
install MacPorts

  • mac

Mac OS X Package (.pkg) Installer

The easiest way to install MacPorts on a Mac OS X system is by downloading the dmg for Snow Leopard, Leopard or Tiger and running the system's Installer by double-clicking on the pkg contained therein,
    following the on-screen instructions until completion.

This procedure will place a fully-functional and default MacPorts installation on your host system, ready for usage.
    If needed your shell configuration files will be adapted by
    the installer to include the necessary settings to run MacPorts and the programs it installs, but you may need to
    open a new shell for these changes to take effect.

The MacPorts “selfupdate” command will also be run for you by the installer to ensure you have our
    latest available release and the latest revisions to the “Portfiles” that contain the instructions employed
    in the building and installation of ports. After installation is done, it is recommended that you run this step manually
    on a regular basis to to keep your MacPorts system always current:

sudo port -v selfupdate
sudo port -d selfupdate

At this point you should be ready to enjoy MacPorts!

Type “man port” at the command line prompt and/or browse over to our Guide to find out more information about using MacPorts. Help is also available.


2.3. Install MacPorts

If you are using Mac OS X, you should install MacPorts using the Mac OS X package installer unless you do not wish to install it to  /opt/local/ , the default MacPorts location, or if you wish to install a pre-release version of MacPorts base. However, if you wish to  install multiple copies of MacPorts   or install MacPorts on another OS platform, you must  install MacPorts from the source code .


Though a distinction is made between pre-release and release versions of MacPorts base, the ports collection supports no such distinction or versioning. The  selfupdate   command installs the latest port revisions from subversion (at a slight delay), and updates MacPorts base to the latest released version.

The Mac OS X package installer automatically installs MacPorts,  sets the shell environment , and runs a  selfupdate   operation to update the ports tree and MacPorts base with the latest release.

  1. Download the latest  MacPorts-1.x.x.dmg   disk image (whose name does not contain -beta or -rc) from the  MacPorts download directory .

  2. Double-click the  MacPorts-1.x.x.pkg   package installer on the disk image.

  3. Perform the default  easy   install.



sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libreadline5-dev               correct
sudo port install libncurses5-dev libreadline5-dev
Error: Port libncurses5-dev not found




    官网地址是:https://www.macports.org/install.php,该MacPorts是2.3.3版本的,适用于OS X 10.10系统

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