
Oracle Data Pump Internals


Oracle Data Pump was a new feature introduced in Oracle Database 10g Release 1. The Oracle Data
Pump export (expdp) and import (impdp) utilities are the replacements for the original export (exp)
and import (imp) utilities. Oracle Data Pump enables very fast bulk data and metadata movement
between Oracle databases. It is high speed, uses parallel threads, and is supported by command line
clients (expdp and impdp) as well as a Web-based Oracle Enterprise Manager interface. Some of the
original key enhancements over the original utilities are:

  • Parallel execution
  • Object selection
  • Restart capability
  • Network operations (export/import over a db link without using a dumpfile.)

Parallel Operations:
Oracle Data Pump users can specify the maximum number of parallel threads that the Oracle Data
Pump utility can use. This value represents the maximum number of processes that the MCP can start
in order to complete the transaction. This number does not include the MCP processes, which is
described below. In some cases, the value specified for parallel is too large and Data Pump will only
start the necessary additional threads to complete the task.
When a Data Pump job starts, a minimum of 2 processes are created. The first process is called the
MCP (Master Control Process). Its function is to verify all parameters and the job description. It also
controls and assigns work items to the Worker processes. The second process that gets started is the
Worker process. This process will open communications with the Metadata API to export or import
ddl and open communications with the Data layer to unload or load data. When the parallel parameter
is not specified, or if a value of 1 is specified, then these are the only 2 processes that will be started
for the job. If a parallel value greater than 1 is specified, then the additional processes will be created.
These additional processes will be a combination of Worker processes and parallel execution (PQ)
slave processes.
Parallel Export Operations:
When an Oracle Data Pump export job that contains both metadata and data is started with a parallel
value of greater than 1, the first Worker process will export all of the metadata. The first task that this
Worker process will perform is an estimate of what data needs to be exported. The information
collected at this time is called ‘TABLE_DATA’ objects. These objects describe each subpartition of a
subpartitioned table, each partition of a partitioned table, and each table if it is not partitioned or
subpartitioned. Once the estimate phase is complete, the MCP will use the remaining parallel
processes to export the data associated with these TABLE_DATA objects, while the first Worker
process will continue to export the metadata. The MCP process will determine which TABLE_DATA
objects to assign to worker processes and it will also decide what value of parallelism each worker
process will be assigned. If the worker is assigned a parallelism value larger than 1, then parallel
execution slaves (PQ slaves) will be used to export the data in the TABLE_DATA object. When PQ
slaves are used, the worker process is the query coordinator and it does not account towards the total
parallel value.
Below are two examples of what could happen when exporting with parallel set to 6. The first
example is with lots of data and the second example is with minimal data.
Example 1: Processes started with an export job with Parallel = 6 – lots of data
                    (data consists of 2 large subpartitions and 1 small subpartition)

  • MCP – does not apply to the parallel 6 value
  • Worker1 – Unload metadata – 1 parallel process
  • Worker2 – Unload subpartition user1:tab1:subpart1 - 2 degrees of parallelism

o Worker2_PQ1 – Unload data – 1 parallel process
o Worker2_PQ2 – Unload data – 1 parallel process

  • Worker3 – Unload subpartition user1:tab1:subpart2 - 1 degree of parallelism
  • Worker4 – Unload subpartition user1:tab1:subpart3 - 2 degrees of parallelism

o Worker4_PQ1 – Unload data – 1 parallel process
o Worker4_PQ2 – Unload data – 1 parallel process

Example 1 summary: The sum of the processes doing work (not the MCP and not the worker
processes acting as query coordinators) = 6. In this test case, you will see that there are 4 workers, but
2 of them are query coordinators. You will also see that there are 4 PQ slaves.

In some export jobs, there may not be enough data to use all available parallel processes. This is
shown in example 2 below.

Example 2: Processes started with an export job with Parallel = 6 – very little data
(data consists of 1 small table)

  • MCP – does not apply to the parallel 6 value
  • Worker1 – Unloading metadata – 1 parallel process
  • Worker2 – unloading small table user1:table1 – 1 process

Example 2 summary: only 2 workers will be seen even though parallel 6 was specified.
For export jobs, it is strongly suggested that you specify enough dumpfiles for the maximum number
of parallel threads specified. Since only one process can write to a dumpfile, if you don’t specify
enough dumpfiles, the number of parallel threads running will be restricted to the number of dumpfiles
that have been specified.

