
tools list


Apache Tika 1.0发布,开源的文档检索工具包

Fastjson 1.1.3是一个重要的功能增强版本,在这个版本开始,fastjson支持循环引用,完善支持WriteClassName的特性,使得fastjson开始具备替换hessian和java serialize的能力。







    DAEMON tools list



    This is a office document giving a some ... There are some good tools helping us do a good job,not only the simple example but also how to learn the tools command.I hope this will help you! Enjoy the fun

    word smith tools

    The WordList tool lets you see a list of all the words or word-clusters in a text, set out in alphabetical or frequency order. The concordancer, Concord, gives you a chance to see any word or phrase ...


    I2C TOOLS FOR LINUX =================== This package contains an heterogeneous set of I2C tools for the Linux kernel. These tools were originally part of the lm-sensors project but were finally split...

    Tools - Template List

    For using,you can open ReadMe file.


    GeoTools 读取 SHP 文件及 SHP 文件操作工具类代码解析 GeoTools 是一个开放源代码的 Java 库,用于处理地理信息系统(GIS)数据。SHp 文件是 GIS 中的一种常见文件格式,用于存储地理空间数据。本文将对 GeoTools ...

    Tools - Template Sequence list

    For using,you can open ReadMe file.


    SDK平台工具发行说明 Android SDK Platform-Tools是Android SDK的一个组件。...adb forward --list与连接的多个设备一起使用时修复。 FASTBOOT 将命令超时增加到30秒,以更好地支持一些慢速引导加载程序命令。


    SDK平台工具发行说明 Android SDK Platform-Tools是Android SDK的一个组件。...adb forward --list与连接的多个设备一起使用时修复。 FASTBOOT 将命令超时增加到30秒,以更好地支持一些慢速引导加载程序命令。

    使用python serial 获取所有的串口名称的实例

    import serial.tools.list_ports port_list = list(serial.tools.list_ports.comports()) if len(port_list) <= 0: print The Serial port can't find! else: port_list_0 =list(port_list[0]) port_serial = ...

    The very helpful and totally free folder list tools

    someone much be a headache to locate your files, here a simple way to create the folder list and you could use ms excel to open it.... go to the dos prompt and run the command type "dir /s /b > ...

    CNGS工具包,实用工具,CGNS Tools and Utilities

    tools包含有: 名称----说明 cgnscheck----- a CGNS file validator cgnscompress----- compress (remove extra space) from a CGNS file cgnsdiff------ compare 2 CGNS files cgnslist---- list the contents ...

    Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools

    Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools 其中包括的工具有: Acctinfo.dll (documented in Readme.htm) Adlb.exe: Active Directory Load Balancing Tool,AD负载均衡 Admx.msi: ADM File Parser,ADM文件解析 ...


    File[] files = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i ; i++) { File tempFile = files[i]; if (tempFile.isDirectory()) { String newRelativePath = relativePath + tempFile.getName() + File.separator; ...

    CodertoDeveloper--Tools and Strategies for Delivering Your Software

    Coder to Developer—Tools and Strategies for Delivering Your Software Foreword Introduction Chapter 1 - Planning Your Project Chapter 2 - Organizing Your Project Chapter 3 - Using Source ...


    docker-adr-工具 用于运行Docker映像。 用法 初始化ADR目录: docker-compose run --rm adr-tools... docker-compose run --rm adr-tools list 创建一个新的ADR: docker-compose run --rm adr-tools new 'A new ADR'

    Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Unity

    Extension: Introduce an option to disable the Unity Console logs in Visual Studio's Error List. Debugger: Fix function breakpoints in Visual Studio 2015. Debugger: Add support for Text, XML, ...


    “bad_pixel_list_esri.txt”中有些波段的坏带没有,而且77-224的256号都重复了,参考**谭炳香《EO-1 Hyperion高光谱数据的预处理》**后,更完善的

    Inside SQL Server 2005 Tools

    721 <br>Appendix D Complete List of Data Mining Stored <br>Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723 <br>Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...


    用Firstobject free XML editor打开文件,选择Tools下的Indent【或者按快捷键F8】格式化文件内容。左边是文档结构,右边是文档内容; 4. 文档生成后有时需要手动修改,查找第一步中设置的属性名,可能会产生类似${...

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