
Default shell

  • How do I make fish my default shell?

    Edit /etc/shells as root, and add the line (if missing):


    Then run:

    chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish


    To change back to bashchsh -s /bin/bash




    Choose your default shell (ash) ---> //这里选择shell为ash,应该是默认选中的 --- ash //把ash这档的选项全部选上 保存退出,直接make,make install。 3、用shell脚本创建根文件系统的目录结构,并在想...

    Sublime Text 3 (Build 3143)

    Mac: the user's default shell is executed and environmental variables are set in the plugin Python environment Linux: Update X11 selection on clipboard every time selection changes Linux: Improved MOD...

    BSD HACKS -- 100个业界最尖端的技巧和工具

    Get the Most Out of the Default Shell Section 2. Useful tcsh Shell Configuration File Options Section 3. Create Shell Bindings Section 4. Use Terminal and X Bindings Section 5. Use ...


    2.hive源表:创建hive源表,每个shell脚本对应一个hive源表 #!/bin/bash source /etc/profile CUR_DATE=`date +%Y%m%d` echo "-- CUR_DATE:"$CUR_DATE /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/bin/hive (进入hive) USE ...


    Shell_经典实例,UNIX/Linux最重要的软件之一就是shell,目前最流行的shell被称为Bash(Bourne Again Shell),几乎所有的Linux和绝大部分的UNIX都可以使用Bash。作为系统与用户之间的交互接口,shell几乎是你在UNIX...


    $ npm install --save default-shell 用法 const defaultShell = require ( 'default-shell' ) ; // macOS console . log ( defaultShell ) ; //=> '/bin/bash' // Windows console . log ( defaultShell ) ; //=>...


    aws-shell 是集成了 Shell 的 AWS CLI,是 AWS CLI 的交互式生产力助推器。主要特性:命令和选项自动完成功能快捷键自动完成服务端自动完成模糊查找在线文档Fish 风格的自动建议命令历史配置:$ aws-shell aws> ...


    cd <directory> - change the current default directory to <directory>. If the <directory> argument is not present, report the current directory. If the directory does not exist an appropriate error ...


    设置zsh-default shell; - cat /etc/shells; - chsh; - chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh; - (reboot here) - echo /usr/bin/zsh YouCompleteMe设置; (C族) - cd $HOME/.config/nvim/plugged/YouCompleteMe/ - sudo apt ...


    通过两个命令行参数path和shell命令进行设置。 默认情况下绑定到:8080。 用法 shell2http [options] /path "shell command" /path2 "shell command2" ... options: -host="host" : host IP for http server ...


    点文件 用法 安装Git ( if macOS )通过Homebrew安装Git ... (安装Homebrew时已安装git ) 设置你的~ cd ~ ...# sets fish as default shell | disables dock bouncing icons | etc. mac_init # insta

    总站:将真正的终端带入Sublime Text

    将真正的终端带入Sublime Text Sublime Text的第一个跨平台终端。...运行Terminus: Open Default Shell in Tab 在总站上制作了多个视频。 举例来说, (最新) 外壳配置 总站带有几种外壳配置。 设置文件


    let term = new Terminal ( 1337 ) // localhost:1337 - Default shell term . add ( 'cmd.exe' ) // localhost:1337/cmd.exe term . add ( 'bash.exe' ) // localhost:1337/bash.exe term . add ( 'node.exe' ) // ...


    5. shell脚本功能: === 参数配置 ===: #指定正式环境的路径 正式环境的文件 WEB_ROOT=/var/www/html echo ${WEB_ROOT} #指定发布环境的路径 发布环境的文件 PAT_ROOT=/home/chenlong/blog echo ${PAT_ROOT} #...

    S3_Backup:将服务器代码文件和数据库备份到 Amazon S3

    备份脚本 此脚本运行并创建本地 webroot 的每日(存储 7 天)、每周(存储 28 天)和每月(存储 365 天)以及 、 、 和完整数据库备份。 每个都经过去皮和 gzip 压缩,并放置在您... 这些在config.sh.default shell


    以下说明使用asdf ,可与以下说明一起安装() git clone https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf.git ~/.asdf --branch v0.7.1# The following steps are for Bash, which is usually the default shell# If you’re ...


    一个与域无关的后端解决方案,用于向连接到基于IP的网络基础...# The following steps are for Bash, which is usually the default shell # If you’re using something else, you probably know the equivalent t


    #Function: Auto set static IP for wlan/ethernet, which dynamically assigned from dhcp,and add default gateway #Param in: default gateway that can access internet, if not enter, this value will be *.*....

    shella:使用 execa 运行 shell 脚本的标记模板

    // async by default await shella ` echo abcde | sed -e 's/bcd/!!!/' > ./result.txt grep a ./result.txt` ; // interporation (shell-escaped) const msg = `Bob's pen` ; await shella `echo ${ msg } ...



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