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how to write a drupal module



如:ln -s /home/mbutcher/modules/modules_name  /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/modules_name


2),module_name.info文件(a php ini file)
name = "module_name"
core = 6.x
php = 5.1

第一行的;$Id$,按照书中的说法是it is a placeholder for Drupal's CVS server.
CVS = Concurrent Version System

// $Id$
* @file
* Module for fetching data from Goodreads.com.
* This module provides block content retrieved from a
* Goodreads.com bookshelf.
* @see http://www.goodreads.com

注意:有 <?php  开头 但是不能有 end ?>

The @file identifier tells the documentation processor that this comment describes the entire file, not a particular function or variable inside the file. The first comment in every Drupal PHP file
should, by convention, be a file-level comment.
@see keyword
This instructs the documentation processor to attempt to link this file to some other piece of information. In this case, that piece of information is a URL.


function goodreads_block($op='list' , $delta=0, $edit=array())
$op :可以有4个取值,
list(passed when the module should provide information about itself. For example   administration screen, the $op parameter is set to list.
view: provide content for displaying to the user.
configure: when configure the block
save: This value is passed when configuration information from the form

$delta: contains extra information about what content should be displayed.(当$op被设置为view时,这个值会被调用,也就是说,这个$delta是用在display的时候的。)

$edit: configuration 的时候会用到


* Implementation of hook_block()
function goodreads_block($op='list', $delta=0, $edit=array()) {
switch ($op) {
case 'list':
$blocks[0]['info'] = t('Goodreads Bookshelf');
return $blocks;
case 'view':
$blocks['subject'] = t('On the Bookshelf');
$blocks['content'] = t('Temporary content');
return $blocks;

1),t('Trying to access !url.', array('!url'=>'http://example.com'));
输出结果:Trying to access http://example.com.
2),t('Italics tag: @tag', array( '@tag', '<i>'))
输出结果: 'Italics tag: &lt;i&gt;'
3),t('Replacing %value.', array('%value=>'test')
输出结果:'Replacing <em>test</em>'

保存所有修改过的文件。到site building里面启动模块吧。
启动完模块后,再从site building->block中,就能看到你的模块啦。在disabled里面找到你写的新模块,把region的值从none改成你喜欢的,比如我选择了right sidebar。记得保存设置哦。接着,就可以在右边看到你的新模块了。

case 'view':
$blocks['subject'] = t('On the Bookshelf');
$blocks['content'] = t('Temporary content');
return $blocks;
$blocks['content'] = t('Temporary content');这句
case 'view':
$url = 'http://www.goodreads.com/review/list_rss/'
$blocks['subject'] = t('On the Bookshelf');
$blocks['content'] = _goodreads_fetch_bookshelf($url);
return $blocks;

function _goodreads_fetch_bookshelf($url, $number=3)
//其实,这里面的代码要怎么写,就看你的需要了。这已经不是drupal的问题了,而是一个单纯的动态页面开发了。记得return $out就对了。 $out吗?字符窜就对了,不管你是调用了数据库,还是其他应用。把结果输出就对了

function goodreads_help($section)
if($section == 'admin/help')
return 'The description of your module help info.';
===============================================或者=============================================== function good_help($path, $arg){ if($path == 'admin/help#good'){ //同上 } }



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