o;


public synchronized Object put(Object key, Object value) {

Map map = copy();

Object o = map.put(key, value);

mapToRead = map;

return o;


public synchronized void putAll(Map t) {

Map map = copy();


mapToRead = map;





写的时候,先把内部Map复制一份,然后在这个备份上进行修改,改完之后,再让内部Map等于这个修改后的Map。这个方法是同步保护的,避免了同时写操作。可见,写的时候,开销相当大。尽量使用 putAll() method



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