
Solr Faceted

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这篇文章介绍solr的faceted使用  非常好  收藏了





    Solr in action.mobi

    PART 1 MEET SOLR. .............................8 ■ Faceted search 250 9 ■ Hit highlighting 281 10 ■ Query suggestions 306 11 ■ Result grouping/field collapsing 330 12 ■ Taking Solr to production 356

    Solr in Action最新完整版

    Readers will gain a deep understanding of how to implement core Solr capabilities such as faceted navigation through search results, matched snippet highlighting, field collapsing and search results ...

    Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr

    Technologies like Hadoop are trying to address some of the concerns, while Solr provides high-speed faceted search. Bringing these two technologies together is helping organizations resolve the ...

    Solr in Action 英文版完整版

    Readers will gain a deep understanding of how to implement core Solr capabilities such as faceted navigation through search results, matched snippet highlighting, field collapsing and search results ...

    apache solr1.3.0开发包源码及文档

    Apache Solr是一个性能强大的,基于 Lucene 的全文搜索的 开源企业级搜索服务器,拥有XML/HTTP,JSON APIs,hit highlighting, faceted search, caching, replication,web管理界面等很多功能,Solr运行在Java servlet...

    Solr in Action

    deep understanding of how to implement core Solr capabilities such as faceted navigation through search results, matched snippet highlighting, field collapsing and search results grouping, spell-...

    solr 企业搜索引擎教程

     基于域值和显式查询的片段式搜索(Faceted Search)  对查询语言增加了排序规范  常量的打分范围(Constant scoring range)和前缀式查询-没有 idf,coord,或者 lengthNorm 因子,对查询匹配的词没有数量限制  ...

    Solr in Action(章可用)

    8 Faceted search – AVAILABLE 9 Hit highlighting 10 Auto-suggest 11 Result grouping / Field collapsing – AVAILABLE 12 Taking Solr to production PART 3: TAKING SOLR TO THE NEXT LEVEL 13 Scaling Solr...

    Solr in Action(Manning,2014)

    You'll master topics like text analysis, faceted search, hit highlighting, result grouping, query suggestions, multilingual search, advanced geospatial and data operations, and relevancy tuning.


    Together, Apache Hadoop and Apache Solr help organizations resolve the problem of information extraction from big data by providing excellent distributed faceted search capabilities. This book will ...

    Apache Solr 4 Enterprise Search Server(PACKT,3ed,2015)

    Solr is a widely popular open source enterprise search server that delivers powerful search and faceted navigation features—features that are elusive with databases. Solr supports complex search ...

    multi-select-facet:Apache Solr,Vue和Go的多选方面示例

    博客文章:运行示例使用运行Solr。 $ make start-solr 或使用docker 。 $ PODMAN=docker make start-solr 运行API // build the api$ go build -v -o api// start the api with the initialization options$ ./api ...

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