
about malloc

  • C++
做了一个调用malloc 分配memory 的小程序.

执行之后,top/ ps -A -o pcpu,pmem,cmd

发现memory 没有分配。

在malloc 后面添加 memset ,memory 才被分配


    Debugging Malloc Lab: Detecting Memory-Related Errors

    The usual implementation of malloc and free are unforgiving to errors in their callers' code, including cases where the programmer overflows an array, forgets to free memory, or frees a memory block ...

    cpumemory-What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory.pdf

    4. 内存池技术:程序员可以使用内存池技术,例如使用malloc和free函数等。 四、总结 内存子系统是计算机系统中的一部分,负责存储和管理程序和数据。为了优化程序性能,程序员需要了解内存子系统的结构和工作原理...

    Thinking in C++

    very no-nonsense, nuts-and-bolts attitude about programming. Worse, my background and experience was in hardware-level embedded programming, in which C has often been considered a high-level language ...

    Teach Yourself C in 24 Hours (2nd Edition).pdf

    (You’ll learn more about the malloc()function later in the book.) Notesare explanations of interesting properties of a particular C program feature. Let’s have a look at the following example of a ...


    Using this marvelous tool, you can uncloak any imbalance in malloc/free calls (double free's or leaks), operations with uninitialized memory, access outside of properly allocated memory and oh so ...


    This is an educational project to learn more about the ELF file format and Unicorn. 中文 README Features Emulation of the JNI Invocation API so JNI_OnLoad can be called properly. Emulation of native ...


    some basic facts about glibc heap shared with Team 0ops in 2014.08. as heap issues are no longer rare in CTFs, I decide to make it public CATALOGUE Introduction to GLIBC Heap View Heap As an Attacker ...

    Nucleus C++ v1.3 Upgrade

    About the Nucleus C++ v1.3 Upgrade In an ongoing effort to accommodate the evolving needs of our customers, Nucleus C++ has been updated to accommodate changes based on valued feedback from our users ...

    Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering v0.9.5

    SB Examples, Malloc Logging For the final chapter in this section, you’ll go through the same steps I myself took to understand how the MallocStackLogging environment variable is used to get the ...


    about_blank.pdf Android_malloc_debug.pdf annotation_highlight_long_content.pdf annotation_highlight_rollover_ap.pdf annotation_highlight_square_with_ap.pdf annotation_ink_multiple.pdf annotation_stamp...

    esp8266 mp3

    //This waits for about 200mS for (n=0; n*2; n++) i2sPushSample(0); } else { //Read some bytes from the FIFO to re-fill the buffer. spiRamFifoRead(&readBuf[rem], n); rem+=n; } } /...

    Turbo C++ 3.0[DISK]

    This README file contains important information about Turbo C++. For the latest information about Turbo C++ and its accompanying programs and manuals, read this file in its entirety. TABLE OF ...

    Turbo C++ 3.00[DISK]

    This README file contains important information about Turbo C++. For the latest information about Turbo C++ and its accompanying programs and manuals, read this file in its entirety. TABLE OF ...

    mysql 断电不能启动

    This option may be removed in future releases, together with the option innodb_use_sys_malloc and with the InnoDB's internal memory allocator. 2017-11-15 19:23:46 1404 [Note] InnoDB: Using atomics to...


    FileBuf = (char*) malloc(FileSize); File.ReadHuge(FileBuf,FileSize); File.Close(); m_HORScrollBar.SetMax(FileSize/65536) ; fileready=1; int k; switch(PICTYPE) { case 0: k=1; break; case...


    问题四:Please tell me something unreflected at your resume/about yourself/ your experience/your activities. 2.1.3 英文电话面试常用词汇 2.2 英文面试 2.2.1 英文简历 2.2.2 英文面试流程 2.2.3 英文面试...

    PaperTest Q&A笔试综述

    I made this file by collecting kinds of paper test information online in about half a year. I made it public to help the ones hunting for jobs like myself last year. If anything is wrong, Please ...


    更新说明: 2017-02-04(yaya) Ls command: Empty Folder returns false. 2016-12-08(yaya) 修正lz4、vhd不显示解压缩进度指示。增加lzma解压缩进度指示。 2016-11-09(不点) 0x8205 bit 5 = 1: 使checkkey...

    The Art of Assembly Language Programming

    An Easy Way to Remember the 8086 Memory Addressing Modes - Some Final Comments About 8086 Addressing Modes 4.6.3 - 80386 Register Addressing Modes 4.6.4 - 80386 Memory Addressing ...

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