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解决i8253 count too high !resetting!的其他方法

1.关闭提示 2.消除误差
开机到grub处,按下e键,选择kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.20-8 ro root=LABEL=/ ,在末尾处“空格+single”,然后回车退出,再按b键引导进入单用户模式,在单用户模式下输入chkconfig pcmcia off,然后reboot重启就可以了
Linux系统本身就已经具备了消除这种误差的功能,因为i8253 count too hight,reseting,本身就是一个Debug的回显信息,系统是如何消除这种误差的呢?

I 'solved' the problem by removing the message from the linux kernel source
and compiling it again then installing the new kernel. No more messages!

You *NEED* to have the kernel source on your virtual machine to do this.

On 2.4.x kernel sources (assuming your linux sources is at /usr/src/linux)
the file that needs editing is time.c found like this...
root@dana2:/root$ cd /usr/src/
root@myserver:/usr/src$ grep "i8253 count too high! resetting.." *

which outputs:

grep: Documentation: Is a directory
grep: arch: Is a directory
grep: crypto: Is a directory
grep: drivers: Is a directory
grep: fs: Is a directory
grep: include: Is a directory
grep: init: Is a directory
grep: ipc: Is a directory
grep: kernel: Is a directory
grep: lib: Is a directory
grep: mm: Is a directory
grep: net: Is a directory
grep: scripts: Is a directory
arch/i386/kernel/time.c:                               "i8253 count too
high! resetting..\n");

Go edit this time.c file and it is the two lines 690/691 (for 2.4.27 anyway). At comment
markers around the two lines then save and build a new kernel and install.

time.c lines 690 & 691
/*  printk(KERN_WARNING"i8253 count too high! resetting..\n"); */

The line numbers may or may not be the same for other 2.4.xx kernels but it will be the same file.


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