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1,加入类 com.ddy.struts.filter.SetCharacterEncodingFilter

package com.ddy.struts.filter; 
import javax.servlet.*;
import java.io.IOException; 
 * <p>
 * Filter that sets the character encoding to be used in parsing the incoming
 * request, either unconditionally or only if the client did not specify a
 * character encoding. Configuration of this filter is based on the following
 * initialization parameters:
 * </p>
 * <ul>
 * <li><strong>encoding</strong> - The character encoding to be configured for
 * this request, either conditionally or unconditionally based on the
 * <code>ignore</code> initialization parameter. This parameter is required,
 * so there is no default.</li>
 * <li><strong>ignore</strong> - If set to "true", any character encoding
 * specified by the client is ignored, and the value returned by the
 * <code>selectEncoding()</code> method is set. If set to "false,
 * <code>selectEncoding()</code> is called <strong>only</strong> if the
 * client has not already specified an encoding. By default, this parameter is
 * set to "true".</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * Although this filter can be used unchanged, it is also easy to subclass it
 * and make the <code>selectEncoding()</code> method more intelligent about
 * what encoding to choose, based on characteristics of the incoming request
 * (such as the values of the <code>Accept-Language</code> and
 * <code>User-Agent</code> headers, or a value stashed in the current user's
 * session.
 * </p>
 * @author <a href="mailto:jwtronics@yahoo.com">John Wong</a>
 * @version $Id: SetCharacterEncodingFilter.java,v 1.1 2002/04/10 13:59:27
 *          johnwong Exp $
public class SetCharacterEncodingFilter implements Filter { 
 // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables 
  * The default character encoding to set for requests that pass through this
  * filter.
 protected String encoding = null; 
  * The filter configuration object we are associated with. If this value is
  * null, this filter instance is not currently configured.
 protected FilterConfig filterConfig = null; 
  * Should a character encoding specified by the client be ignored?
 protected boolean ignore = true; 
 // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods 
  * Take this filter out of service.
 public void destroy() { 
  this.encoding = null;
  this.filterConfig = null; 
  * Select and set (if specified) the character encoding to be used to
  * interpret request parameters for this request.
  * @param request
  *            The servlet request we are processing
  * @param result
  *            The servlet response we are creating
  * @param chain
  *            The filter chain we are processing
  * @exception IOException
  *                if an input/output error occurs
  * @exception ServletException
  *                if a servlet error occurs
 public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
   FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { 
  // Conditionally select and set the character encoding to be used
  if (ignore || (request.getCharacterEncoding() == null)) {
   String encoding = selectEncoding(request);
   if (encoding != null)
  // Pass control on to the next filter
  chain.doFilter(request, response); 
  * Place this filter into service.
  * @param filterConfig
  *            The filter configuration object
 public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { 
  this.filterConfig = filterConfig;
  this.encoding = filterConfig.getInitParameter("encoding");
  String value = filterConfig.getInitParameter("ignore");
  if (value == null)
   this.ignore = true;
  else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
   this.ignore = true;
  else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))
   this.ignore = true;
   this.ignore = false; 
 // ------------------------------------------------------ Protected Methods 
  * Select an appropriate character encoding to be used, based on the
  * characteristics of the current request and/or filter initialization
  * parameters. If no character encoding should be set, return
  * <code>null</code>.
  * <p>
  * The default implementation unconditionally returns the value configured
  * by the <strong>encoding</strong> initialization parameter for this
  * filter.
  * @param request
  *            The servlet request we are processing
 protected String selectEncoding(ServletRequest request) { 
  return (this.encoding); 
}// EOC



   <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name>
   <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name>



     <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=GB2312"




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