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 Maven2 Standard

Project Object Model (POM)
  • Knowledge of the various basic POM elements
Default configurations
  • Directory layout
  • Convention over configuration
  • One primary output per project
  • Standard naming conventions
  • The different valid locations for profiles definition
  • What can be put in a profile
  • Using properties
  • Triggers for enabling profiles
Plugins and using Plugins Knowledge of what plugins there are
Configuring a plugin
Binding plugin goals to lifecycle phases
Site Generation Web site layout
Authoring with XDoc, APT, etc
Adding and configuring site reports
Continuous integration What is the need compared to Maven Binary dependency strategy (see http://tinyurl.com/a6325) Artifact Repositories Local and remote repos
How frequently remote repo is checked and policies
SNAPSHOTs vs regular versions
Repository layout and metadata
Dependency Management Transitive dependencies
How to exclude unwanted transitive dependencies
Different scopes and when to use them
Using dependencyManagement to share dependencies
Build Lifecycle The different phases
Link between lifecycle and packaging
Binding goals to phases
FQN for goal execution
The different lifecycles (main, site, clean)
Deployment Understanding the deploy plugin
Understanding the release plugin
Understanding the deployment settings
The different deployment protocols
Understanding SNAPSHOT resolution
Checking Code Health Coding conventions and best practices with Checkstyle, PMD and Findbugs plugins
Copy-paste detection with CPD
Testing with surefire plugin
Test coverage with Cobertura and Clover plugins
Changes report
Failing the build vs generating a report
Team Collaboration Setting up a consistent development environment
Creating a shared repository
Continuous integration with Continuum
Creating an organization POM
Binary build dependencies on SNAPSHOTs
Creating a standard project Archetype
Automated Testing Using different type of tests (unit, integration and functional)
Using the surefire plugin.
Packaging Using the Assembly plugin to create an uberjar
Using the Assembly plugin to create a distribution
Using the proper directory structure for packaging modules


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