
android mvn project




 setp 0:

install mvn. open settings.xml,append a line:




setp 1:

enter project root dir.

setp 2:

mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse -U  -e -Dandroid.sdk.path=/Users/cqtouch/Downloads/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140321/sdk

sdk.path is yourself path




    android-secure-preferences About This project uses the Encryption class from: ...Gives an implementation of SharedPreferences, which encrypts...Project requires API level 8 due to Base64 Android API level r

    Android代码-Android Common Library Samples

    DESCRIPTION This Android Java library contains different utilities, tools, ... To do this, please, download Android SDK Deployer (https://github.com/mosabua/maven-android-sdk-deployer) and run 'mvn ins


    It works in all version of Android and it's very easy to adapt to your project. How to use with Gradle Simply add the repository to your build.gradle file: repositories { jcenter() maven { url '...


    mvn android:deploy android:run You should also be able to import this project in IntelliJ. Written as support material for a tech talk at the Paris Android User Group (here) and at Droidcon London ...


    MagicIndicator A powerful, customizable and extensible ViewPager indicator ... compile project(':magicindicator') or repositories { ... maven { url "https://jitpack.io" } } dependencies { ...


    See documentation at the project web site. Useful links: Getting started Gallery Flavour source code repository Site source code repository Discussion on Google groups Building TeaVM Simply clone ...

    crash-catcher-android:适用于 Android 平台的 Crach Catcher 库

    安卓崩溃捕捉器Android Crash Catcher 只是一种在 android SDK 中捕获任何异常的机制安装 mvn installImport to Eclipse as "Existing maven projects"Open crash-catcher project ( if its close)用法添加到您的 ...


    Or clone this repository and run: mvn install which will create a JAR of Liqp in your local Maven repository, as well as in the project's target/ folder. Usage This library can be used in two ...


    Compile project and run mvn one.util:huntbugs-maven-plugin:huntbugs The output report is located in target/huntbugs/report.html Use with Ant Build huntbugs-ant-plugin via mvn package (or ...

    Android代码-一个很好玩儿的 Java 项目,可以直接取图片中的一部分生成二维码。

    QArt4j is a maven project, run the following command to get a ruunable jar: mvn compile assembly:single This will generate a runnable jar under target/ directory. How to run it QArt4j can run with ...

    Appium_Maven_Framework:具有自动生成报告的Appium Maven Framework

    2. cd projectPath 3. mvn clean 4. mvn test 报告: 使用的报告: 1. Extent Report 如何创建虚拟设备: 脚步: 1. Download Android Studio 2. Go to avd manager 3. Click on create virtual device 4. ...


    端点骨架 Java中Google Cloud Endpoints的框架应用程序。 产品 语 蜜蜂 设定说明 将appengine-web.xml中application的值更新为您在App Engine管理控制台中... 使用mvn appengine:devserver运行该应用程序,并通过访问本


    一个简单的应用服务器,用于将推送通知发送到Android设备。 由提供支持 构建并运行 首先,您将需要一个有效的配置文件。 在您的终端机中 $ cd /path/to/project/src/main/resources $ cp example_config.yml config....


    To learn how to use the API, since documentation currently lacks, please refer to the Sample Usage section below as well as the sample programs, including two for Android (FacePreview.java and Record...

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