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Java 3D - Basic

Scene Graph Describe what a scene graph is and it's tasks and duties.
Explain what the leaf's node scene graph path is.
Specify the two types of references in a scene graph:
  • Parent-Child
  • Composition.
Explain the fact that every child node can have only one parent node and what happens if it there are more than one parent.
Explain what happens if an illegal scene graph is rendered.
Describe the following terms:
  • View branch group
  • Content branch group
Scene Graph Elements The exam requires that you understand the function of the following classes and their impact on the scene graph:
  • Node
  • Group
  • Leaf
  • Node component
Describe the fact that every Shape object has an appearance and a geometry component.
Scene Graph Rendering Describe the rendering algorithm of Java3D.
Describe that Java3D scene graphs can be rendered in multiple threads.
Define the the following terms:
  • live
  • compiled.
Describe how a BranchGroup can be converted in the internal representation.
Specify the impact on capabilities of a BranchGroup that is converted in the internal representation.
Universe Explain the function of the locale in a scene graph.
Describe the term Virtual Universe.
Explain what it means to have more than one universe.
Use the functions of the class SimpleUniverse to write code pieces.
Classes Use the following classes to write Java3D code pieces:
  • BranchGroup
  • TransformGroup
  • Transform3D.
additionally be able to identify their mathematical background. Use the Canvas3D class to write Java3D code. Mathematical Classes Use the following classes to write Java3D code:
  • javax.vecmath.Point3d
  • javax.vecmath.Color3d
  • javax.vecmath.Vector3f
  • javax.vecmath.Vector3d
  • javax.vecmath.Color3f
  • javax.vecmath.Point3f
Utility Classes Use the following utility classes from the package com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry:
  • Box
  • Cone
  • Cylinder
  • Sphere
to write Java3D code pieces. Shape 3D Describe the two node components of a Shape3D object.
Use the class Appearance to set the appearance node component of a Shape3D.
Be able to define simple geometrical forms like a rectangle.
Capabilites Use the capabilities from the following classes to write code:
  • Shape3D
  • TransformGroup
  • BranchGroup
Explain what will happen if you change the capabilities of a compiled or lived group.
Describe the capabilities that allows the developer to change the capabilities of a compiled or lived group.
Behaviours Define the two sorts of Behaviours(User, Time)
Describe the effect that boundings have on a Behaviour.
Describe how boundings can increase the performance.
Use the class BoundingSphere to set boundings.
Explain the usage of behaviours.
Interpolators Use interpolators with behaviours to develop simple animations.
Use the Alpha class with interpolators to construct an interpolator.
Identify the sorts of interpolators in the java3D API.


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