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2010-09-23 星期四 寒流+雨

中秋有三天假,感觉老长似的,专门跑出枫林晚借了本《Learning Python》的书,准备假期看看。厄,现在是假期的中间,书确实是看完了,700页左右的英文书,前后花了3个小时左右,当然只是看,没有编码。





一门语言是命令式或者描述式取决于这门语言是用来告诉计算机怎样做还是做什么的。举个例子,SQL和Prolog是描述式语言,而C++、C#等则是命令式语言。我们在使用SQL的时候告诉服务器的是我们需要满足什么条件的数据项,而不是告诉服务器我们需要通过什么计算来获得自己所需要的数据项。描述式的语言的优点在于其可读性好。C# 3.0为数据查询加入了LINQ让我们可以在C#中书写类似SQL的代码查询数据。





function PrintAndReturn(Message,Result)

    return Result;

function DoSomething(BoolA,BoolB)
    If(BoolA || BoolB) Print("!");




对于一门惰性计算的语言,执行的结果是"Hello!"。因为DoSomething在对BoolA || BoolB进行求值的时候计算了BoolA,发现是true,于是BoolB这个参数就没有用了,因此PrintAndReturn("World",false)也就不会执行了,导致"World"不会显示在屏幕上。


function MakeArray(Index)
    return [Index]++MakeArray(Index+1);

function Sum(Array,Count)

    for i=0 to Count-1


   return Result;






TheVariable="I am a string!";






function Add(a)
        return function(b)
            Return a+b;








另外需要补充几点的是:1. 语言本身的内存管理也是一个非常重要的考虑方面,即是否支持垃圾回收和引用计数。2. 语言的动态程度,这个与vczh的第三点有点重叠,但是支持多大程度的元编程确实是个问题。3. 参数和返回值的传递方式(按值传递还是按引用传递,etc.)。4. 作用域规则


在Python中,所有的变量都是引用(指针,地址,名字,标签),不包含任何类型信息,这就是前面vczh同学说的无类型,指的就是变量(Variable)是无类型的。但是基本上目前任何一门语言都是有类型的(整型,字符型,etc.)。Python也不例外。它的类型信息是跟对象(Object)挂钩的。变量指向创建的对象。在Python中,一切都是对象,包括函数,甚至“类型”本身就是一个对象。它是一门基于对象的语言(all values are objects),同时支持面向对象的编程范式。

Figure 9-3. Python’s major built-in object types, organized by categories. Everything is a type of object in Python, even the type of an object! The type of any object is an object of type “type.”

In fact, even types themselves are an object type in Python: a call to the built-in function type(X) returns the type object of object X. Type objects can be used for manual type comparisons in Python if statements. 

One note on type names: as of Python 2.2, each core type has a new built-in name added to support type customization through object-oriented subclassing: dict, list, str, tuple, int, long, float, complex, unicode, type, and file (file is a synonym for open). Calls to these names are really object constructor calls, not simply conversion functions, though you can treat them as simple functions for basic usage.


>>> a=3


1. Create an object to represent the value 3.(这里python会推断出3其实是一个整数,所以其类型信息是Int。)

2. Create the variable a, if it does not yet exist.

3. Link the variable a to the new object 3.

Each object also has two standard header fields: a type designator used to mark the type of the object, and a reference counter used to determine when it’s OK to reclaim the object. 


X = 88             # Global X

def func():
    global X       # Global X: outside def
    X = 99        

print X            # Prints 99

如果没有global X这个显示作用域声明,那么在func中X=99,其实是声明了一个local作用域的新变量X,函数外面的X其实没有变化。

这其实是Python的一个设计败笔,因为Python的作用域原则上采用的是Lexical Scoping(文法作用域)。亦即:
The scope of a variable (where it can be used) is always determinged by where it is assigned in your source code, and has nothing to do with which functions call which. If a variabl is assigned inside a def, it is local to that function; if assigned outside a def, it is global to the entire file. We call this lexical scoping because variable scopes are determined entired by the locations of the variables in the source code of your program files, not by function calls.

Punctuation characters may appear at the start and end of Ruby identifiers. They have the following meanings:

$ Global variables are prefixed with a dollar sign. Following Perl's example, Ruby defines a number of global variables that include other punctuation characters, such as $_ and $-K.
@ Instance variables are prefixed with a single at sign, and class variables are prefixed with two at signs.
? As a helpful convention, methods that return Boolean values often have names that end with a question mark.
! Method names may end with an exclamation point to indicate that they should be used cautiously. This naming convention is often to distinguish mutator methods that alter the object on which they are invoked from variants that return a modified copy of the original object.
= Methods whose names end with an equals sign can be invoked by placing the method name, without the equals sign, on the left side of an assignment operator.

Here are some example identifiers that contain leading or trailing punctuation characters:

$files          # A global variable
@data           # An instance variable
@@counter       # A class variable
empty?          # A Boolean-valued method or predicate
sort!           # An in-place alternative to the regular sort method
timeout=        # A method invoked by assignment

A number of Ruby's operators are implemented as methods, so that classes can redefine them for their own purposes. It is therefore possible to use certain operators as method names as well. In this context, the punctuation character or characters of the operator are treated as identifiers rather than operators. See Section 4.6 for more about Ruby's operators.

there are four kinds of variables in Ruby, and lexical rules govern their names. Variables that begin with $ are global variables, visible throughout a Ruby program. Variables that begin with @ and @@ are instance variables and class variables, used in object-oriented programming and explained in Chapter 7. And variables whose names begin with an underscore or a lowercase letter are local variables, defined only within the current method or block. (See Section 5.4.3 for more about the scope of local variables.)


4.5.1. Assigning to Variables
When we think of assignment, we usually think of variables, and indeed, these are the most common lvalues in assignment expressions. Recall that Ruby has four kinds of variables: local variables, global variables, instance variables, and class variables. These are distinguished from each other by the first character in the variable name. Assignment works the same for all four kinds of variables, so we do not need to distinguish between the types of variables here. 
Keep in mind that the instance variables of Ruby's objects are never visible outside of the object, and variable names are never qualified with an object name. Consider this assignment: 
point.x, point.y = 1, 2

The lvalues in this expression are not variables; they are attributes, and are explained shortly. 
Assignment to a variable works as you would expect: the variable is simply set to the specified value. The only wrinkle has to do with variable declaration and an ambiguity between local variable names and method names. Ruby has no syntax to explicitly declare a variable: variables simply come into existence when they are assigned. Also, local variable names and method names look the same—there is no prefix like $ to distinguish them. Thus, a simple expression such as x could refer to a local variable named x or a method of self named x. To resolve this ambiguity, Ruby treats an identifier as a local variable if it has seen any previous assignment to the variable. It does this even if that assignment was never executed. The following code demonstrates: 
Code View:

class Ambiguous
  def x; 1; end # A method named "x". Always returns 1
  def test
    puts x      # No variable has been seen; refers to method above: prints 1
    # The line below is never evaluated, because of the "if false" clause. But
    # the parser sees it and treats x as a variable for the rest of the method.
    x = 0 if false
    puts x    # x is a variable, but has never been assigned to: prints nil
    x = 2     # This assignment does get evaluated
    puts x    # So now this line prints 2

因为对象与类型信息挂钩(包括操作),所以在这些脚本语言中,支持这样的操作:3.times { print "Ruby! " },9.downto(1) {|n| print n }  ,etc.



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