1. Flex/Actionscript Math Library
The Flex/Actionscript Math Library (as3mathlib) is intended to provide
a rudimentary numerical analysis toolkit for the Actionscript/Flex
programming environment.
This library has just been converted from Actionscript 2 to Actionscript 3. It is not ready for general use.
2. ActionScript 3.0 library for several basic utilities
corelib project is an ActionScript 3 Library that contains a number of
classes and utilities for working with ActionScript 3. These include
classes for MD5 and SHA 1 hashing, Image encoders, and JSON
serialization as well as general String, Number and Date APIs.
3. AlivePDF
AlivePDF is a client side AS3 PDF generation library for Adobe Flash, Flex and AIR.
4. Tweener
(caurina.transitions.Tweener) is a Class used to create tweenings and
other transitions via ActionScript code for projects built on the Flash
5. Flare
is a collection of ActionScript 3 classes for building a wide variety
of interactive visualizations. For example, flare can be used to build
basic charts, complex animations, network diagrams, treemaps, and more.
Flare is written in the ActionScript 3 programming language and can be
used to build visualizations that run on the web in the Adobe Flash
Player. Flare applications can be built using the free Adobe Flex SDK
or Adobe’s Flex Builder IDE. Flare is based on prefuse, a full-featured
visualization toolkit written in Java. Flare is open source software
licensed under the terms of the BSD license, and can be freely used for
both commercial and non-commercial purposes.
6. di-as3
Developed for use with ActionScript 3, Flash 9 and Flex 2 projects it
provides an inversion of control container for components that support
dependency injection.Support for constructor and setter injection, with
setter injection available to public variables, setter accessors, and
7. AS3 Data Structures For Game Developers
Data Structures For Game Developers’ is a library containing data
structures optimized for game development with Adobe Flash and
Actionscript 3.
8. Pulse Particles System
It is a general purpose particle system for AS3 development.The
pulse-particle system allows Flash developers to quickly and easily set
up a wide range of particle effects. There are two ways of using the
system, through an object orientated API that gives full control over
the system, or through a simplified object syntax.
9. AS3 GIF Player Class
AS3GIF lets you play and encode animated GIF’s with ActionScript 3
10. Fisix Engine
The Fisix Engine is an Actionscript 3.0 physics engine built for game developers.
11. APE
(Actionscript Physics Engine) is a free AS3 open source 2D physics
engine for use in Flash and Flex, released under the MIT License. APE
is written and maintained by Alec Cove.
12. vanrijkom-flashlibs
is a collection of Flash libraries.A command line tool for creating
ZLIB compressed archives that can be streamed in progressively from the
Flash player at run-time, using the provided ActionScript 3 API.
13. MinimalComps: Minimal AS3 UI Component Set
It is a Minimal AS3 UI Component Set.
14. Google Map Flash Interface
Mass has developed a portable Flash interface for the Google Maps API.
It’s written in ActionScript 2, and should be able to integrate with
most AS2-based Flash projects that can accept external modules.
15. ScaleBitmap : 9-slice bitmap class
The owner have just finished a simple class which allows you to resize dynamically any Bitmap (just like the MovieClip.scale9Grid
16. XIFF
is an Open Source Flash library for instant messaging and presence
clients using the XMPP (Jabber) protocol. XIFF includes an extension
architecture that makes it easy to add functionality for additional
protocol extensions, or even your own special-needs extensions. There
are quite a few extensions already included in the library, giving it
support for XML-RPC over XMPP (XEP-0009), Multi-user conferencing
(XEP-0045), Service browsing (XEP-0030), and XHTML message support
17. FOAM
is primarily intended as a resource for developers interested in
simulating physics. It has a carefully thought out OOP structure and
modular design. A savvy developer should have no problem extending and
repurposing FOAM to his own ends. The Foam datatype is in fact not a
physics engine but an interface for simulating physics. It offers a
simple means to create, control and run a simulation- it purposefully
keeps the more nitty gritty, behind-the-scenes operations shielded from
the casual developer. A physics engine is simply part of its
18. Box2DFlashAS3
Box2DFlashAS3 is an open source port of Erin Catto’s powerful c++ physics library Box2D.
