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JQuery API Browser





    jquery api browser

    jquery-api-browser,可以在你的本地计算机上运行Visual jQuery API browser 1.2.6了,不后在没有网络连接时也可以进行查询。

    jQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation - For Version 1.7

    There are numerous alternative jQuery documentations out there, such as jQuery API Browser, jQuery API, Visual jQuery and another jQuery API Browser. They are all out of date. The latest official ...

    jQuery 1.5 API 中文版

    jQuery Version 1.5 API 中文版 IE用户无法在线查看本文档,请下载jQuery API Version1.5 中文版AIR客户端查看,或者使用chrome,safari,firefox,opera等浏览器查看!!! jQuery 1.5 API Cheat Sheet来源 ...


    Lithium 是和 jQuery 一起使用的轻量级库,为jQuery增加很多很有用的 API,提供了经典继承、观察者(发布、订阅者模式)、绑定、命名空间、IE8 JS 1.6,1.8 填充物等支持。 示例代码: Li.isIE - will be set when...


    于此同时 jQuery 2.0 也正在进行 beta 的测试,2.0 和 1.9 具有相同的 API,很多之前废弃的方法已经从这两个版本中删除,例如 $.browser(),jQuery 1.9 还是支持 IE 6/7/8,但是 2.0 版本将不再支持这三个版本,因此...

    jQuery 1.4.1 中文参考

    11.1.3 jQuery.browser.version 182 11.1.4 jQuery.boxModel 182 11.2 数组和对象操作 183 11.2.1 jQuery.each(object, [callback]) 183 11.2.2 jQuery.extend([deep], target, object1, [objectN]) 183 11.2.3 ...

    jQuery1.4 API

    工具浏览器及特性检测 $.support $.browser $.browser.version $.boxModel 数组和对象操作 $.each(object, [callback]) $.extend([d],tgt,obj1,[objN]) $.grep(array, fn, [invert]) $.makeArray(obj) $.map(array, ...

    jQuery UI 1.8 (英文版PDF)

    Browser support 17 Book examples 18 Library licensing 18 API introduction 19 Events and callbacks 22 Callback arguments 23 Summary 23 Chapter 2: The CSS Framework and Other Utilities 25 The files that...


    Beyond jQuery gives you the confidence to abandon your jQuery crutches and walk freely with the power of the "web API" and JavaScript! Learn about the most important concepts surrounding web ...

    Beyond jQuery(Apress,2016)

    This in turn results in frustration when the abstraction that jQuery provides “leaks” and exposes you to the native aspects of the browser. This book aims to educate you and help you solve common ...

    Beginning JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery

    jQuery is a compact, lightweight library that currently works in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser from version 6 on, Firefox from version 1.5 on, Safari from version 2.0.2 on, Opera from version...


    作为jQuery插件的一员,使用jPlayer可以在你的网页上轻松加入跨平台的音乐和视频。 支持的平台与浏览器 Windows: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9 OSX: Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera iOS: ...

    jQuery Mobile

    jQuery Mobile gives the developer a standard set of layouts, user interface widgets, and interactions, as well as a rich API for applying and extending them. jQuery Mobile is not yet in production—...

    jquery moble 1.1.0

    The critical difference with our approach is the wide variety of mobile platforms we’re targeting with jQuery Mobile so no browser or device is left behind. We've also focused on making jQuery Mobile...

    jquery mobile 1.1

    The critical difference with our approach is the wide variety of mobile platforms we’re targeting with jQuery Mobile so no browser or device is left behind. We've also focused on making jQuery Mobile...


    本文基于jQuery1.7.1版本,是对官方API的整理和总结,完整的官方API见http://api.jquery.com/browser/ 0、总述 jQuery框架提供了很多方法,但大致上可以分为3大类:获取jQuery对象的方法、在jQuery对象间跳转的...

    jquery-1.1.3 效率提高800%

    选择器速度提升 选择器的速度大幅度提高了,下表为jQuery1.1.2和1.1.3的选择器速度对比,提高了8倍多 Browser jQuery 1.1.2 jQuery 1.1.3 % Improvement IE 6 4890ms 661ms 740% Firefox 2 5629ms 567...

    jQuery 出现Cannot read property ‘msie’ of undefined错误的解决方法

    上jQuery网站上搜了一下,原因是$.browser这个api从jQuery1.9开始就正式废除,js代码里只要用到$.browser就会报这个错。具体说明参见jQuery官方说明。 楼主顺便扩展阅读了一下,发现jQuery 1.9把所有在之前版本里...

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