  • 浏览: 106921 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 广州


public void outputtingBarcodeAsAJPEGImage() throws BarcodeException {
         // Always get a Barcode from the BarcodeFactory
  Barcode barcode = BarcodeFactory.createCode128B("http://zeroliu.blogdriver.com/");
         try {
             // We need an output stream to write the image to...
             FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("mybarcode.jpg");
             // Let the barcode image handler do the hard work
             BarcodeImageHandler.outputBarcodeAsJPEGImage(barcode, fos);
         } catch (IOException e) {
             // Error handling here

java 生成条形码
package com.imgread;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;

public class Code {

/*protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Response.Write(bar_code("www.sosuo8.com", 100, 1, 2));

public String bar_code(Object str, int ch, int cw, int type_code) {
* str:输入的字符串.
* ch:要显示条形码的高度.
* cw:要显示条形码的宽度.
* type_code:代码类型.

String strTmp = str.toString();
String code = strTmp;
// ToLower()将string转化成小写形式的副本,返回是使用指定区域的性的大小写规则。
strTmp = strTmp.toLowerCase();
int height = ch;
int width = cw;

/*strTmp = strTmp.replace("0", "_|_|__||_||_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("1", "_||_|__|_|_||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("2", "_|_||__|_|_||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("3", "_||_||__|_|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("4", "_|_|__||_|_||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("5", "_||_|__||_|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("7", "_|_|__|_||_||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("6", "_|_||__||_|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("8", "_||_|__|_||_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("9", "_|_||__|_||_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("a", "_||_|_|__|_||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("b", "_|_||_|__|_||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("c", "_||_||_|__|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("d", "_|_|_||__|_||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("e", "_||_|_||__|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("f", "_|_||_||__|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("g", "_|_|_|__||_||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("h", "_||_|_|__||_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("i", "_|_||_|__||_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("j", "_|_|_||__||_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("k", "_||_|_|_|__||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("l", "_|_||_|_|__||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("m", "_||_||_|_|__|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("n", "_|_|_||_|__||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("o", "_||_|_||_|__|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("p", "_|_||_||_|__|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("r", "_||_|_|_||__|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("q", "_|_|_|_||__||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("s", "_|_||_|_||__|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("t", "_|_|_||_||__|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("u", "_||__|_|_|_||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("v", "_|__||_|_|_||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("w", "_||__||_|_|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("x", "_|__|_||_|_||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("y", "_||__|_||_|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("z", "_|__||_||_|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("-", "_|__|_|_||_||");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("*", "_|__|_||_||_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("/", "_|__|__|_|__|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("%", "_|_|__|__|__|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("+", "_|__|_|__|__|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace(".", "_||__|_|_||_|");*/

strTmp = strTmp.replace("0", "_|__||_||_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("1", "|_|__|_|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("2", "_||__|_|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("3", "|_||__|_|_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("4", "_|__||_|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("5", "|_|__||_|_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("7", "_|__|_||_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("6", "_||__||_|_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("8", "|_|__|_||_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("9", "_||__|_||_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("a", "|_|_|__|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("b", "_||_|__|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("c", "|_||_|__|_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("d", "_|_||__|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("e", "|_|_||__|_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("f", "_||_||__|_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("g", "_|_|__||_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("h", "|_|_|__||_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("i", "_||_|__||_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("j", "_|_||__||_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("k", "|_|_|_|__|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("l", "_||_|_|__|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("m", "|_||_|_|__");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("n", "_|_||_|__|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("o", "|_|_||_|__");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("p", "_||_||_|__");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("r", "|_|_|_||__");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("q", "_|_|_||__|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("s", "_||_|_||__");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("t", "_|_||_||__");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("u", "|__|_|_|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("v", "__||_|_|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("w", "|__||_|_|_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("x", "__|_||_|_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("y", "|__|_||_|_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("z", "__||_||_|_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("-", "__|_|_||_|");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("*", "__|_||_||_");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("/", "__|__|_|__");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("%", "_|__|__|__");
strTmp = strTmp.replace("+", "__|_|__|__");
strTmp = strTmp.replace(".", "|__|_|_||_");

//strTmp = strTmp.replace("_", "<span style='height:" + height + ";width:" + width + ";background:#FFFFFF;'></span>");
//strTmp = strTmp.replace("|", "<span style='height:" + height + ";width:" + width + ";background:#165829;'></span>");

String strTmp1 = strTmp.substring(0, strTmp.length()/2);
String strTmp2 = strTmp.substring(strTmp.length()/2, strTmp.length());

strTmp1 = strTmp1.replace("_", "<span style='height:" + height + ";width:" + width + ";background:#FFFFFF;'></span>");
strTmp1 = strTmp1.replace("|", "<span style='height:" + height + ";width:" + width + ";background:#000000;'></span>");

strTmp2 = strTmp2.replace("_", "<span style='height:" + height + ";width:" + width + ";background:#FFFFFF;'></span>");
strTmp2 = strTmp2.replace("|", "<span style='height:" + height + ";width:" + width + ";background:#0068b7;'></span>");

strTmp = strTmp1 + strTmp2;

if (type_code == 1) {
return strTmp + "<BR>" + code;
} else {
return strTmp;

public static void main(String[] arg){

SimpleDateFormat setDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yy/MM/dd kk:mm:ss");

Date time = new Date();

String temp = setDateFormat.format(time.getTime()).replace("/", "").replace(":", "").replace(" ", "");

Code code = new Code();

Object co = code.bar_code(temp, 1, 1, 1);





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