19. Papervision3d
It is an open Source realtime 3D engine for Flash
20. away3D
Away3D is a realtime 3d engine for flash in ActionScript 3.0, started by Alexander Zadorozhnyy and Rob Bateman
21. SWFAddress
is a small, but powerful library that provides deep linking for Flash
and Ajax. It’s a developer tool, allowing creation of unique virtual
URLs that can point to a website section or an application state.
SWFAddress enables a number of important capabilities which are missing
in today’s rich web technologies
22. swfobject
SWFObject is an easy-to-use and standards-friendly method to embed Flash content, which utilizes one small JavaScript file
23. HTMLWrapper
is a cross-browser compliant HTML/CSS rendering engine written in
ActionScript that sits on top of your standards compliant HTML page.
Wrapper eliminates cross-browser issues and makes integrating
ActionScript and HTML/CSS projects possible without needing to compile.
Have introduced it in previous article Wrapper Wordpress Theme
24. ASTRA Galore
ASTRA Galore: New Flash and Flex Components
The ASTRA library of components has just been updated with three new
Flash components and seven new Flex components, as well as some
important updates to the existing ones.
25. The Ruby on Rails RIA SDK by Adobe
Ruby on Rails RIA SDK by Adobe provides developers with samples and
code to help develop solutions with Ruby and Adobe technologies. The
SDK includes open source code created by third parties as well as
samples and demos that have been created by project members.
26. as3-stomp
This library is an actionscript 3 implementation of the Stomp protocol.
It enables communication between Flash or Flex and any Stomp broker.
27. FlexUnit
FlexUnit is a unit testing framework for Flex and ActionScript 3.0
applications and libraries. It mimics the functionality of JUnit, a
Java unit testing framework, and comes with a graphical test runner.
28. Visual FlexUnit
FlexUnit is an Allurent open source project to establish a framework
for the testing of components’ visual appearance. The goal is to
enhance FlexUnit with additional features to support “visual
assertions”. In a nutshell, a visual assertion asserts that a
component’s appearance is identical to a stored baseline image file.
29. uMap
UMap is the Universal ActionScript 3.0 Mapping API. The scalable
component model allows you to create rich maps with interactive data
layers. Our flexible API enables developers to build fully-customized
solutions. The current version is integrated with OpenStreetMap and
Microsoft Virtual Earth map data.
30. modesMap
Modest Maps is a BSD-licensed
display and interaction library for tile-based maps in Flash (ActionScript 2.0 and ActionScript 3.0) and Python.
在Flash游戏开发中,有时我们需要对已有的SWF文件进行逆向工程,以获取ActionScript3(AS3)源代码,以便学习、分析或者修改。本文将深入探讨如何反编译SWF文件来得到AS3代码,这涉及到一系列工具和技术。 首先,...
3. tfl.fla - 这是一个Flash Professional的工程文件,用于设计和编译AS3项目。在这个FLA文件中,开发者可能会定义舞台上的元素、动画以及与AS3代码的交互。 综合以上信息,我们可以得出这个开源项目可能是一个基于...
【标题】"拼图游戏实例as3"是一个基于ActionScript 3(AS3)开发的Flash拼图游戏项目。ActionScript是Adobe Flash Professional和Flash Player中的编程语言,用于创建交互式内容,如游戏和动画。AS3是该语言的一个...
AS3代码用于控制这些元素的行为,而FLA文件(index.fla)是Flash项目的原始工程文件,包含所有设计和脚本。 3. **PHP通讯**:PHP是一种广泛使用的开源服务器端脚本语言,尤其适合Web开发。在这个项目中,PHP被用来...
