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Intents and IntentFilters


One area where Android shines is the flexibility it provides in communicating between components, and

sharing data between them. 利用的就是Intent- and IntentFilter-based events.


Intent: is a description of an action you want to happen.

IntentFilter: is a means for a component to declare it's capable of handling a specific Intent.


Intents themselves don't do any work; rather, they describe something that needs to be done.


If a component wants to perform an action, it declares that intention with an Intent and hands it off to the

system. The system then decodes the Intent and decides which other component, Activity, Service, or

BroadcastReceiver, can handle the job.


Also, if an Activity, BroadcastReceiver, or Service wants to offer some action to be available to other

components, it declares an IntentFilter.







    Intents and Intent Filters 理论中英双文

    内含四个pdf文件,分别为 Intent and Intent-filter Intents and Intent Filters理论英文 Intents and Intent Filters理论中文 Intent入门指南 详尽介绍关于android intent

    Android Intents and Intent Filters(一)

    Android Intents and Intent Filters(一) 对应博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/michael__li/article/details/6947545

    Android Intents and Intent Filters(二)源代码

    Android Intents and Intent Filters(二)源代码 对应博客 http://blog.csdn.net/michael__li/article/details/6950127

    Android系列教程之十二:Intents and Intent Filters(三).docx

    Android系列教程之十二:Intents and Intent Filters(三)

    Android Intent和Intent Filter详解

    Intents and Intent Filters  三种应用程序基本组件——activity, service和broadcast receiver——是使用称为intent的消息来激活的。Intent消息传递是一种组件间运行时绑定的机制. intent是Intent对象, 它包含了...


    Understanding Intents and Intent Filters Chapter 12. Advanced Android Topics BOOK DETAILS Paperback: 960 pages Publisher: Apress; 2nd Edition (December 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 1430246146 ...


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    意图和意图过滤器Intents and Intent Filters 43 意图过滤器Intent filters 47 通常情况Common cases 51 使用意图匹配Using intent matching 52 数据存储Data Storage 52 概览Storage quickview 52 ? 系统偏好:快速...


    1 意图和意图过滤器Intents and Intent Filters 2 意图对象Intent Objects 3 意图解析Intent Resolution 4 过滤器与安全Filters and security


    Anybody can start building simple apps for the Android platform, and this book will show you how! Recently updated to include Android ...Understanding Intents and Intent Filters Advanced Android Topics


    意图和意图过滤器Intents and Intent Filters 一个应用程序的三个核心组件-活动,服务和广播接收器是通过消息即意图(Intents)来激活的。Intent消息传送是相同或不同应用中组件运行时晚绑定的一种机制。意图本身...

    Android开发指南中文版.pdf 清晰版

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