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Openvox A1200P FXO/FXS Cards

A1200P is a 12-port FXO/FXS analog card. User could choose any of combinations of OpenVox FXO-100 or FXS-100 modules according to the business requirements. The above picture is an OpenVox A1200P0404. It has 2 FXS100(green) and 2 FXO100(red) modules pre-installed.

Via professional firmware design and new device driver, the A1200P can greatly decrease the cpu payload, and also increase the stability of the whole system. The 12-port card even use less cpu time than the 4-port card!

Key Benefits:
1. Low CPU payload : below 25% with 8 pcs of A1200P(96 ports) after driver installed, on a Celereon D 2.53Ghz.
2. Scalable: Just add additional cards to extend system.
3. Easy to use: Module Pin to Pin compatible with X100M and S100M. You can use Digium's X100M/S100M module on this card, or use our FXO-100/ FXS-100 Module.
4. Excellent choice of upgrade your TDM400P based Asterisk system to A1200P, achieve 96 port density or more in one PC, and protect your investment by directly making use of your investment on modules of OpenVox FXO/FXS.
5. Rohs is compliant.

Certificates: A-Tick, CE, FCC

Five Year Warranty!



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