
XWork Configuration (1)



1.WebWork - WebWork - Package Configuration:
Packages are a way to group Actions, Results, Result Types, Interceptors and Stacks into a logical unit that shares a common configuration.

(Packages是把Actions, Results, Result Types, Interceptors和Stacks分组成逻辑单元的一种方式,以分享一些共同设置).

Package Configuration (zh_cn)  (en)

2.WebWork - WebWork - Namespace Configuration:
The default namespace, which is "" (an empty string) is used as a "catch-all" namespace, so if an action configuration is not found in a specified namespace, the default namespace will also be searched.This allows you to have global action configurations outside of the "extends" hierarchy, as well as to allow the previous Webwork 1.x behavior by not specifying namespaces. It is also intended that the namespace functionality can be used for security, for instance by having the path before the action name be used as the namespace by the Webwork 2.0 ServletDispatcher, thus allowing the use of J2EE declarative security on paths to be easily implemented and maintained.

(默认名称空间用""(空字符串)表示.如果系统在指定的名称空间中没有找到某个action,就会到默认名称空间中查找.你可以在所有用"extends"扩展的名称空间外配置全局action,就像Webwork 1.x那样不指定名称空间.名称空间也可以用来实现系统安全,例如action名字之前可以有个路径,这个路径就是Webwork 2.0 ServletDispatcher用的名称空间,你可以在路径上使用J2EE声明式的安全限制,这种方式很容易的实现和维护).

Namespace is only one level. For example if the url '/barspace/myspace/bar.action' is requested, Webwork will try to search for namespace '/barspace/myspace', which does not exist in this case, and will fall back to the default namespace '' and tried the search for action with 'bar' alias. As a result the bar action in the default will be used.


Namespace Configuration (zh_cn) (en)


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