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Rails and Ruby books

《Ruby for Rails》(David Black著)

《Ruby for Rails中文版》

《Agile Web Development with Rails》(第二版,Dave Thomas、David Heinemeier Hansson等著)

《Ruby for Rails中文版》

ruby on rails


    Beginning Ruby:From Novice to Professional

    "Ruby is perhaps best known as the ... In addition, Ruby on Rails is covered in depth, and the books appendixes provide essential reference information as well as a primer for experienced programmers.


    It assumes that you already know Ruby, and have either read one of the many wonderful introductory books on Rails or have otherwise consumed some form of a Rails tutorial. In either case, you ...

    Learning Rails.pdf

    While most books written about Rails cater to programmers looking for information on data structures, Learning Rails targets web developers whose programming experience is tied directly to the Web. ...

    The Rails 5 Way-Leanpub(2017).pdf

    As with previous editions, this book is not a tutorial or basic introduction to Ruby or Rails. The idea is for the full-time Rails developer to give it a once over straight through at first, then use ...

    Learning Rails 5(高清文字pdf版)

    If you’re a web developer or designer ready to learn Ruby on Rails, this hands-on guide is the ideal way to get started. Rather than toss you into the middle of the framework’s Model-View-Controller...

    Learning Rails 5(高清文字kindle版)

    If you’re a web developer or designer ready to learn Ruby on Rails, this hands-on guide is the ideal way to get started. Rather than toss you into the middle of the framework’s Model-View-Controller...

    Learning Rails 5(高清文字epub版)

    If you’re a web developer or designer ready to learn Ruby on Rails, this hands-on guide is the ideal way to get started. Rather than toss you into the middle of the framework’s Model-View-Controller...

    Pro ActiveRecord Databases

    Apress Pro ActiveRecord Databases with Ruby and Rails <br>Active Record has primarily been covered as a subsection, or maybe as a chapter or two, within a larger scoped book generally about the ...

    libri:Google图书API的网络界面。 使用Ruby on Rails创建

    此应用是使用Ruby on Rails 5.2.2和Ruby 2.6.0版创建的。 没有数据库要求,并且该项目不包括ActiveRecord。 它直接解析Google Books API的结果。 该应用需要Internet访问,因为可以从Google Books API中检索图书...


    Developers of web applications who come from Java/J2EE, ASP.NET, PHP, Ruby on Rails and want to explore the capabilities of JavaScript based server apps. It’s suitable for beginners that have a basic...

    introduction-to-ruby-on-rails:请参见“ Rails in Action”。 学习使用Rails 4开发在线图书商店API

    Ruby On Rails简介请参见“ Rails in Action”。 学习使用Rails 4开发在线图书商店API。 在此会议中,我们将执行以下操作: 从头开始创建Rails应用程序并配置所需的gem以进行测试驱动的开发开发一个书店API应用程序...

    Skill Up: A Software Developer's Guide to Life and Career

    Additionally, Jordan has published multiple books on programming and computer science along with developing training curriculum for Learn.co, DevCamp, and AppDev on the topics, namely Ruby on Rails, ...

    books_app:Ruby on Railsプラクティス用

    自述文件 该自述文件通常会记录启动和运行应用程序所需的所有步骤。... Ruby版本 系统依赖 配置 数据库创建 数据库初始化 如何运行测试套件 服务(作业队列,缓存服务器,搜索引擎等) 部署说明 ...


    Whether it's Android, iOS, Ruby and Ruby on Rails, Cocoa, Mac OS X, JavaScript, HTML5 or UX/UI, we've got you covered. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Your First Android Application Chapter 2. Android ...


    Solargraph :: Rails-帮助...# Table name: my_books # # id :integer not null, primary key # author :string # name :string # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # class MyBook <


    ) :books: 质量文件 :microscope: 最小的依赖 快速开始 安装 Tomo是Ruby宝石。 安装: $ gem install tomo :light_bulb: 提示:运行tomo completion-script以获取有关设置bash完成的说明。 配置项目 通过项目中的...

    相关内容:Ruby gem,带有一些有用的模式,用于Rails项目,以保持DRY和SOLID原则

    适用于Rails项目的简单ruby gem,具有一些有用的模式,可帮助您构建更多可扩展的应用程序 目录 服务对象 运行服务的界面-移动业务逻辑的地方。 例: class TestService < Relevium :: Service attr_reader :...

    crm-books:使用 rails 和 mongodb 构建的基本商店

    Ruby版本 2.1.5 Rails 版本 4.1.8 系统依赖 配置 数据库创建 开发数据库设置为 - localhost:27017。 在 OSX 上运行 $mongod,对于 Ubuntu/Debian 运行 $sudo service mongod start。 如何运行测试套件 服务...


    这是通过REST API与GraphQL一起使用的实验。 这个仓库是Rails内置的REST API。... 查看http://localhost:3000/api/books以确保REST API正常运行。 保持运行状态,然后在另一个控制台会话中启动该节点示例。

    stimulus_reflex:使用您熟悉和喜爱的 Rails 工具构建React式应用程序

    欢迎来到 StimulusReflex :waving_hand: :party_popper: 一种使用 Ruby on Rails 构建现代、React式、实时应用程序的令人兴奋的新方法。 StimulusReflex 消除了全栈前端框架带来的复杂性。 而且,速度很快。 它可以...

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