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1."not…any more than…/no more. . . than. . . "为:"不能……,正如不能……"/“同……一样不”。

a)One cannot learn to sketch and express himself graphically only by reading about it any more than one can learn to swim while standing by the pool.

b)I could no more do that than you. I could not do that any more than you. 你不能做这件事,我也不能做。

c)He is not a poet any more than I am a scholar. 我不是一个学者,他也不是一个诗人。


d)This story is no more interesting than that one. 这个故事和那个故事一样没有趣味。

e)He is no more able to read German than I am. 他和我一样都不懂德语。



1)He is no more diligent than you. 你不勤奋,他也不勤奋。(两人都不勤奋)  

2)He is not more diligent than you. 他没有你那么勤奋。(意指两个人都勤奋,但你更勤奋)  

3)She is no more a teacher than a worker. 她既不是工人,也不是教师。  

4)She is not more a teacher than a worker. 说她是个教师,倒不如说她是个工人。


2.more than


a)More than anything. 非常喜欢

b)I want it more than I can tell.去找寻更多未知

c)Why, it's more than I can bear.叫我以后怎么做人嘛

d)There must be more Than this provincial life.人们的生活不该就这样

e)Needing so much more than dusting.得到的只有那尘埃

f)That's more than they give me.比它们给我的时间多多了。

3.You're gonna be a pain in my ass,aret t you? 你在挖苦我?
4.You've hung out. 略有交情?
5.You're into plays? 你也喜欢话剧?
6.You'll learn to dig me-trust me.  你会逐渐喜欢很我,不骗你。
7.i if you need some help later <i>turning those Wheel of Fortu letters,</i> I can totally carve out some time.如果你之后需要帮助,我会抽出些时间。
8.that's her MO。这就是她的手法。
9.Ethan told me how cool you are and how you're practically like family。伊森说你人不错,我也把你当姐妹看。
10. It's a birthday party for a spoiled little princess.娇生惯养的小公主。
11. I don't want her all stressed out for it.
12. Mrs Clark and I went out for a bit back in high school.MRS Clark和我在高中时约会过。
13.not that your tater tots aren't to die for.|而不是吃这些难吃的土豆泥.
14.That doesn't mean she's not a pain in the ass. 那并不代表她讨人厌。
15.I'll see myself out.Good night. 不必送了。
16.Unless,of course,I'm way off base.除非我错了。
17.I guess I feel like sometimes we bend over backwards for Din 我觉得有时我们太向着迪克了。
18.if she confronted him already,then,you know,I'm gonna have to take the rap for it.如果他已经对他摊牌了,我就准备为此挨骂了。
19.You're my bitch.你是跟我混的。
20.I would want revenge if I were in your shoes, too, but we're not gonna retaliate. 如果我处在你们的境地,我也想报复。但是我们不能报复。
31.Why do y w want to do anything with those jock asses anyway? 你为什么还要他那些混蛋混在一起呢?
32.suck on that!受死吧。
33.I'm just going to go grab a bite with a friend from the play. 我准备他一个在话剧团的朋友一起去吃饭。
34.It's not a date, Mom.It's just a hang.不是约会,只是聚聚。



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