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mysql之any,some all



ALL和ANY操作符的常见用法是结合一个相对比较操作符对一个数据列子查询的结果进行测试。它们测试比较值是否与子查询所返回的全部或一部分值匹配。比如说,如果比较值小于或等于子查询所返回的每一个值,<= ALL将是true;只要比较值小于或等于子查询所返回的任何一个值,<= ANY将是true。SOME是ANY的一个同义词。


  1. mysql>SELECTlast_name,first_name,birthFROMpresident
  2. ->WHEREbirth<=ALL(SELECTbirthFROMpresident);
  3. +------------+------------+------------+
  4. |last_name|first_name|birth|
  5. +------------+------------+------------+
  6. |Washington|George|1732-02-22|
  7. +------------+------------+------------+


  1. mysql>SELECTlast_name,first_name,birthFROMpresident
  2. ->WHEREbirth<=ANY(SELECTbirthFROMpresident);
  3. +------------+---------------+------------+
  4. |last_name|first_name|birth|
  5. +------------+---------------+------------+
  6. |Washington|George|1732-02-22|
  7. |Adams|John|1735-10-30|
  8. |Jefferson|Thomas|1743-04-13|
  9. |Madison|James|1751-03-16|
  10. |Monroe|James|1758-04-28|
  11. ...


  1. mysql>SELECTlast_name,first_name,city,stateFROMpresident
  2. ->WHERE(city,state)=ANY
  3. ->(SELECTcity,stateFROMpresident
  4. ->WHERElast_name='Roosevelt');
  5. +-----------+-------------+-----------+-------+
  6. |last_name|first_name|city|state|
  7. +-----------+-------------+-----------+-------+
  8. |Roosevelt|Theodore|NewYork|NY|
  9. |Roosevelt|FranklinD.|HydePark|NY|
  10. +-----------+-------------+-----------+-------+

前一节里提到过,IN和NOT IN操作符是= ANY和< > ALL的简写。也就是说,IN操作符的含义是"等于子查询所返回的某个数据行",NOT IN操作符的含义是"不等于子查询所返回的任何数据行"。



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