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Narrator : 大家好! 欢迎回到Tip Top 贸易公司的办公室。Anna 的面试还在进行中呢!老板

Paul 之前问 Anna 为什么她应该得到这份工作?她最先的回答是:

Anna: Errr... mmmmm...

Narrator: 然后她说了:

Anna: Mmmm... errr...

Narrator: 现在她说的是:

Anna: Well, errrr... I'm errr.

Narrator: 怎么搞的? Anna! 如果你突然卡住了,想不出恰当的表达,这时就得赶快换一种表达方


Anna: I am... Well, I really, really want this job and I am willing to work very hard

if I get it.

Paul: So you’re very motivated['moʊtɪveɪtɪd], then?

Anna: Motivated! Yes, that’s it. I am really motivated.

Paul: Good! Why?

Narrator: 好了,Anna 记住做答的时候要有条理!一定要用第一点 firstly,第二点secondly

这样的词汇, 然后再讲原因,最重要的原因要放在最后,说 above all. 好,开始!第一


Anna: Firstly!

Paul: Firstly...?

Anna: Firstly, this job is an ideal[aɪ'diːəl] match for my skills and experience: I've spent

several years working in sales and I get on with people easily. Well, I mean,

apart from the ones I don't like, of course. Secondly, I know Tip Top Trading

is one of the fastest-growing companies in London, and I want to be part of


Paul: That's absolutely['æbsəluːtli] right. Tip Top Trading is the fastest growing company in

the plastic ['plæstɪk] fruit sector['sektər]. But enough about the company, this is all about you,


Anna: Anna.

Paul: Sorry, Anna. Where were we?

Anna: Well, I said that firstly, this job is an ideal match for my skills and

experience, secondly, the company is growing fast... and… and… above all …

the reason I want this job is-

Paul: Yes?

(knock on the door)

Paul: Denise! Is everything all right?

Denise: No Paul, it’s not. Everything is not OK!

Paul: You look pale [peɪl]. Here, sit down, drink what's left of my tea.

Denise: Oh, thank you! Oh… what are those bits['bɪts] floating in it?

Paul: Oh they're just lumps[lʌmps] of soggy['sɑːɡi] biscuit. In fact, if I can just... get that bit

out... with my finger... for you (licks the wet biscuit from his finger) Mmm,

delicious[dɪ'lɪʃəs]! Now, tell me what's happened.

Denise: Well, it's terrible...

Narrator: 哎呀!糟了。Anna 的面试正在顺利地进行,不过突然给打断了。发生什么事儿了?我们

下集分晓。现在一起来回顾一下Anna 是怎样回答老板提出的问题。

Firstly, this job is an ideal match for my skills and experience

Secondly, I know Tip Top Trading is one of the fastest-growing companies in London

and… above all … the reason I want this job is

Anna 记不住motivated 这个单词,所以她必须用其他的词语来描述这个词。

I really, really want the job and I am willing to work very hard if I get it.

好样的, Anna. 希望下周Anna 能够顺利完成她的面试。



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