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Marathon 服务发现及负载均衡 marathon-lb


1- 简介




       DNS does not identify service ports, unless you use an SRV query; most apps are not able to use SRV records “out of the box.”

       DNS does not have fast failover.

       DNS records have a TTL (time to live) and Mesos-DNS uses polling to create the DNS records; this can result in stale records.

       DNS records do not provide any service health data.

       Some applications and libraries do not correctly handle multiple A records; in some cases the query might be cached and not correctly reloaded as required.





|| Marathon App设置


2- App设置


       创建app需要使用bridge模式,三端口[containerPort | hostPort | servicePort],通过标签[Labels]上组信息marathon-lb查找定位。







       所以后面使用marathon-lb.py脚本的时候要加上--group external参数


Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb



|| marathon-lb填坑指南




1- 安装基本环境 Lua & Haproxy


       # cp -r /opt/marathon-lb-master /marathon-lb

       # cd /marathon-lb

       # sh build-haproxy.sh

 Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb





       # yum install readline-devel

       # sh build-haproxy.sh


2- 执行 marathon-lb


       我们环境中还是Python2,所以将目录中所有py脚本中的python3 改成python

       # vim /marathon-lb/marathon-lb.py

              #!/usr/bin/env python


       # chmod +x marathon-lb.py




       # ./marathon_lb.py --marathon --group external


Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb




3- 制作pem证书文件


       # openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key 1024

       # openssl req -new -key /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key -out /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.csr

       # openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.csr \

       > -signkey /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key -out /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.crt

       # cat /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.crt \

       >/etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key | tee /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.pem


4- 服务重载问题


       # ./marathon_lb.py --marathon --group external

 Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb





 Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb

Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb



5- YUM安装


       # yum install haproxy


       # systemctl restart haproxy.service


       用脚本去侦测marathon上的app,更新 /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

       # ./marathon_lb.py --marathon --group external




Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb


       server-state-file server-state-base lua-load load-server-state-from-file 等关键词不识别


       原因在于这是haproxy 1.6才支持的新特性,marathon-lb脚本生成的haproxy.cfg1.6以上格式,但CentOS现有源只能到1.5,参见如下链接:








       # vim /etc/yum.repo.d/haproxy.repo


       name=Copr repo for haproxy16 owned by nibbler








       # yum update haproxy


       # systemctl restart haproxy.service

       # systemctl status haproxy.service -l


Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb

        只剩下lua-load参数没有识别,tar包编译的时候加了lua support,但rpm包还没有,


       # /usr/sbin/haproxy -vv


Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb




|| marathon-lb部署


0- 域名解析




       # vim /etc/hosts





1- Tar包安装haproxy


       # yum install readline-devel


       # cp -r /opt/marathon-lb-master /marathon-lb

       # cd /marathon-lb

       # sh build-haproxy.sh


2- 服务管理


       # useradd -r haproxy

       # cp /usr/local/sbin/haproxy /usr/sbin/

       # cp /usr/src/haproxy-1.6.4/examples/ haproxy. init  /etc/init.d/haproxy

       # chmod 755 /etc/init.d/haproxy

       # mkdir /etc/haproxy


3- Haproxy运行测试




       # vim /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg


                 log /dev/log local0

                 log /dev/log local1 notice

                 stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin

                 stats timeout 30s

                 user haproxy

                 group haproxy




                 log global

                 mode http

                 option httplog

                 option dontlognull

                 timeout connect 5000

                 timeout client 50000

                 timeout server 50000


              frontend http_front

                 bind *:80

                 stats uri /haproxy?stats

                 default_backend http_back


              backend http_back

                 balance roundrobin

                 server test1 check


       # systemctl status haproxy.service -l


       这里会有一个 line 26: [: =: unary operator expected 报错,修改启动脚本,给26行那个变量加上引号,避免空变量情况下的语法错误


       # vim /etc/init.d/haproxy

              [ "${NETWORKING}" = "no" ] && exit 0


       此外,还有一个 cannot bind UNIX socket [/run/haproxy/admin.sock] 报错,创建目录


       # mkdir /run/haproxy


       # systemctl restart haproxy.service 终于可以启动了


4- SSL证书


       # openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key 1024

       # openssl req -new -key /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key -out /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.csr

       # openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.csr \

       > -signkey /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key -out /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.crt

       # cat /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.crt \

       > /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key | tee /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.pem


5- marathon-lb运行


       # vim /marathon-lb/marathon-lb.py

              #!/usr/bin/env python


       # chmod +x marathon-lb.py


       该脚本中重载的命令是 /etc/init.d/haproxy reload 但实际测试中发现偶尔会导致haproxy起不来,还是把reload改成restart比较稳妥


       # vim /marathon-lb/marathon-lb.py


              elif os.path.isfile('/etc/init.d/haproxy'):

            logger.debug("we seem to be running on a sysvinit based system")

            #reloadCommand = ['/etc/init.d/haproxy', 'reload']

            reloadCommand = ['/etc/init.d/haproxy', 'restart']



       # ./marathon_lb.py --marathon --group external




Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb



       # ./marathon_lb.py --marathon --group external

       # vim /etc/haproxy/haproxy.sh


Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb




       # ./marathon_lb.py --marathon --group external

       # vim /etc/haproxy/haproxy.sh

Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb 










|| 容器化


1- 添加域名解析


       # vim /etc/hosts





2- 下载镜像


       # docker pull mesosphere/marathon-lb


3- 使用sse模式


       使用SSE模式, marathon-lb连接到marathon的事件endpointapp状态改变时收到通知


       # docker run -e PORTS=9090 --net=host mesosphere/marathon-lb sse \

       > --marathon --group external





4- marathon-lb容器也加入marathon集群(需部署好marathonctl


       # vim /opt/marathonctl/apps/lb.json



                "id": "marathon-lb",



                  "--marathon", "",

                  "--group", "external"


                "cpus": 1,

                "mem": 512,

                "instances": 1,1- 简介




       DNS does not identify service ports, unless you use an SRV query; most apps are not able to use SRV records “out of the box.”

       DNS does not have fast failover.

       DNS records have a TTL (time to live) and Mesos-DNS uses polling to create the DNS records; this can result in stale records.

       DNS records do not provide any service health data.

       Some applications and libraries do not correctly handle multiple A records; in some cases the query might be cached and not correctly reloaded as required.





|| Marathon App设置


2- App设置


       创建app需要使用bridge模式,三端口[containerPort | hostPort | servicePort],通过标签[Labels]上组信息marathon-lb查找定位。







       所以后面使用marathon-lb.py脚本的时候要加上--group external参数


Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb



|| marathon-lb填坑指南




1- 安装基本环境 Lua & Haproxy


       # cp -r /opt/marathon-lb-master /marathon-lb

       # cd /marathon-lb

       # sh build-haproxy.sh

 Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb





       # yum install readline-devel

       # sh build-haproxy.sh


2- 执行 marathon-lb


       我们环境中还是Python2,所以将目录中所有py脚本中的python3 改成python

       # vim /marathon-lb/marathon-lb.py

              #!/usr/bin/env python


       # chmod +x marathon-lb.py




       # ./marathon_lb.py --marathon --group external


Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb




3- 制作pem证书文件


       # openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key 1024

       # openssl req -new -key /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key -out /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.csr

       # openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.csr \

       > -signkey /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key -out /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.crt

       # cat /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.crt \

       >/etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key | tee /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.pem


4- 服务重载问题


       # ./marathon_lb.py --marathon --group external

 Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb





 Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb

Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb



5- YUM安装


       # yum install haproxy


       # systemctl restart haproxy.service


       用脚本去侦测marathon上的app,更新 /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

       # ./marathon_lb.py --marathon --group external




Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb


       server-state-file server-state-base lua-load load-server-state-from-file 等关键词不识别


       原因在于这是haproxy 1.6才支持的新特性,marathon-lb脚本生成的haproxy.cfg1.6以上格式,但CentOS现有源只能到1.5,参见如下链接:








