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Publish/subscribe Channels
As motioned in Lesson1,in addition to client/server communication,the PDS also supports public/subscribe channels. Client/Server communication always has the server and one client on either end of the message;  in contrast, the channel system has N participating clients who can send and receive messages. Clients are made participants of the channel by being joined to it by the server.A client may be joined to many channels at onece.

Server applications are in control of channels. They are the ones who create the channel,add user to it,or remove users from it.Client can send request to the server to be added or removed from channels,and can request that a message be sent to the channel.server application can choose to listen packets sent on the channel to decide if they should be modified or discarded.

Joining and Leavinga Channel
As mentioned above,adding and removing users from the channel is under the control of the server application.How then does a client know what chnnels it is a part of and how to communicate on then?The answer is another callback on the SimpleClientListener interface:joinedChannel.The joinedChannel callback receives a ClientChannel object as its one parameter. The client application should save this object,since this is its interface for sending message on the channel.

Below is an implemention of joinedChannel from our seecond sample client application,HelloChannelClient.This client adds a conbo box to the left of the input field in HelloUserClient so you can select if the input is send directly to the server or to one of the channels the server has joined you to.You can use the server application called HelloChannels to test this client.This server application creats two channels,Foo and Bar,and automatically joins all users to them.
    public ClientChannelListener joinedChannel(ClientChannel channel){
      String channelName = channel.getName();
      appendOutput("Joined to channel "+channelName);
      c hannelSelectorModel.addElement(channelName);
      return new HelloChannelListener();



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