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Much of the film's score , composed by Éric Serra , shows an influence of Middle Eastern music, particularly Raï . The music used for the taxicab chase scene, titled "Alech Taadi" by Algerian performer Khaled , is excluded from the film soundtrack , but it is available on Khaled's album N'ssi N'ssi .

Plavalaguna performs on stage.
Plavalaguna performs on stage.

In Plavalaguna's performance, the music and the vocalization abruptly shift from a classical to a pop style. This striking change is cross-cut with scenes of Leeloo's fight with the Mangalores in Plavalaguna's chamber, and the fight choreography is set to the music. In this sequence, the music is both diegetic and extra-diegetic, as the music is audible to the characters in the theater, but used as a dramatic score for the fight scene. This relationship between sound and image creates an unusual cinematic effect.

The Diva Dance opera performance featured music from Gaetano Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor "Il dolce suono", the mad scene of Act III, Scene V, and was sung by Albanian soprano Inva Mula-Tchako , while the role of Plavalaguna was played by French actress Maïwenn Le Besco . Plavalaguna's vocalizations seem beyond physical possibility and, according to Patrice Ledoux (Producer) in the special feature "An Audience with Diva Plavalaguna", it was altered in a sound studio to open the octave range from two to four-and-a-half.

Part One (titled Lucia di Lammermoor ) and Part Two (titled The Diva Dance ) of this piece are included as separate tracks on The Fifth Element soundtrack, but are sequenced to create the effect of the entire performance seen in the film. The end of Part One blends into the beginning of Part Two, creating a smooth transition between the two tracks.

Two versions of The Fifth Element score have been produced. In addition to the version released commercially, there is a two-disc set titled "The Fifth Element: The Complete Score ", that was available exclusively as a promotional piece. The first disc in the set contains 46 tracks and the second contains 31 tracks. The tracks are sequenced in parallel to the film's narrative; although the set includes extended and alternate versions, as well as music used only in previews, and recordings not used in the final film. Tracks 5 through 31 on the second disc are the same tracks selected for commercial release. How many copies of the complete score are in circulation is not known.












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