       # vim /etc/yum.repo.d/haproxy.repo


       name=Copr repo for haproxy16 owned by nibbler








       # yum update haproxy


       # systemctl restart haproxy.service

       # systemctl status haproxy.service -l


Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb

        只剩下lua-load参数没有识别,tar包编译的时候加了lua support,但rpm包还没有,


       # /usr/sbin/haproxy -vv


Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb




|| marathon-lb部署


0- 域名解析




       # vim /etc/hosts





1- Tar包安装haproxy


       # yum install readline-devel


       # cp -r /opt/marathon-lb-master /marathon-lb

       # cd /marathon-lb

       # sh build-haproxy.sh


2- 服务管理


       # useradd -r haproxy

       # cp /usr/local/sbin/haproxy /usr/sbin/

       # cp /usr/src/haproxy-1.6.4/examples/ haproxy. init  /etc/init.d/haproxy

       # chmod 755 /etc/init.d/haproxy

       # mkdir /etc/haproxy


3- Haproxy运行测试




       # vim /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg


                 log /dev/log local0

                 log /dev/log local1 notice

                 stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin

                 stats timeout 30s

                 user haproxy

                 group haproxy




                 log global

                 mode http

                 option httplog

                 option dontlognull

                 timeout connect 5000

                 timeout client 50000

                 timeout server 50000


              frontend http_front

                 bind *:80

                 stats uri /haproxy?stats

                 default_backend http_back


              backend http_back

                 balance roundrobin

                 server test1 check


       # systemctl status haproxy.service -l


       这里会有一个 line 26: [: =: unary operator expected 报错,修改启动脚本,给26行那个变量加上引号,避免空变量情况下的语法错误


       # vim /etc/init.d/haproxy

              [ "${NETWORKING}" = "no" ] && exit 0


       此外,还有一个 cannot bind UNIX socket [/run/haproxy/admin.sock] 报错,创建目录


       # mkdir /run/haproxy


       # systemctl restart haproxy.service 终于可以启动了


4- SSL证书


       # openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key 1024

       # openssl req -new -key /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key -out /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.csr

       # openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.csr \

       > -signkey /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key -out /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.crt

       # cat /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.crt \

       > /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.key | tee /etc/ssl/mesosphere.com.pem


5- marathon-lb运行


       # vim /marathon-lb/marathon-lb.py

              #!/usr/bin/env python


       # chmod +x marathon-lb.py


       该脚本中重载的命令是 /etc/init.d/haproxy reload 但实际测试中发现偶尔会导致haproxy起不来,还是把reload改成restart比较稳妥


       # vim /marathon-lb/marathon-lb.py


              elif os.path.isfile('/etc/init.d/haproxy'):

            logger.debug("we seem to be running on a sysvinit based system")

            #reloadCommand = ['/etc/init.d/haproxy', 'reload']

            reloadCommand = ['/etc/init.d/haproxy', 'restart']



       # ./marathon_lb.py --marathon --group external




Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb



       # ./marathon_lb.py --marathon --group external

       # vim /etc/haproxy/haproxy.sh


Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb




       # ./marathon_lb.py --marathon --group external

       # vim /etc/haproxy/haproxy.sh

Marathon <wbr>服务发现及负载均衡 <wbr>marathon-lb 










|| 容器化


1- 添加域名解析


       # vim /etc/hosts





2- 下载镜像


       # docker pull mesosphere/marathon-lb


3- 使用sse模式


       使用SSE模式, marathon-lb连接到marathon的事件endpointapp状态改变时收到通知


       # docker run -e PORTS=9090 --net=host mesosphere/marathon-lb sse \

       > --marathon --group external





4- marathon-lb容器也加入marathon集群(需部署好marathonctl


       # vim /opt/marathonctl/apps/lb.json



                "id": "marathon-lb",



                  "--marathon", "",

                  "--group", "external"


                "cpus": 1,

                "mem": 512,

                "instances": 1,

                "env": {

                  "PORTS": "9090"


                "container": {

                  "type": "DOCKER",

                  "docker": {

                    "image": "mesosphere/marathon-lb",

                    "network": "HOST"





       # usemara app create /opt/marathonctl/apps/lb.json



                "env": {

                  "PORTS": "9090"


                "container": {

                  "type": "DOCKER",

                  "docker": {

                    "image": "mesosphere/marathon-lb",

                    "network": "HOST"





       # usemara app create /opt/marathonctl/apps/lb.json







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