It is also suggested that different I/O controllers be specified when specifying dumpfiles.
This will avoid potential I/O bottlenecks when multiple threads are all writing data to
dumpfiles at the same time.
Parallel Import Operations:
Import jobs use parallel differently. Since there is a dependency issue with objects, some objects need
to be created in certain orders. Tablespaces need to be created before users, users before tables, tables
before indexes, etc. Because of the dependency issues, most metadata is created serially. There are
some exceptions. Package bodies are created in parallel and indexes are built using parallel execution
slaves. A typical import that included both data and metadata will follow these steps:

  1. Create metadata in dependency order and stop after tables are created (all done serially)
  2. Import data using up to max parallel.
    Note: The parallel algorithm for importing data is the same for exporting data. PQ slaves are
    used if beneficial, and processes are used up to the maximum parallel value specified.
  3. Create metadata in dependency order until package bodies. (serially)
  4. Create package bodies using parallel worker processes
  5. Create metadata in “dependency order” until indexes (serially)
  6. Create indexes serially, but use pq slaves to build them.
  7. Finish importing remaining metadata. (serially)

The packages bodies are divided up to the maximum parallel value specified. For example, if you
have 20 package bodies (assuming all are about the same size when exported) and parallel=5 was
specified, the MCP would start 5 Worker processes and each would be assigned 4 package bodies.
For index creation, each index is created serially, but the parallel value in the index would be modified
to the parallel value of the Data Pump job. If your index was created like:


Then if you did your import with parallel=22, the create index would be executed as these 2 statements


This would use up to 22 PQ Slaves to build the index as fast as possible. Once built, the following
command would be executed.


This restores the original parallel value to your index. Once Data Pump is complete, the goal is to
restore the original settings, so the parallel value of 3 needs to be restored. While running Data Pump
import, Oracle may choose to use less than 22 pq slaves to build the index, but Data Pump gives
Oracle the option to use up to 22. The actual value is determined by looking at the index, the
associated table, how much data is in the table, etc.
Data Pump Data movement methods:
Oracle Data Pump uses three different methods to move data. The method chosen is decided by many
different factors. These factors include the types used in the table definition, the method chosen by the
user, whether or not a link is specified, whether or not a filter or a remap is specified, the size of the
data in the table, and the total amount of data in the Data Pump job. The three methods available are
Direct Path, External Table, and Insert as Select over a network link.
The types used in the table definition can eliminate certain methods. External tables does not support
moving longs or long raws, so if the table has a long or long raw, external tables cannot be chosen.
When importing into pre-existing partitioned tables, the partitioning scheme can be different due to
changed character set from the source to the target. In this case, external tables would be used. Direct
path is not allowed.
The customer could specifically choose the access method by using:


In this case, Data Pump will use external tables. If it is not possible to move data using this method,
an error will be reported. This would be true if one of the tables in the job had a long column. In that
case, the data associated with the table with the long column would not be imported and an error
message would be reported back to the user.
If a network link, a query clause, or a remap_data transform is specified, the only possible solution
would be to use external tables or Insert as Select over the network link.
If the job is a network import, the only solution is “Insert as Select”. The data will be inserted into a
local table directly by selecting from the remote table.
If none of the above scenarios are present and the data can be loaded using any possible method, then
the Master Control Process (described above) will choose the best method based on table size, job
size, and the parallel value specified. If there is only 1 table and the table is large, the MCP will
choose external tables with the maximum parallel value. This allows the worker process to use PQ
slaves to move the data. If the job contains many smaller tables, the overhead cost of setting up
external tables would not be advantageous. It would be much faster to use direct path and allow
multiple workers to import data for single tables. Internal testing shows that Direct Path is
approximately 2 times faster than external tables so if the table is small enough, it is possible that a
direct path load or unload could finish before the external tables processes are even configured.
When data is being exported, it is desirable to export the larger tables first, especially when a parallel
value of greater than 1 is specified. If this was not done this way, and if the largest table were to be
exported last, and if it is not possible to use parallel threads to export that table, the remaining parallel
processes will be idle while the data in this table is exported. If the same table were to be exported
first, the remaining parallel threads could be busy exporting data from other tables, keeping them all
busy and reducing the overall time for the export job to complete. With this algorithm, if a small table
was last and could not make use of parallel threads, the remaining parallel threads would still be idle,
but since the table is small, it would complete much faster.
Oracle Data Pump Master Table
When an Oracle Data Pump job is running, it is using a “Master Table” to keep track of where it is in a
particular job. During export, when object information is written to the dump file, the location and a
brief description is inserted into the master table. When export jb is completely exported, the contents
of the master table are written to the dump file. During import, the first information imported is the
master table. From here, the Data Pump packages can determine what was exported and determine
what needs to be imported.
Some of the benefits of having this table is increased speed when performing an import operation and
only importing a subset of the objects. In the exp/imp dumpfiles, the dumpfile was sequential. Let’s
say you exported 2 tables and 2 indexes. The dump file would look something like:


