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Aion Gold- Detailed career with the recommendation

Game of racial and professional selection rules are as follows:

Account can be a role in the creation of eight.
An account can choose only one race.
The creation of role players on the need to "family day" and "Mozu" a choice between race, an account can only choose one race, if the first day of the creation of the role of the family role, then, after only seven role Family-day option (This is the official announcement of the setting CB2)

Role must be created from the "fighters, Scout, Master, pastor," four basic choices in a career.
Each has two career under a career switch, when the players rose to 10, will be able to choose from two in a career, becoming a formal role in the career.
Mozu days with the people of the same type of occupation, there is no special career.

Because of the large-scale basic wait for AION Association from 2 to heaven, so in order to paradise 2 job to do for comparison
Knight-Shou Huxing belonging to the occupation, family days as guardian of Heaven 2 similar occupations St Knight, Mozu similar dark ride

Star-sword fighters belonging to the occupation, family days Sword 2 stars similar to the paradise of professional mercenaries.

Star Bow, the Archer-, and the Bank of China Paradise 2, Eagle Eye, Shadow, as well as the difference is not large, the same can also use close combat daggers
Star killing, the assassin type, Needless to say, and treasure, into the earth, and similar.

Master, Modao stars similar to mad cursed career. Master-shaman, a powerful output.

Wizard stars similar to the wizard of the group call and the call of fine dark. Have weakened and control technology

The priest heal stars, similar to the Paradise 2 Bishop occupation, and the primary skills BUFF

Star law, the Prophet's Paradise 2 occupation, possess a certain amount of BUFF and the ability to increase blood and can train by ownself ~

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