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some characters cannot be mapped using “ISO-8859-1 0"character encoding.

今天在Eclipse 中新建一个jsp文件,如果输入中文保存时提示错误: Save could not be completed. Reason: some characters cannot be mapped using “ISO-8859-1“ character encoding. Either change the encoding or remove the characters which are not supported by the “ISO-8859-1“ character encoding.


1.eclipse --> window --> Preferences --> General --> Content Types --> Test --> 单击 Java Properties File,在底部出现 'Default edcodng:',改成utf-8或GBK,然后update. 读者也可对指定类型文件设置编码格式。虽然能保存,但还必须利用 native2ascii 来转换一下,不然输出还是乱码.


2 应该使用eclipse的jinto插件编辑,会自动调用java的native2ascii把文件转码。


附: Eclipse下安装Properties Editor

    在eclipse下"帮助"---"软件更新"--"查找并安装"--"搜索要安装的新功能部件" ---"下一步"---"新建远程站点"---




     找到合适的Properties Editor安装,这一个插件是减少转化为utf-8格式,在struts自动转换的.




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