珍藏版,很难找到的开源as3.0项目带实例源码完整版 ghostcat for AS3 GhostCatTools ActionScript3.0 GhostCat是库工程目录,为主要内容 GhostCatfp10是针对FP10的附加类 jsfl,tools则是一些工具 其他全部为测试...
【3D Flash AS3 源码 幕墙】是一个针对3D图形编程的资源,主要使用Adobe ActionScript 3(AS3)语言编写。ActionScript是Flash平台的核心编程语言,而AS3版本引入了许多改进,包括面向对象编程的支持,使得开发更...
1. **第三方库**:在AS3中,开发者可能会使用如Pinyin4AS这样的开源库,它提供了将汉字转换为拼音的功能。这类库通常会包含汉字到拼音的映射表,通过查找对应关系来完成转换。 2. **自定义算法**:如果不想依赖外部...
"前端开源库-node-as-browser"正是这样一款工具,它旨在使开发者能够在Node.js上下文中创建一个类似于浏览器的执行环境,使得那些依赖于浏览器API的库和应用也能在服务器端正常运行。 首先,我们需要理解Node.js和...
1. Camera.as3proj:这是一个AS3项目的工程文件,包含了项目的所有配置和源代码。 2. 视频运动件检测Demo.fla:这是Flash的FLA文件,包含项目的所有图形、动画和AS3代码。FLA文件是创作和编辑Flash内容的主要文件...
总的来说,尽管Canas Corporation Downloader不再活跃,它仍然为学习者提供了一个了解开源项目、软件工程实践以及游戏更新工具实现的平台。通过深入研究其代码,开发者不仅可以提升编程技能,还能体会到软件生命周期...
在软件工程领域,“审计模式”并非一个常见的术语,尤其是在ActionScript 3.0(简称AS3)这样的上下文中。然而,结合上下文及提供的部分信息,我们可以推测“AS3审计模式”可能是指在AS3编程中用于检查、验证或记录...
【标题】"Lame4AndroidDemo-As工程"是一个基于Android平台的项目,它整合了LAME库,用于实现MP3编码功能。LAME是著名的开源MP3编码器,广泛应用于音频处理领域。这个工程是用Android Studio开发的,很可能包含源代码...
“as3-parser-api-1.0.RC3.jar”是AS3解析API的一个特定版本,RC3代表Release Candidate 3,意味着这是该API在正式发布前的第三个候选版本。此库为开发者提供了处理XML、JSON以及其他数据格式的工具,从而简化了数据...
Go-zebra是一个开源项目,它是对经典的网络路由软件GNU Zebra和Quagga的现代化重写,采用了Go编程语言进行实现。这个决定主要是为了更好地适应现代计算环境,特别是容器化和虚拟化环境的需求。Go语言以其高效、轻量...
Ruby-CloudFoundry BOSH(简称BOSH)是开源领域中的一个重要工具,它专注于云环境中的软件部署和生命周期管理。这个强大的平台使开发者和运维人员能够有效地发布、更新和监控分布式系统,特别是在Cloud Foundry这样...
- ** Away3D 和 Papervision3D**:在Flash 3D领域,Away3D和Papervision3D是两个广泛使用的开源库。它们为开发者提供了方便的接口和丰富的功能,简化了3D场景的构建。虽然这个开发包没有明确指出使用哪个库,但学习...
"DCAS Ether开源"是一个基于ANSI-C编写的软件,其主要功能集中在数学计算和图形表示上,提供了自定义代数的简化和重排能力。这个项目的特点是它具有跨平台性,因为它是用C语言编写的,可以独立运行在不同操作系统上...
FBA4droid是国人tofro制作的基于电脑FBA模拟器的手机街机模拟器,比 Tiger Arcade (MAME)街机模拟器好用多了,可以设4个组合键。文件可以随便放到一个文件夹里。玩街机游戏流畅好用。FBA4droid 1.73 03.29的roms同步...