
我使用过的Linux命令之apropos - 根据关键字搜索命令


我使用过的Linux命令之apropos - 根据关键字搜索命令

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因为Linux的Shell中使用的是命令行方式,有时候会忘记执行特定任务的命令,就可以使用apropos找出来。等同于man -k,在使用的时候还是觉得用man -k来的好,毕竟apropos这个命令有些难记。

此命令需要指定一个keyword作为参数,查找与该keyword有关的命令。手册页中的解释是:在whatis数据库中搜索字符串。search the whatis database for strings。




命令格式为:apropos keyword

等同于:man -k keyword



[root@web ~]# apropos who
at.allow [at]        (5)  - determine who can submit jobs via at or batch
at.deny [at]         (5)  - determine who can submit jobs via at or batch
jwhois               (1)  - client for the whois service
jwhois              (rpm) - Internet whois/nicname client.
w                    (1)  - Show who is logged on and what they are doing
who                  (1)  - show who is logged on
who                  (1p)  - display who is on the system
whoami               (1)  - print effective userid

[root@web ~]# man -k who
at.allow [at]        (5)  - determine who can submit jobs via at or batch
at.deny [at]         (5)  - determine who can submit jobs via at or batch
jwhois               (1)  - client for the whois service
jwhois              (rpm) - Internet whois/nicname client.
w                    (1)  - Show who is logged on and what they are doing
who                  (1)  - show who is logged on
who                  (1p)  - display who is on the system
whoami               (1)  - print effective userid

从以上输出来看,apropos和man -k的输出是相同的。


[root@web ~]# apropos apropos
apropos              (1)  - search the whatis database for strings
man                 (rpm) - A set of documentation tools: man, apropos and whatis.
[root@web ~]# man -k apropos
apropos              (1)  - search the whatis database for strings
man                 (rpm) - A set of documentation tools: man, apropos and whatis.


[root@web ~]# apropos sort
FcFontSort           (3)  - Return list of matching fonts
alphasort [scandir]  (3)  - scan a directory for matching entries
bsearch              (3)  - binary search of a sorted array
bsearch              (3p)  - binary search a sorted table
bunzip2 [bzip2]      (1)  - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.3
bzip2                (1)  - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.3
comm                 (1)  - compare two sorted files line by line
ldap_sort_entries    (3)  - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_entries [ldap_sort] (3)  - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_entries [ldap_sort_strcasecmp] (3)  - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_entries [ldap_sort_values] (3)  - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_strcasecmp (3)  - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_strcasecmp [ldap_sort] (3)  - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_strcasecmp [ldap_sort_entries] (3)  - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_strcasecmp [ldap_sort_values] (3)  - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_values     (3)  - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_values [ldap_sort] (3)  - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_values [ldap_sort_entries] (3)  - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_values [ldap_sort_strcasecmp] (3)  - LDAP sorting routines
qsort                (3)  - sorts an array
qsort                (3p)  - sort a table of data
sort                 (1)  - sort lines of text files
sort                 (1p)  - sort, merge, or sequence check text files
sort                 (3pm)  - perl pragma to control sort() behaviour
tsort                (1)  - perform topological sort
tsort                (1p)  - topological sort
versionsort [scandir] (3)  - scan a directory for matching entries



【1】51CTO.COM Linux apropos命令详细列表

【2】建站教学网 Linux命令行知识:apropos查找和sort相关的命令

【3】爱词霸在线词典 apropos


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