
[转]hibernate 集合类(Collections)映射(二)- List



public class Many2One {  


    public static void main(String[] args) {  

        Department depart = add();  

        Department department = queryDepart(depart.getId());  



    static Department queryDepart(int departId) {  

        Session s = null;  

        Transaction tx = null;  

        try {  

            s = HibernateUtil.getSession();  

            tx = s.beginTransaction();  

            Department depart = (Department) s.get(Department.class, departId);  

            System.out.println("emps" + depart.getEmps());  


            return depart;  

        } finally {  

            if (s != null)  





    static Department add() {  

        Session s = null;  

        Transaction tx = null;  

        try {  

            Department depart = new Department();  

            depart.setName("department name");  


            Employee employee1 = new Employee();  

            employee1.setName("employee1 name1");  


            Employee employee2 = new Employee();  

            employee2.setName("employee2 name2");  


            List<Employee> list= new ArrayList<Employee>();  

            list.add(employee1); //1  

            list.add(employee2); //2  



            s = HibernateUtil.getSession();  

            tx = s.beginTransaction();  





            return depart;  

        } finally {  

            if (s != null)  






public class Many2One {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

       Department depart = add();

       Department department = queryDepart(depart.getId());



    static Department queryDepart(int departId) {

       Session s = null;

       Transaction tx = null;

       try {

           s = HibernateUtil.getSession();

           tx = s.beginTransaction();

           Department depart = (Department) s.get(Department.class, departId);

           System.out.println("emps" + depart.getEmps());


           return depart;

       } finally {

           if (s != null)





    static Department add() {

       Session s = null;

       Transaction tx = null;

       try {

           Department depart = new Department();

           depart.setName("department name");


           Employee employee1 = new Employee();

           employee1.setName("employee1 name1");


           Employee employee2 = new Employee();

           employee2.setName("employee2 name2");


           List<Employee> list= new ArrayList<Employee>();

           list.add(employee1); //1

           list.add(employee2); //2



           s = HibernateUtil.getSession();

           tx = s.beginTransaction();





           return depart;

       } finally {

           if (s != null)







emps[id=1 name=employee1 name1, id=2 name=employee2 name2]




emps:[id=2 name=employee2 name2, id=1 name=employee1 name1]




mysql> select * from department;


| id | name            |


|  1 | department name |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select * from employee;


| id | name            | depart_id | order_col |


|  1 | employee1 name1 |         1 |         1 |

|  2 | employee2 name2 |         1 |         0 |


2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


说明使用List时,因为配置文件下增加了<list-index column="order_col" />对加入List集合的元素的顺序进行记录,测试结果表明,确实对加入顺序进行了记录。




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