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上周技术关注:ASP.NET 2.0运行时简要分析

  • [.NET开发] ASP.NET 2.0运行时简要分析 #
    ASP.NET 2.0运行时是ASP.NET 2.0中非常复杂、难以理解也是很重要的部分,对ASP.NET 2.0运行时源代码的研究有处于我们加深对ASP.NET 2.0原理的理解,会给我们开发ASP.NET 2.0应用程序带来不少帮助。这篇文章也是我初次学习ASP.NET 2.0运行时,为了帮助自己更好地理解ASP.NET 2.0运行时而写的,欢迎你对文章内容提出批评与建议。
  • [软件工程; 程序人生] Software Engineering, Not Computer Science #
    'A scientist builds in order to learn; an engineer learns in order to build.'- Fred BrooksMy favorite answer came from a candidate who said, 'During software design, I'm an architect. When I'm designing the user interface, I'm an artist. During construction, I'm a craftsman. And during unit testing, I'm one mean son of a bit ch!'
  • [数学; 算法; 商业] Math Will Rock Your World #
    How do you convert written words into math? Goldman says it takes a combination of algebra and geometry. Imagine an object floating in space that has an edge for every known scrap of information. It's called a polytope and it has near-infinite dimensions, almost impossible to conjure up in our earthbound minds. It contains every topic written about in the press. And every article that Inform processes becomes a single line within it. Each line has a series of relationships. A single article on Bordeaux wine, for example, turns up in the polytope near France, agriculture, wine, even alcoholism. In each case, Inform's algorithm calculates the relevance of one article to the next by measuring the angle between the two lines.
  • [人物; Pascal] 执着的数字思想者——Pascal之父 #
    Wirth教授的Pascal语言影响了几代软件开发人员,并提出计算机界非常有名的“数据结构十算法= 程序”著名公式,除了发明了多种影响深远的程序设计语言,他还提出“结构化程序设计”这一革命性概念,为新软件技术“结构化编程”的开发做出了贡献。
  • [.NET开发; ajax] ajax for .net in vs2003 like gmail ^_^ #
    ajax.net pro的一个示例
    上个月在北京的一位朋友告诉我 .net早就有第三方封装的ajax 上msdn 查了一下 结果就看到这个http://www.schwarz-interactive.de/Ajax.NET Professional
  • [Google; 微软] Google引火烧身 还是致命一击 #
    但是现在Google推出Google Pack、并与Dell达成合作,已经对微软展开了“基因战”。Google的举动有两层影响,一是Dell这个重量级的OEM叛逃,既影响了Windows操作系统的预装收入,又挖了WindowsAPI的墙角;二是Google Pack采用信息服务 软件的捆绑方式,去冲击微软提供软件、服务由第三方提供的方式。当然微软也在试图转型服务,比如MSN、以及Live战略,但是目前尚未完成转型。微软由于惯性,仍在力推Vista,而Vista的升级前景受到质疑。Google发起此次冲击,是有稳固的根据地的,即基于搜索服务的广告收入、还有整个业界和股市对Google的狂热追捧所反映出的人心向往。  Google在Google Pack之前已经造成了微软的不适和混乱,黄彦达认为Google的抉择已经给了软件巨人两巴掌,“微软面临内部在软件与媒体间的挣扎(例如Windows Live和MSN.COM 到底要怎%
  • [.NET开发; Rewrite] asp.net的网址重定向方法的比较:面向搜索引擎友好 #
  • [算法] Computer Programming Algorithms Directory #
    Welcome to my computer programming algorithms directory. I am hoping to provide a comprehensive directory of web sites that detail algorithms for computer programming problems.
  • [搜索技术] 搜索引擎的分析--聚类分析 #




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