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English Spelling


   English spelling is a "headache"for native and non-native speakers alike.As a student of mine once commented,English spelling must have been invented by one of the devil's helpers.

  Do we need a spelling reform? At first, the logical answer is yes. A reform would make the language easier for everybody.It would modernize the old-fashioned spelling which was standardized before Modern English was "born".A spelling reform is not a simple matter.First of all,it would be very expensive. Second, if spelling is supposed to reflect pronunciation,then what pronunciation should we use -R.P.,American English,or some compromise?Once the decision is made, will all the speakers accept the changes?A spelling reform could start a linguistic war!

Finally there is another important consideration.Change is the natural law for all languages.It occurs more rapidly in speech than in writing slows down the  speed of change, because it is more conservative than speech.Writing also acts as a unifying link among the spoken varieties.

  A spelling reform would weaken the stability of the written language and thus undermine its unity.If this happened,English would no longer be a language for international communication.

conservative 保守的, 守旧的


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