
与 redo log 有关的参数学习



The MAXLOGFILES parameter used in the CREATE DATABASE statement determines the maximum number of groups of redo log files for each database. Group values can range from 1 to MAXLOGFILES. When the compatibility level is set earlier than 10.2.0, the only way to override this upper limit is to re-create the database or its control file. Therefore, it is important to consider this limit before creating a database. When compatibility is set to 10.2.0 or later, you can exceed the MAXLOGFILES limit, and the control files expand as needed. If MAXLOGFILES is not specified for the CREATE DATABASE statement, then the database uses an operating system specific default value.


The MAXLOGMEMBERS parameter used in the CREATE DATABASE statement determines the maximum number of members for each group. As with MAXLOGFILES, the only way to override this upper limit is to re-create the database or control file. Therefore, it is important to consider this limit before creating a database. If no MAXLOGMEMBERS parameter is specified for the CREATE DATABASE statement, then the database uses an operating system default value


When you set the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter, you cause the database to examine the current redo log of the instance periodically. If the following conditions are met, then the instance will switch the log:

  • The current log was created prior to n seconds ago, and the estimated archival time for the current log is m seconds (proportional to the number of redo blocks used in the current log), where n + m exceeds the value of the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter.

  • The current log contains redo records.

In an Oracle Real Application Clusters environment, the instance also causes other threads to switch and archive their logs if they are falling behind. This can be particularly useful when one instance in the cluster is more idle than the other instances (as when you are running a 2-node primary/secondary configuration of Oracle Real Application Clusters).

The ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter specifies the target of how many seconds of redo the standby could lose in the event of a primary shutdown or failure if the Oracle Data Guard environment is not configured in a no-data-loss mode. It also provides an upper limit of how long (in seconds) the current log of the primary database can span. Because the estimated archival time is also considered, this is not the exact log switch time.

The following initialization parameter setting sets the log switch interval to 30 minutes (a typical value).


A value of 0 disables this time-based log switching functionality. This is the default setting.

You can set the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter even if there is no standby database. For example, the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET parameter can be set specifically to force logs to be switched and archived.

ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET is a dynamic parameter and can be set with the ALTER SYSTEM SET statement.

Factors Affecting the Setting of ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET

Consider the following factors when determining if you want to set the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET parameter and in determining the value for this parameter.

  • Overhead of switching (as well as archiving) logs

  • How frequently normal log switches occur as a result of log full conditions

  • How much redo loss is tolerated in the standby database

Setting ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET may not be very useful if natural log switches already occur more frequently than the interval specified. However, in the case of irregularities of redo generation speed, the interval does provide an upper limit for the time range each current log covers.

If the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter is set to a very low value, there can be a negative impact on performance. This can force frequent log switches. Set the parameter to a reasonable value so as not to degrade the performance of the primary database.



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