If all you wanted to import was the information for SCOTT.BAR (both table and index), then the imp
utility would have to read the complete dumpfile to find the ddl associated with scott.bar and
scott.bar_ind. With Data Pump, the xml is written to the dumpfile and a row is inserted into the
master table indicating the object type, object schema, object name, dumpfile location. So, for Data
Pump, the master table would have rows similar to this:
object_type  object_schema object_name  dumpfile_location


Since scott.bar and scott.bar_ind are going to be imported, the Data Pump process just reads the
information at block 1235 and 1237. The information for scott.foo and scott.foo_ind is never read.
This improves performance of import jobs when filters are applied.
During a Data Pump job, the contents of the master table are kept current. This is beneficial in case a
job is stopped. In order to restart a stopped job, the Data Pump packages query the master table to see
where to restart.
Oracle Data Pump Export Restart
If an Oracle Data Pump export job is ever stopped, it can usually be restarted. A few jobs cannot be
restarted. Some of those are: jobs using Transportable Tablespace, and jobs that have not completed
the estimate phase. For export jobs that can be restarted, the key factor in getting it restarted is the
existence of the master table.
During an export, while exporting metadata, the Worker process keeps track of what it is working on.
It does this by entering rows in the master table. For example: if users are being exported, when the
Worker process gets the metadata for the first user, it creates a row called a ‘TYPE COMPLETION”
row in the master table indicating that USERS are in progress of being exported. Some of the
information in this type completion row is the object type, the current time is stored in a column called
start_time, etc. It then creates an OBJECT row for each type (shown above in the TABLE/INDEX
example). When all of the users are exported, the Worker process will update the type completion row
with a completed_time. This is repeated for each type of object exported.
If an export job were to be stopped (either manually, system failure, or other reason) the master table
is not deleted. When this job is restarted, the Worker process will look for the type completion rows
to see what had a start_time but did not have a completed_time. For example:

object_type  start_time  completion_time
tablespace 12-sep-2012:9:04.01  12-sep-2012:9:05.23
user 12-sep-2012:9:05.27

In this situation, the Worker process detects that users were being exported. In this situation, Data
Pump would drop all of the rows that describe users, drop the type completion row that describes that
users were in progress, and remove the xml stored in the dumpfiles that describe users. It would then
configure the metadata api to start after TABLESPCE, since tablespace is the last complete object
If there were no type completion rows with a null completion_time as in this example:

object_type  start_time  completion_time
tablespace 12-sep-2012:9:04.01  12-sep-2012:9:05.23
user 12-sep-2012:9:05.27 12-sep-2012:9:07.34

the worker process would detect that nothing was in progress so no rows would have to be dropped, no
XML would be removed from the dump files, and the metadata api would be configured to start after
the ‘USER’ type.
If a job is stopped using the command line interface, be careful on which option you select. The
option of stop will stop the job and allow it to be restarted. The option of kill will stop the job and will
remove the master table. Once the master table is removed, the job can no longer be restarted.
Oracle Data Pump Import Restart
If an Oracle Data Pump import job is ever stopped, it can be restarted as long as the master table is
present. The import restart code also uses the master table when restarting. Instead of looking at the
type completion rows, it looks at the object rows. There are status and state fields in the object rows to
detect which objects were imported and which object still need to be imported. Here is an example of
the TABLE/INDEX example shown above. In this example, the table scott.foo and scott.bar were
exported along with their indexes. At the beginning of import, the rows describing these objects
would look like this:

Type object_schema object_name processing_state processing_status

The state field of ‘R’ indicates that the objects were Retrieved (or exported). The status of “C”
indicates that the objects are Current (or in good standing). If an import job was started and then
stopped after scott.foo was imported and before scott.bar was imported, the rows would look like this:

Type object_schema object_name processing_state processing_status

This shows that the table scott.foo was ‘W’ written or imported and the status of “C” shows it is
current or in successful. For Table scott.bar, the import started to import this object, but never
finished. The state of ‘U’, unknown, shows this. The object is still C current so it has not failed.
When Data Pump import restarts, it will find this row and the import job will continue from here. The
table Scott.bar will be imported again. After the table is create, the import job will continue with the
remaining objects. In this case, those would be the 2 indexes.







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