
Linux下Could not find or load main class问题分析解决


        我将一个简单的本地JAVA文件上传到Linux下运行,发现报“Error: Could not find or load main class”,而我用java -version和javac -version都能正常显示JVM的版本号。而在另一台机器上却能正常运行。

        网上查资料说是classpath的问题,于是java -class . TheClassName或java -class TheCurrentDir TheClassName即可正常运行,所以基本能确认是classpath的问题,于是echo $CLASSPATH将两台机器的CLASSPATH打印出来,发现不能正确运行java TheClassName的机器少了“.:”,于是我先运行export CLASSPATH=.:$CLASSPATH,再执行java TheClassName正常。



        Linux下变量前量加上$符,而Windows则用两个%将变量夹起来,如shell下用echo $PATH输出path的值,windows的cmd下则是用echo %PATH%。





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    eclipse 下打包

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    Linux and Kylix are not supported. There are *NO* plans to port the library to Kylix. The drag and drop protocols available on Linux are too much of a mess at this time. ----------------------------...

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