










<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>


<style name=”StyleName”>

<item name=”attributeName”>value</item>







接下来的例子给出了两个style,当然,也可以像theme一样使用。base style设置了文本的几个属性,而第二个style改变了base style中的字体大小。


<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>


<style name=”BaseText”>

<item name=”android:textSize”>14sp</item>

<item name=”android:textColor”>#111</item>



<style name=”SmallText” parent=”BaseText”>

<item name=”android:textSize”>8sp</item>






    Wpf 各版本样式及模板 【Wpf themes & styles】(含framework 4.5 aero2)

    包含 .NET Framework 3.5 - 4.5 及 Silverligth PresentationFramework.dll 中的样式资源。 xaml 文件列表预览 http://my.csdn.net/my/album/detail/1309912

    VK Styles - Themes for vk.com-crx插件

    您可以分享您的主题或安装VK的vk的现成主题,从VK点击功能vk样式的完整描述:添加VC主题设置: - 接口颜色 - 颜色和文本大小 - 颜色和透明度背景,块,帽 - 菜单的颜色和背景 - 块样式:标准,圆形,没有缩进 - 彩色...

    Drupal 6 Themes: Create new themes for your Drupal 6 site with clean layout and powerful CSS styling

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    Wpf 样式和模板【 Wpf themes & styles】(含 Framework 4.5 aero2)

    资源中包括了.NET Framework 3.5、4.0、4.5 及 Silverlight 的控件样式。主要是包含在PresentationFramework程序及中的 xaml 文件,其中包括了最新的 Windows8 的主题样式 aero2.normalcolor.xaml,文件列表预览 ...

    Cool Vista-style Menu

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    关于组件中的样式定义(styles) 可以通过style 属性来更改Flex 组件的外观。这些样式属性能够定义Label 控件的字体大 小,或者Tree 控件的背景色。在Flex 中,一些样式从父...更多信息参见Using Styles and Themes.


    simply add the fonts to your app, replace your views with their Font counterparts, and specify the fonts through attributes, styles and themes. All fonts are referenced into (subdirectories of) the ...

    Drupal 7 Themes

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    WordPress Theme Design: A complete guide to creating professional WordPress themes

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    安装 npm install gulp-sass-themes gulp-sass --save-dev基本用法源文件 ├── styles ├── body.themed.scss └── themes ├── _red.scss └── _blue.scssGulp文件 'use strict' ;const gulp = require ...


    visual studio主流的主题(monokai、son-of-obsidian等),都是笔者从网上搜集的。护眼主题、开发必备!

    Xtreme ToolkitPro v12.0.1零售版

    Xtreme ToolkitPro provides Windows developers with a sophisticated set of components to give applications a professional, modern appearance. Several popular visual styles and themes are included.

    瑞欣网站管理系统 v1.5 正式版.gz

    上传新版本的 ./libraries , ./modules 和 ./uploads 目录,注意备份修改过的文件,删除./styles/scripts 和 ./styles/themes目录。 移动配置文件 ./includes/profile/settings.php 到 ./includes/settings.php。 ...


    Android is an open source and Linux-based operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Android was developed by the ... Styles and Themes Chapter 19. Custom Components

    Codejock Xtreme Toolkit Pro v12.0.2零售版本包含源码

    Visual C++ / MFC 包含Source code Xtreme ToolkitPro provides Windows developers with a sophisticated set of components to give applications a ... Several popular visual styles and themes are included.


    Android Resource Navigator A Google Chrome Extension providing enhanced resource navigation...Quickly open the Android framework styles or themes XML via an always available browser action button. Frame


    风格与主题Styles and Themes 27 资源和资产Resources and Assets 28 资源引用Resource Reference 43 国际化和本地化Internationalization and Localization 43 意图和意图过滤器Intents and Intent Filters 43 意图...

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